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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 4 weeks ago #1

Ladies and Gentlemen -

As of this afternoon, I was promoted to Hospital Corpsman Petty Officer Third Class (HM3).

I wanted to share this little bit of info with all of you, my friends here on the boards.

- Koralk<br />TD Wizard Extraordinaire

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 4 weeks ago #2

Congrats pal.

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 4 weeks ago #3


You know hun, you really shouldn't let them get away with calling you petty. ;) Its cause you wouldn't share tokens, right?
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 4 weeks ago #4

Yeah DD, thats why. ;)

Smart aleck!! lol
- Koralk<br />TD Wizard Extraordinaire

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 4 weeks ago #5

*little laugh* Who? Me?
Why, Thank you.
I would aspire to be witty. But to be called Smart! *feels special*
You did mean that in a good way, right ;)

And of course, Congrats to you
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 4 weeks ago #6

Grats Koralk, promotion rocks :-) Now, let's see if those dungeon monsters respect your new authori-tah!

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 4 weeks ago #7

Thank you, DD and lionheart. I'm sure the monsters will cower in fear of my leetness. ;)
- Koralk<br />TD Wizard Extraordinaire

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 4 weeks ago #8


And keep Cheezy Poofs handy, you need to keep your energy up.
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 3 weeks ago #9

WTG Koralk. :D
Fotoz by Fritz

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 3 weeks ago #10

Congratulations =)
"Great bards don't die. They just decompose."<br />GenCon Indy 2005 Volunteer DM, 2006 Epilogue

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 3 weeks ago #11

Sweeeeeeet! :lol:
Murphy's Laws of Combat Operations...<br /><br />Always remember, your weapon was made by the lowest bidder...

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PROMOTION!! DRINKS ALL AROUND! 19 years 3 weeks ago #12


And keep Cheezy Poofs handy, you need to keep your energy up.

Haha, I can see it now, official True Dungeon T-shirt...

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