Hello everyone. I was wondering how to get trade goods if you don't have enough of the right tokens. So I'm going to set up a commodities exchange. Let me know what you all think!!! Let the cross Moj-anation begin!!
Trade Good
Quantity Available
Alchemist Ink $5.00 X2
Alchemist parchment $5.00 X1
Aragonite $40.00 X0
Darkwood Plank $5.00 X1
Dwarven Steel $5.00 X4
Elven Bismuth $20.00 X0
Enchanters Munition $5.00 X0
Golden Fleece $80.00 X0
Minotaur Hide $5.00 X3
Mystic Silk $5.00 X2
Oil of Enchantment $20.00 X0
Philosopher's Stone $5.00 X1
50 GP $1.00 X400(2000gp)
I am buying or trading these items
*Item/cash value/trade value
any common = I will pay $0.08 cash/ I will give $0.14 in trade
any non weapon/armor uncommon =$0.24 cash/$0.42 trade
weapon/armor uncommon = $0.29 cash/$0.50
any non weapon/armor rare = $0.48 cash/$0.84 trade
10 gp = $0.15 cash/$0.18 trade
any weapon/armor rare=$0.56 cash/$0.98 trade
Alchemist Ink, Alchemist Parchment, Darkwood plank, Dwarven Steel, Enchanters munition, Minotaur Hide, Mystic Silk and Philosopher's Stone= $2.00 cash/$3.50 trade
Any monster bit =$5.00 cash/$7.00 trade
Elven Bismuth and Oil of Enchantment = $9.00 cash/$14.00 trade
Aragonite = $18.00 cash/$27.00 trade
Golden Fleece = $33.00 cash/$49.00 trade
Redoubt Plate(
) = $50.00 cash/$70.00 trade
Amulet of Treasure Finding(
) = $100 cash/$125 trade
Any UR = PM your offer and the UR
Shipping rates 1-10 tokens = $3.00 : 10-175 tokens = $6.00 : 175+ tokens = $12.00
Please feel free to PM with desired trades, that my current stock doesn't allow for. I will work towards filling requests as quickly as possible!!!
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