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TOPIC: Golden Tickets...your thoughts?

Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #61

this is totally not right. there should only be the gold tickets. all this fuss and commotion about silver tickets is just crazy talk. it comes dangerously close to blasphemy. why, it's an outrage.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />by the way......when do they go on sale?  :lol:
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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #62

Forgive the soap box and my opinion...I know I might be in the minority...<br /><br />I still think the big spenders should be given a high-end perk for buying $1000 plus of tokens...maybe even start at the $2500 level to set a higher goal.  (yes the tokens are way cool - but the days of being able to buy a GT certificate are still in my fond memories)<br /><br />The random Golden Tickets in any given pack stimulated more buys and more buys earlier in the season...so that program should be kept I guess...but also encourage the really philanthropic spends as well and don't leave things to chance.  <br /><br />I think it has been posted - that several folks have trimmed this year's buy over last year...I know I am down maybe 50% or so.  I would have gone-big once again if the PURPS were better and if there was a Golden Ticket level prize for big spends.<br /><br />I know several folks went the multiple order route to "fish for" a Golden Ticket - that seemed to work for some...but I don't think this sort of thing will make folks happy in the long run as it boils down to - do you want to reward at levels of spending (encourage loyalty) or do you want to reward randomly (encourage people to gamble)?<br /><br />The Golden Ticket Runs in the past were reward runs for spending X...not just random luck.  If there was a way to bring that back - I think that would be more encouraging to the fans.  The logistics are not easy I know - number of folks might increase every year, plus having time set-up for the runs...<br /><br />I remember the days where the top dollar price for a GTR ticket was $60-70 which meant that folks that did not have one could fairly easily trade or buy one.  I can see those days being a thing of the past...but I thought the GT at X spend was a nice reward.<br /><br />ok - off soap box.<br />
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #63

  • Graygan
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I agree and disagree...<br /><br />I think that the bigger spenders should be acknowledged some way.  I'm not so sure it should be Golden Ticket rewards level though.  As it is, the bigger spenders already get more purples than a standard person.  An extra run, the autographed module(yes, I know it's already there), perhaps one of the props also autographed, special seating in the Tavern, reserved front row seating for the Riddle Reveal, and other things along those lines.<br /><br />The Gold and Silver Tickets should be what they are.  Something totally random with a big bonus and very very rare.  I was one of the few who made his purchases and found a Golden Ticket without realizing just what it was.  I came back to the forums to find out, and now I find myself sucked in.  =) 
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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #64

  • Raven
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I'll admit, I really liked the GT as a reward for a certain level of spending. I could plan for it, and know that I would get in on that run.<br /><br />Still, having the GT's as a random thing is very cool, and there is no way I will ever forget that moment when Lady Myke and I found the Golden Ticket (Woohoo!) And, with the kind of amazing perks Jeff is planning, I wouldn't want that coolness to be planned, or purchasable.<br /><br />Would it be possible, next year, to have the Silver Tickets be the reward for buying a certain level of tokens (like $1000, or even $2500?) and have the Golden Tickets, with all their very special perks, stay random? <br /><br />

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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #65

I like the Golden Tickets as random... it gives everyone a chance to go on the special run - not just those few folks who can afford to spend more than what I make in a month on tokens.  I wouldn't ever want people to think that True Dungeon just caters to the 'wealthy'.  Don't get me wrong - I'm glad that there are several of you that can contribute to TD the way you can, and that it helps keep ticket prices down while letting Jeff get more cool stuff............<br /><br />(oops!  I have to run to a meeting... I will finish my thoughts when I get back to my desk)<br />the following was added after my meeting:<br /><br />So yes, I think the those who can afford to buy a large amount of tokens should get something extra, but in the future, please leave things like Golden (and Silver/Bronze) Tickets as random so anybody can have a shot at the extra coolness TD can offer.

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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #66

While I have to say a (non-trivial) part of me is bitter that I haven't had any luck scoring a GT, Jeff has every year come up with cool ways to reward the big token buyers, some expected some not (Signed modules, Wish tokens, extra combos, etc).<br /><br />I other words I think it would incorrect if one were to imply that Jeff doesn't already seriously reward big token buyers. He does and has for all the years past.<br /><br />I definitely game my token buys to maximize my return but my real goal in buying tokens (any the only possible way I can justify the expense in my own mind) is that I'm helping sponsor the event.  Because of that mind set (and that my income is stable this year), I'm buying as many tokens this year as last.<br /><br />In effect, the GT promotion hasn't affected my token buying.
Mike Lutz - Normally found buried in extension cords, working on RFID tokens, or handing out radios and perhaps sitting on a step-stool next to a computer cart looking confusingly at a big map.

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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #67

  • bpsymington
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The GT's are kewl, but they didn't affect my purchase either - the PYP was more important for me.<br />
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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #68

Oh yes - I was not implying or stating that Jeff does not reward big spenders...it is quite honestly the opposite.<br /><br />For those of you who may not know - the Golden Tickets started out as a reward for X - I think even before there were modules.<br /><br />Those of us who were around in those days loved the idea that spend X = Golden Ticket...I think we exerted some serious peer pressure to get folks to join us - we formed groups etc.  <br /><br />My point is this - the Golden Ticket has now been removed from the spend X category...it is missed.<br /><br />I fully acknoledge and appreciate that it is having a positive impact on token sales - and it should remain as taking it away makes about as much sense as taking it away from the spend X category.  <br /><br />I have to second and agree with Raven...if possible a Silver Ticket for spend X would be cool!  <br /><br />Thanks for the feedback and good responses everyone!
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #69

<br />Oh yes - I was not implying or stating that Jeff does not reward big spenders...it is quite honestly the opposite.<br />

<br /><br />I wasn't trying to imply that you were implying Gary :)<br /><br />

<br />For those of you who may not know - the Golden Tickets started out as a reward for X - I think even before there were modules.<br /><br />Those of us who were around in those days loved the idea that spend X = Golden Ticket...I think we exerted some serious peer pressure to get folks to join us - we formed groups etc.  <br /><br />My point is this - the Golden Ticket has now been removed from the spend X category...it is missed.<br />

<br /><br />I agree with you, and I miss this form of GT too (I loved the fine print on the certs!)<br /><br />I know of people that were bitter about that form of GT too though ("Why is TD charging $XXX to play a 'special' round of of TD, they are sell-outs!")<br /><br />I don't know if there is a way for Jeff to win as far as GTs go.<br /><br />
Mike Lutz - Normally found buried in extension cords, working on RFID tokens, or handing out radios and perhaps sitting on a step-stool next to a computer cart looking confusingly at a big map.

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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #70

I think the answer to WHY GTs exist, why modules exist, why PURPS exist, PYP, etc. etc. is because Jeff values and rewards us as much as he can.<br /><br />Hearing our feedback, ideas and gripes has helped TD grow.<br /><br />If memory serves Tokens were an after thought and Tom (was it?) convinced Jeff it would be cool to throw this "collectible" element into the mix.<br /><br />So yes, I think there is a solution that works - at least I hope the logistics can be worked out.  Props to Raven as I think two different levels of TICKET is a good start / if not the final solution.
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #71

I agree that it would be VERY nice to have a Silver Ticket for a certain level of spending - so that even if the odds work against you and you don't get a Golden Ticket with a lot of sales, at least you are guaranteed of getting some kind of special run for your purchase.  I'd have to think that having both would spur sales even more, as people would spend the extra amount to get up to that level of the Silver Ticket.<br /><br />I also think that, while of course if there is extra Exp for doing the Golden / Silver Ticket runs everyone should get the bonus experience (and I'm sure it would be that way) - I hope that there is not extra experience for it.  One great thing about True Dungeon is that the ONLY way to earn experience has been through the regular Dungeon runs (and some years regular and Hardcore/Nightmare), and those were available to everyone.  I really like the fact that your experience level is solely determined by how many different dungeons you have done, and can't be boosted by other factors.  So, I hope that the Golden Ticket run counts just like a regular run would (as it was with the previous Golden Ticket run). 

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Re: Golden Tickets...your thoughts? 16 years 2 months ago #72

I guess I assumed that this form of Golden Ticket run would be this year only.  Jeff stated that he's always wanted to do a Charlie and the Chocolate factory thing once... so is this the 'once'?  Since his creativity level is through the roof, he'll find some other way to tease and taunt us next year too, and get us all excited about buying scads of tokens. 

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