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TOPIC: Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes

Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes 3 years 3 months ago #1

I've aimed to keep prices low, without including shipping costs in the price. I'll charge whatever the USPS charges me (including insurance).

- Dire Squid Ink ("trade item" misprint) ($600)
- Totem of Heroism parts
- currently not available for individual sale. ($20ea)

- +3 Throwing Hammer of Smiting x1 ($220ea)
- +3 Turkey Leg of Smiting x3 ($150ea)

- Tooth #4, #5, #6 ($100 total)

2023 URs
- Grunnel's +2 Pointy Stick x3 ($30ea)

2022 URs
- +1 Turkey Leg of Smiting x5 ($30ea)
- +2 Chaos Cannon x2 ($85ea)
- Charm Bracelets (onyx) x1 ($110)
- Lucky Kilt x2 ($85ea)
- Ring of Havoc (onyx) x1 ($110)

Other URs
- +2 Flaming Blade ($110)
- +2 Holy Avenger ($90)
- Amulet of Wonder x3 ($65ea)
- Bracers of Reckless Fury X3 ($90ea)
- Briano's Blessed Bodhran (onyx) ($280)
- Charm Bracelets (2016) x2 ($100ea)
- Crown of Elemental Mastery ($45)
- Gloves of Glory ($140)
- Ring of the Siren ($100)
- Stu-pendous Pendant ($130)
- Stu's +3 Handy Stein ($100)
- Viper Strike Pants ($80)
- Widseth's Mystical Lute (2008) ($160)
- Widseth's Mystical Lute (2015) ($140)

Special Transmutes
- Figurine of Power: Horror x4 ($5ea)

- Amulet of the Hero X2 ($50ea)
- Quicksilver Charm ($50)
- Garnet Charm ($100)

- Dragon Tooth Amulet ($50)
- Boots of the Marauder x2 ($20ea)
- Ring of Stamina x4 ($30ea)
- Shirt of Baneful Prowess ($30)
- Ring of the Dire Boar ($15)
- Steelclad Cloak x3 ($10ea)
- Enhanced Creeper Amulet X2 ($10ea)
- Earcuff of Freedom X2 ($10ea)

Party Box of Treasure Box Items
Miss out on playing some TD in 2020-2022? These boxes contain 200 tokens from the 2020-2022 years that were not available from standard 10-packs. Each box contains:
  • 10 Eelward Amulet (2022)
  • 10 Very Basic Greaves (2022)
  • 10 Basic Greaves (2022)
  • 10 +1 Turkey Leg (2022)
  • 10 monster bits from 2022 (10 total, not 10 of each)
  • 10 Deadward Amulet (2021)
  • 10 Greaves of Ice Resistance (2021)
  • 10 Greaves of Frost Resistance (2021)
  • 10 Folios from 2021 (10 total, not 10 of each)
  • 10 monster bits from 2021 (10 total, not 10 of each)
  • 10 Spiritward Amulet (2020)
  • 10 Greaves of Grounding (2020)
  • 10 Greaves of Insulation (2020)
  • 10 Ghosts from 2020 (10 total, not 10 of each)
  • 10 monster bits from 2020 (10 total, not 10 of each)
  • 25 unique Rare completion tokens from the 2020-2022 seasons (25 total, not 25 of each)
  • 25 unique Uncommon completion tokens from the 2020-2022 seasons (25 total, not 25 of each)
Small Flat-Rate Party Box of Treasure Box Items x3 ($400ea)

Random boxes are back! For the following, they've been filtered to remove any TBO, URs, and transmute tokens, but are otherwise the full contents (including GP) of my treasure and 10-packs from 2022 TD. 200 tokens per box. Randomization accomplished via the fact that I didn't de-randomize them other than rarity and have just grabbed handfuls, made stacks for counting purposes, and shoved them into boxes.
- Small Flat-Rate Box of 200 2022 Rares X4 ($145ea)
- Small Flat-Rate Box of 200 2022 Uncommons x3 ($95ea)
- Small Flat-Rate Box of 200 2022 Commons x4 ($55ea)

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Last edit: by Fiddy.

Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes (1- Week till GHC Sale) 3 years 3 months ago #2

Up to date with sales so far.

Come on people, help me get ready to send $8k to Jeff in a couple weeks ;)

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Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes (1- Week till GHC Sale) 3 years 3 months ago #3

Fiddy, I saw you listed the Charm of Enlightenment for $100 and it looks like it sold. Just curious, why are those going for so much?? It's only a Rare. Must be something I can't remember....
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes (1- Week till GHC Sale) 3 years 3 months ago #4

Rob F wrote: Fiddy, I saw you listed the Charm of Enlightenment for $100 and it looks like it sold. Just curious, why are those going for so much?? It's only a Rare. Must be something I can't remember....

Probably because they are getting scarce and are really good enough to be used over ultra Rares.

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Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes (1- Week till GHC Sale) 3 years 3 months ago #5

Wayne Rhodes wrote:

Rob F wrote: Fiddy, I saw you listed the Charm of Enlightenment for $100 and it looks like it sold. Just curious, why are those going for so much?? It's only a Rare. Must be something I can't remember....

Probably because they are getting scarce and are really good enough to be used over ultra Rares.

Yep. Basically what Wayne said.

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Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes (1- Week till GHC Sale) 3 years 3 months ago #6

Updated quantities to reflect trades and some added items.

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Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes (1- Week till GHC Sale) 3 years 3 months ago #7

If needing any class relics, DEFINITELY take a look! Great prices man!
- Send me in DM! I'M READY TO ROLL!

Swing by utakustradecaravan.com to buy, trade, or bid on tokens for your True Dungeon characters!
From my humble caravan I offer:
- Trade Goods and Treasurers I've gathered along the way (Completion, Ultra Rare+, etc.)
- My Trading Post with my current needs/wants!
- My Auction House hosting 8K Auctions, charity auctions, and more!

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Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes (What's in the Box! Sale) 3 years 3 months ago #8

Back from GHC and caught up.

Prices on many of these are temporarily reduced, because I'm insanely curious what is in Laz's $3k Mystery Box. Get me to $3k in sales before it disappears from his Token Tuesday thread and I'll do an unboxing video.

Currently at $640/$3000

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Last edit: by Fiddy.

Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes (What's in the Box! Sale) 3 years 3 months ago #9

Laz appears to still have the Mystery Box available, but I'm only up to $740 $850 $1235/$3000.

Come on folks! Help me find out "what's in the box?" by sending a box your way!

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Last edit: by Fiddy.

Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes 3 years 3 months ago #10

It looks like Laz no longer has the Mystery Box sale going on. Thanks for those that tried to help me get it!

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Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes 3 years 2 months ago #11

Fiddy wrote: I've aimed to keep prices low, without including shipping costs in the price. I'll charge whatever the USPS charges me (including insurance).

- +3 Slayer Sword ($290)
- +3 Throwing Hammer of Smiting ($240)
- Ring of Heroism X3 ($190ea)

- Tooth #1,#4,#5,#6,#7 ($450)

- +2 Flaming Blade ($110)
- +2 Holy Avenger ($90)
- +2 Mace of Dispelling ($45)
- Arcane Belt ($120)
- Amulet of Wonder x4 ($65ea)
- Bracers of Guided Strike ($190)
- Bracers of Reckless Fury X3 ($90ea)
- Briano's Blessed Bodhran (onyx) ($280)
- Charm of Brooching X2 ($110ea)
- Charm of Glory x2 ($120ea)
- Charm of Shadow Shot ($70)
- Charm of the Faerie X3 ($100ea)
- Cloak of the Elm ($90)
- Cranston's Helpful Hat x2 ($100)
- Crown of Elemental Mastery ($45)
- Death Knight Boots X3 ($110ea)
- Death Knight Gauntlets X2 ($105ea)
- Dirtdazzy's Boots of Skipping ($110)
- Dwarven Dire Axe ($75)
- Dwarven Dire Axe (onyx) ($110)
- Figurine of Power: Raven ($110)
- Gloves of Glory ($140)
- Gregor's Tome of Focus x2 ($190ea)
- Hat of Healing ($35)
- Horn of the Valkyrie ($100)
- Ioun Stone Banshee Prism x3 ($110ea)
- Ioun Stone Fluorite Cube ($65)
- Ioun Stone Fluorite Ovoid ($90)
- Ioun Stone Lavender Ellipsoid ($75)
- Key of Healing x9 ($90ea)
- Lenses of Agility ($120)
- Medallion of the Sweetwoods ($90)
- Medallion of Valhalla ($100)
- Pants of Focus ($110)
- Questor's Charm of Luck ($135)
- Ray's Ring of Remembrance ($50)
- Redoubt Helm ($80)
- Redoubt Shield ($120)
- Ring of Expertise X2 ($100ea)
- Ring of Quick Blessing x2 ($100ea)

- Ring of the Siren ($100)
- Ring of Wizardry ($65)
- Shaman's Belt x2 ($90ea)
- Stu-pendous Pendant ($140)
- Stu's +3 Handy Stein ($100)
- Troll Hide Armor ($90)
- Viper Strike Pants ($80)
- Widseth's Mystical Lute (2008) ($160)
- Widseth's Mystical Lute (2015) ($140)

Might Set ($350 together)
- +2 Scepter of Might
- Girdle of Might
- Boots of Might
- Orb of Might

Special Transmutes
- Figurine of Power: Reaver x8 ($70ea)
- Figurine of Power: Horror x4 ($40ea)

- Ioun Stone Quicksilver Cube ($280)
- Ioun Stone Quicksilver Sphere ($190)
- Amulet of the Hero X2 ($50ea)
- Onyx Charm ($90)
- Greater Quicksilver Charm ($90)
- Quicksilver Charm ($50)
- Greater Garnet Charm ($120)
- Garnet Charm ($100)
- Pants of the Panther x3 ($60ea)

- Charm of Enlightenment ($100)
- Dragon Tooth Amulet ($50)
- Boots of the Marauder x2 ($35ea)
- Enchanter's Whetstone x4 ($35ea)
- Ring of Stamina x4 ($30ea)
- Shirt of Baneful Prowess ($30)
- Ring of the Dire Boar ($15)
- Steelclad Cloak x3 ($10ea)
- Enhanced Creeper Amulet X2 ($10ea)
- Earcuff of Freedom X2 ($10ea)
- Enhanced Creeper Amulet X2 ($10ea)

Also, I've fallen behind on mulching. And don't want to deal with the sorting/bagging between now and GHC. For the following, they've been filtered to remove any TBO, URs, and transmute tokens, but are otherwise the full contents (including GP) of my treasure and 10-packs from the last several VTDs. 200 tokens per box. Randomization accomplished via the fact that I didn't de-randomize them other than rarity and have just grabbed handfuls, made stacks for counting purposes, and shoved them into boxes.
- Small Flat-Rate Box of 200 2020 Rares X3 ($140ea)
- Small Flat-Rate Box of 200 2020 Uncommons x4 ($90ea)
- Small Flat-Rate Box of 200 2020 Commons x4 x3 ($50ea)

Charm of Enlightenment for $100, clearly it needs to be nerfed or reprinted. I even have a few that I would part with at the price of a PYP
Monk of the Painda Order
Bard of the College of Sick Beats

Trade thread truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=61&id=253064#406060

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Fiddy's Finds from Fallen Foes 3 years 2 months ago #12

macxdmg wrote:

Fiddy wrote: I've aimed to keep prices low, without including shipping costs in the price. I'll charge whatever the USPS charges me (including insurance).

- +3 Slayer Sword ($290)
- +3 Throwing Hammer of Smiting ($240)
- Ring of Heroism X3 ($190ea)

- Tooth #1,#4,#5,#6,#7 ($450)

- +2 Flaming Blade ($110)
- +2 Holy Avenger ($90)
- +2 Mace of Dispelling ($45)
- Arcane Belt ($120)
- Amulet of Wonder x4 ($65ea)
- Bracers of Guided Strike ($190)
- Bracers of Reckless Fury X3 ($90ea)
- Briano's Blessed Bodhran (onyx) ($280)
- Charm of Brooching X2 ($110ea)
- Charm of Glory x2 ($120ea)
- Charm of Shadow Shot ($70)
- Charm of the Faerie X3 ($100ea)
- Cloak of the Elm ($90)
- Cranston's Helpful Hat x2 ($100)
- Crown of Elemental Mastery ($45)
- Death Knight Boots X3 ($110ea)
- Death Knight Gauntlets X2 ($105ea)
- Dirtdazzy's Boots of Skipping ($110)
- Dwarven Dire Axe ($75)
- Dwarven Dire Axe (onyx) ($110)
- Figurine of Power: Raven ($110)
- Gloves of Glory ($140)
- Gregor's Tome of Focus x2 ($190ea)
- Hat of Healing ($35)
- Horn of the Valkyrie ($100)
- Ioun Stone Banshee Prism x3 ($110ea)
- Ioun Stone Fluorite Cube ($65)
- Ioun Stone Fluorite Ovoid ($90)
- Ioun Stone Lavender Ellipsoid ($75)
- Key of Healing x9 ($90ea)
- Lenses of Agility ($120)
- Medallion of the Sweetwoods ($90)
- Medallion of Valhalla ($100)
- Pants of Focus ($110)
- Questor's Charm of Luck ($135)
- Ray's Ring of Remembrance ($50)
- Redoubt Helm ($80)
- Redoubt Shield ($120)
- Ring of Expertise X2 ($100ea)
- Ring of Quick Blessing x2 ($100ea)

- Ring of the Siren ($100)
- Ring of Wizardry ($65)
- Shaman's Belt x2 ($90ea)
- Stu-pendous Pendant ($140)
- Stu's +3 Handy Stein ($100)
- Troll Hide Armor ($90)
- Viper Strike Pants ($80)
- Widseth's Mystical Lute (2008) ($160)
- Widseth's Mystical Lute (2015) ($140)

Might Set ($350 together)
- +2 Scepter of Might
- Girdle of Might
- Boots of Might
- Orb of Might

Special Transmutes
- Figurine of Power: Reaver x8 ($70ea)
- Figurine of Power: Horror x4 ($40ea)

- Ioun Stone Quicksilver Cube ($280)
- Ioun Stone Quicksilver Sphere ($190)
- Amulet of the Hero X2 ($50ea)
- Onyx Charm ($90)
- Greater Quicksilver Charm ($90)
- Quicksilver Charm ($50)
- Greater Garnet Charm ($120)
- Garnet Charm ($100)
- Pants of the Panther x3 ($60ea)

- Charm of Enlightenment ($100)
- Dragon Tooth Amulet ($50)
- Boots of the Marauder x2 ($35ea)
- Enchanter's Whetstone x4 ($35ea)
- Ring of Stamina x4 ($30ea)
- Shirt of Baneful Prowess ($30)
- Ring of the Dire Boar ($15)
- Steelclad Cloak x3 ($10ea)
- Enhanced Creeper Amulet X2 ($10ea)
- Earcuff of Freedom X2 ($10ea)
- Enhanced Creeper Amulet X2 ($10ea)

Also, I've fallen behind on mulching. And don't want to deal with the sorting/bagging between now and GHC. For the following, they've been filtered to remove any TBO, URs, and transmute tokens, but are otherwise the full contents (including GP) of my treasure and 10-packs from the last several VTDs. 200 tokens per box. Randomization accomplished via the fact that I didn't de-randomize them other than rarity and have just grabbed handfuls, made stacks for counting purposes, and shoved them into boxes.
- Small Flat-Rate Box of 200 2020 Rares X3 ($140ea)
- Small Flat-Rate Box of 200 2020 Uncommons x4 ($90ea)
- Small Flat-Rate Box of 200 2020 Commons x4 x3 ($50ea)

Charm of Enlightenment for $100, clearly it needs to be nerfed or reprinted. I even have a few that I would part with at the price of a PYP

I don’t think it needs nerfed. It’s just a very good token that hasn’t been reprinted in a long time. Besides with all the tokens crashing in value over reprints in the last few years (Lenses of Devine sight, cloak of shadowskin, MEC for example) it’s nice to see a tokens value go up.

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