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TOPIC: Tips for play - open forum

Tips for play - open forum 19 years 3 months ago #25

  • Raven
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My understanding was that you could loot the body IF it was available (not blown over a cliff) and IF the player was okay with it. For example, if you were going through with a party of strangers and you died, they couldn't loot your body and take all your cool tokens (Sword +1?) for themselves. If it was your friends and you wanted them to have your stuff to improve their chances of survival, it's a different story.

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 3 months ago #26

Good point. If you dont' mind giving them up after you die, no problem. But if you do *shrug* then you keep your tokens. I see no problem with that.
Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations...<br /><br />Always remember, your weapon was made by the lowest bidder...

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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 3 months ago #27

You decide if the party gets your tokens...or even only some of them if you die -- and provided you died in a way that your body is loot-able.
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 2 months ago #28

I didn't think to clarify that the dead person has to first agree to let the party loot their body, but I can see where that could be an issue. LOL

bur BUR bur BUR<br /><br />PS I can't spell, don't be suprised when you read my posts...<br /><br />Head D.I.N.O.

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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 2 months ago #29

  • Gary Aswegan
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I didn't think to clarify that the dead person has to first agree to let the party loot their body

So in this particular case: You really CAN take it with you! :lol:
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 2 months ago #30

In our party, our 'leader' the fighter said he'd take the tokens and keep them on him. I, being a distrustful bard, kept mine.

Guess who we lost to the collapsing tunnel? Yep. Bozo. If not for the tokens I kept our party would have been in trouble.

Of course we got them back later when we rescued him from the spider, but still...

Marching order. He wanted to be in the lead. Fine with me, the rogue (my man) and I hung at the back, watched our backs, and watched the walls carefully. I think y'all know we're both LARPers and GMs by now so we know how to think. :P

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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 2 months ago #31

  • Gary Aswegan
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So what about this idea - players could hand over a handful or pouch of tokens that are "team tokens" before going into a tunnel or crossing over a bridge or anything that looks risky???

I don't believe we have suggested tips for token handling on this thread before other than to say to have tokens...

So a team would need some tavern time to set-up or purchase tokens that are designated team-tokens and then distribute in lots to several players...this reminds me of my SoCal 04 dungeon team.


What happens when/if a player brings in 40-50 personal tokens - that guy is sort of lone wolf if he/she does not want to mix with the team. In that case the team should take steps in the tavern to cover this. I encourage everyone playing TD to designate tokens which you feel could be used in the spirit of the team and then compare what you bring to the group with what everyone else is bringing to the table - the goal is to balance the load wherever possible so someone does not feel they carried the team with respect to tokens...

This could really work IMHO - what says anyone else?
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 2 months ago #32

The problem with this was the fact that when our adventure was over, the 'leader' kept most of the tokens that belonged to my fiance, who had shelled out quite a bit more money than the rest of our party to buy them. This, of course, is only a problem when you're teamed with people you don't know beforehand.

I think it makes sense to have a communal 'pool' of useful items or to spread them over the group so that you don't lose everything should one person die/get captured. Spread the potions and the useful eq out, and yes, hand back tokens before doing something potentially dangerous (I.e. hand back the torch too which is what we did). It'd be the D&D equivalent of handing your backpack off to your pals while you do something potentially dumb so that your items don't get lost.

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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 2 months ago #33

  • Gary Aswegan
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There are a couple of things that might help here:

1. have your team tokens in a TD pouch with your name on the pouch
2. have a pre-agrranged group agreeement to sit for 10 minutes after the dungeon run to go over tokens.
3. have everyone who chipped in agree to a token draw of surviving tokens after the dungeon.

A token draw is cool - put all remaining tokens in a hat, if someone bought two shares of say a dungeon pack then that person gets two pulls out of the remaining tokens - just have everyone draw until none are left.
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 2 months ago #34

Speaking of tokens... :!: :idea:

Be creative and find a way to have them handy! I saw a few players last year tuck several into their clear GenCon badge sleeve. This way they could easily and quickly glance at the collection. I'm sure this creative crew could come up with other unique ways to hold/carry tokens. :o

Tokens are a great addition and can come in handy... so long as you remeber to use them. :D (I saw more than once, teams that realized they had a useful token available after it was too late.)
Cheers, Stuart O.  + Thats the short haired, short statured, no beard, Indy Stu ...+ "Nemo saltat sobrius"

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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 2 months ago #35

I agree Halfling. Our party had a lot of tokens that went unused because players couldn't find them. We were all newbies at TD (not D&D), but we had ample tokens. Again it comes back to organization and familiarity with your character and your posessions. I remember clearly when our wizard died. For two rounds he had tried to find his acid arrow token that would have killed the spider, but it got him before he found it. We had heal tokens for every character and I think I was the only one who used it. I survived and no one else in the party did. Thems the breaks, but knowing what you have and where it is is ever so important. It does little good to save that healing spell or token to look at in the tavern after you bite the bullet.

Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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Tips for play - open forum 19 years 2 months ago #36

I agree it would be very uncool if someone wandered off with the majority of the excess tokens. Last year, I was with a group of strangers and each person independently bought a bag of tokens. We all shared what was helpful to share. Each person had in his personal possession a bag of tokens and asked for specific tokens back, that belonged to their bag when the adventure was over. It worked out great.

While I think it would have been better to have a swag bag of tokens that anyone could use at any time after a group purchase, this might be an option that you might consider when adventuring with complete strangers.

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