Equip Your True Dungeon Character NOW!
Join the hundreds of TD players who purchase Treasure Tokens to equip their characters before an adventure. Place your order before 3pm Central, and we will ship it out the same day via 2-3 day USPS Priority Mail.

Special Note: We have a new treasure enhancing Ultra Rare token this year called Bead of Greed, which gives you +2 Treasure Chips after every adventure. Thank you all so very much for your support.
Ten-Pack of 2025 Treasure TokensEach highly collectible Treasure Token ten-pack comes in a velveteen pouch and includes 7 Common, 2 Uncommon, and 1 Rare token. Because we are big old-school D&D geeks and we love to roll up treasure, we decided to simulate getting a "00" result while rolling up treasure. One out of 100 token bags contains 6 Common, 2 Uncommon, 1 Rare, and 1 Ultra Rare token! Finally, one random token in each ten-pack is guaranteed to have a "platinum" back instead of the standard gold back. |
Ultra Rare Value PackThis special $250 Ultra Rare Value Pack includes:
*Each group of 30 ten-packs has a decent chance to contain a random Ultra Rare Token! This means that for every Ultra Rare Value Pack you purchase you receive 30 ten-packs, 1 Ultra Rare of your choice, and a decent chance to also get a random Ultra Rare token! |
Special Token OptionSpecial Token Option
Condensed Packs A $1k Condensed order gets all the bonuses shown above, and the following: Condensed Pack:
Adventurers' Guild Value Pack$2k “Adventurers Guild” Order Option
Half or all of your order may be in Condensed form, or you may elect to get your $2k token order in the standard non-Condensed manner. No matter what Condensed/normal options you select, you get the bonuses listed above. In addition to those bonuses, for each $1k of your order you choose to get as Condensed, you receive the following:
Selecting Condensed does not affect either the number of chosen or random URs you receive.
Onyx & Wish Ring Value Pack$8K "Onyx & Wish Ring" Order Bonuses Two Primary Choices
Onyx Options
Condensed Options Standard: With this option, you literally get 960 ten-packs of tokens and the bonus items listed above. If you enjoy lifting lots of heavy boxes (~250 pounds total) and physically opening a LOT of token packs, this is the option for you.
Condensed Pack: Choosing to get some or all of your order as Condensed entitles you to all the bonus items listed at the top. However, in lieu of shrink-wrapped packs, you also receive the following for each $1k you get as Condensed: Condensed Pack:
Selecting Condensed does not affect either the number of chosen or random URs you receive. $8k Super Condensed Packs Instead of getting the normal 960 ten-packs, you receive the following for each $8k Super Condensed Pack. Note: For Trade 1 item quantities over nine, you'll receive 10× versions of that item. 10× Trade tokens can be converted to singles via the Token Exchange Program. Just order the singles the same way you would if you were sending in the constituent parts.
Safehold Super Condensed Packs
Note on Tweaking Order: If you are placing an $8k order but you wish to tweak the denominations of what items who receive (like 3× Treasure Chips instead of 10× Treasure Chips), we should be able to accommodate your request for some alterations. In most cases a tweak won't be a problem, and you can put those notes in the Comment box when you place an order. However, please email us before you place the order--just to make sure what you are requesting is doable. So long as it is not something crazy, it won't be a problem. Sorry for the cryptic note to follow. Please email question followed by a symbol that looks like a lowercase a in a circle followed by the domain you're viewing right now. |