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TOPIC: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In!

Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #25

You know Gary I like that idea! You have the adventure packs sold at the front door with the regular gear needed for dungeon crawling but only by drawing from a treasure chest do you get a cool dungeon token. That would mean Jeff (and co.) would have to think up a whole different batch of tokens for the chests then.  Of course you can always reuse the dungeon only tokens year after year for the commons and uncommons. Then add new rares or ultra rares in each year! I think that would be awesome but I don't want Jeff to overdo it this year. He already has enough on his plate getting True Realm up and running!<br /><br />Lady Myke
Bad Poet Extraordinaire! - just ask the monsters who have munched on me because my party wanted to stop my incessant bad rhyming! <br /><br />I am like a ray of Sunshine!  Healthy and beneficial in moderation.

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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #26

<br />The nice part about having ONYX backed 2009 set items in the treasure boxes is that someone who does a run and has maybe less than 10 bags to their name - can get something really rare and uber cool!  (Would set builders also have something to shoot for that they could opt NOT to buy...YES! and that is awesome in my opinion! More of a challenge - and might stimulate even more player trading!)<br /><br />I'm actually more excited about things that can not be purchased or things that are not incentives for a "big buyer prize" seeing as how those kinds of things are now tied to REALLY REALLY large buys now-a-days.  (I get the same excitement from a Volunteer perk token - that is a small part of the reward for my efforts - but something to treasure and use!)<br /><br />In my opinion the PYP and random Golden tickets are as extreme as token buying incentives need to be...<br /><br />...it might be time to look in on the folks that want some nice reward just for making the run (not saying that the adventure is not enough - but just think about the awe-factor of every token draw wielding something you could not buy with money...almost makes it more "treasure-like" - that's what I think the future holds...people are already upset if they don't pull dungeon only ingredients, or combo items...you sort of soften that some by making the rest of the stuff in the box "dungeon unique!")  <br /><br />As for the dungeon ingredients - well they are already "dungeon unique" so they really don't need to be ONYX - but it would be one more way to set them apart. I'm 50/50 on that...<br /><br />

<br /><br />Bro - I'll bet if all the tokens in the Dungeon were Dungeon-Unique - you'd see a number of additional Dungeon runs sold because people would want some additional shots at those dungeon treasure chests!  <br /><br />Mike

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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #27

i'm just looking to get at least one of everything...well, actually two. i don't do the number of runs that others do, because i figure that would leave more tickets available for potential new players. i also seek to maximize my experience potential. having dungeon only tokens is a great idea as long as there is a chance i can trade for some.<br /><br /> collecting sets is fun and really incourages interaction between new players, veterans, and the casual players. if we start to make obtaining/building sets more difficult (purps, plats, golds, combos, ingredients), at what point will it be impossible?
Founder of Tokenholics Anonymous.
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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #28

You keep throwing tons of GP down at auctions SMAK and you soon will have one or two of everything!  <br /><br /><br />So I'm thinking that the Onxy set is impossible unless you spend the $8K.  Folks pooling 2x or 4x to hit the $8K mark will still need way too many to build a set.<br /><br />That was why I thought making them "dungeon treasure" at least gave folks a chance to try for them.  Good pulls from the boxes, and many many trades would be needed - but hey, something to shoot for.  (sort of reminds me of when PURPS first came out)  <br /><br />Now if the ONYX set is supposed to be impossible - I know proof tokens in the past are only buyable and they are almost impossible to get a set of (unless you spend big or trade hard or both).  But I was thinking you might just make some folks happy by putting something they can not buy into treasure boxes!<br /><br />Myke - I was not suggesting unique items just for the dungeon (we have ingredients and a couple of items pop up from time to time - for that) - I was suggesting that the 2009 set tokens be put on ONYX backs and thrown into treasure boxes.  So instead of pulling a gold backed 50' rope you get a ONYX backed 50' rope.  Something that you most likely did not have unless you spent $8K or went in on a split of the $8K deal. <br /><br />I guess making them treasure box tokens would not make them difficult to get "proof" tokens...but now that all set tokens in all rarities are being made as a proof - it just seems kinda crazy that the only way you have a shot at them is if you spend $8,000.<br /><br />I like being a set builder...but sadly I think I'll have to pass on ONYX unless they show up in boxes.
Gary aka: Grimwood, Cleric of the Western Woods CLERIC for life - I have the character card to prove it! Former owner of a Ring of Three Wishes and Jeff's finger!

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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #29

  • bpsymington
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I think Onyx tokens should just be a promo item for purchases.  Keep 'em out of the dungeon.  Give us more purps in there, though!<br />
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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #30

I've been suggesting special run tokens in the dungeon for years (like a different color back, or different color paper it's printed on), as a special reward for dungeon-delvers.  And I do think it would lead to a lot of really fun trading, as some people tried to complete sets, and as others that have them but don't really value them trade for stuff they do like.  And like my Bro says, if someone goes in 50% on the $8K deal and gets half the set, this gives them a possibility to trade to get the whole set.  Or it just gives people a neat memento of the dungeon run. <br /><br />It would definitely incentivize more dungeon runs - not a factor at GENCON since it sells out, but it would be a factor at True Realm since there are still lots of unsold runs.  Hopefully the Dungeon-Only tokens will help sell more Dungeon runs, but that would probably only happen if the unique tokens are announced before the event so people have a chance see the exclusive tokens in time to buy more runs to get them.  <br /><br />The only real downside to putting onyx tokens into the treasure boxes is it might reduce the incentive for people to do the $8K deal, which is currently the only way to get those tokens.  Which is certainly a consideration. 

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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #31

  • henwy
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I'm against the whole idea of adding any more in-dungeon treasure, at gencon at least. It's just a bad idea from a financial point of view. Ticket sales are already robust, too much so if anything. It hurts TD as it stands that so many people who'd like to try the event in indy fail to get a chance to do so. Adding in-dungeon treasure only exacerbates this problem. It also harms token sales. If picking up a single in-dungeon treasure item could let you swap it for a dozen rares, why in the world would you buy tokens in the first place? Just pull one item and you could outfit yourself perfectly short of URs. <br /><br />It might be a different story for TR, but would it be justifiable to have different draws between the two events? I guess it all depends. I'd do it in an instant, but I'm all about the bottom line. And in order for it to work, you'd have to advertise it, and now. The more time that passes, the harder it is to sell. There has to be a concerted advertising campaign hyping the special draws or the other TR only rewards.

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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #32

I see no problem in having different treasure draws here than at GENCON.  It even seems appropriate to get better treasure draws at True Realm - if you've coming out just for True Realm, it is appropriate for it to be cooler in every way than just doing a dungeon run at GENCON. 

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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #33

Can someone remind me what the advantages and cutoffs are for buying tokens in specific amounts. What was the deal with dinner invitations and special tokens? Sorry for my memory loss. It's clearly a sign of advancing age. Thanks.
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #34

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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #35

I got the e-mail. Now all I need is the sense (or maybe the time) to read it.
Of all the traits of humanity, there is only one we do not share with other species, which sets us apart and makes us unique <br />-- the ability to imagine.

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Re: 2009 Onyx Proof Tokens Are In! 15 years 6 months ago #36

Thinking about this, I am generally in the camp of Smak and Henwy.  To grow tokens sales, you need more people wanting to collect tokens rather than just depending on the existing collectors.  If so much variations are created such that it's nearly impossible for new players to even start (and it's not like it's financially trivial to do multiple runs), there won't be any newbies to scam, I mean to join tokens anonymous this fantastic group of token aficionado.
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