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TOPIC: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon & 2 commons!!!

Re: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon & 2 commons!!! 16 years 2 months ago #13

The entire true dungeon experience, in my opinion, has always been about choices.  To me that is what makes it fun.  I'm not worrying about the burners (although it is a good point), and the spell caster issue is simply numbers.  There are only so many in the party.  So it is just choice to me.  It may be different for different people--for me it doesn't nullify the Ioun stone it frees it up for another critical member of our party to use if need be.  I don't think the Purp Ioun stone was an in demand PYP, so how many people in the TD world really have it?  I think the bracelets are great (a real temptation for me to use as a bard), but not especially so for a fighter or barbarian.  In another thread someone (I think Gary) mentioned about class specific combos in the coming years.  I see that beginning to happen now--maybe not consciously, but some items are more useful to specific classes.  I don't begrudge that.  Personally, I think the medallion is fine.  Would I have rather had Blackrazor--hmmm maybe (but only if I get the only one).  In the meantime, I need my very fine magical hat lined with pixie dust and sewn with mithral thread.<br /><br />Widseth
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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Re: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon &amp; 2 commons!!! 16 years 2 months ago #14

<br />I understand were people are coming from in the case of the bruners and being short on spellcasters, but i dont think MoG is better than the 3c Bracelets. I'm also annoyed that it bascially nullifies the purp Ioun stone if you wear it. I just think more thought (or power) should of been put into it and an cost analysis compare to other tokens would'nt hurt.<br />

<br /><br />I did not like that it nerfed the Ioun Stone Lavender Ellipsoid, unless it will not be printed again.  I did however think that it was plenty powerful!  I would rather have the extra loot is all =D
"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered.  I have fought my way here to the castle, beyond the Goblin City.  To take back the child which you have stolen . . . for my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is as great . . ..”<br />Sarah _The Labyrinth_

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Re: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon &amp; 2 commons!!! 16 years 2 months ago #15

<br />I think the medallion is great insurance for bards and other spell casters really.  On a fluke touch or gaze a party could lose the only person or two people who could cast a spell or use a scroll to turn other party members from tragic consequence.  I like the bard because of the versatility, but if the bard and mage look at the medusa nobody can cast stone to flesh to help them.  Same with slow poison with the cleric and bard.<br /><br />I have no problem using the Medallion and letting my wife use the Levandar ellipsoid and the HOP.  And if the AoW power on a given year is of more use than the Medallion--so be it.<br /><br />And if things turned out like my first TD run when I was the only one to make it to the last room (which I could see happen in Nightmare), and if I get turned to stone it would be very difficult for me to cast the spell.  At that point it might be very comforting to have that little medallion hanging around my neck.<br /><br />Widseth<br />

<br /><br />My Bard brother is absolutely right. Plus, it looks cool! A plus for any Bard! =D

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Re: The REAL Benefit to the Medallion 16 years 2 months ago #16

<br />Oh and of course we've all forgotten about the BEST benefit to the Medallion:<br /><br />You are free to ogle at scantily-clad medusae with absolute impunity! Considering the number of players last year who risked stoneage to sneak a peek, I think this benefit might be the biggest draw for using the Medallion!!!   :O<br />

<br /><br />WOW, I missed that point.    That would surely increase my chances of using the Medallion. 
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Re: The REAL Benefit to the Medallion 16 years 2 months ago #17

<br />

<br />Oh and of course we've all forgotten about the BEST benefit to the Medallion:<br /><br />You are free to ogle at scantily-clad medusae with absolute impunity! Considering the number of players last year who risked stoneage to sneak a peek, I think this benefit might be the biggest draw for using the Medallion!!!   :O<br />

<br /><br />WOW, I missed that point.    That would surely increase my chances of using the Medallion.  <br />

<br /><br />Ooogle the fair maidens?  Hmm . . . can this dirty old goblin change his vote!
"Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered.  I have fought my way here to the castle, beyond the Goblin City.  To take back the child which you have stolen . . . for my will is as strong as yours and my kingdom is as great . . ..”<br />Sarah _The Labyrinth_

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Re: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon &amp; 2 commons!!! 16 years 2 months ago #18

Are the Medallion of Greyhawk and the Zephyr Bracelet permanent items? In other words do they have "charges" and burn out after so many uses?

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Re: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon &amp; 2 commons!!! 16 years 2 months ago #19

  • bpsymington
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<br />Are the Medallion of Greyhawk and the Zephyr Bracelet permanent items? In other words do they have "charges" and burn out after so many uses?<br />

<br /><br />Tokens did not indicate that - they appear to be permanent.<br />
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Re: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon &amp; 2 commons!!! 16 years 2 months ago #20

Considering that out of the three items that we had last year for combos, two of them were expendable, I was a little surprised to see that out of the four items we have this year none of them are expendable.  Not sure if I am glad about that or not. 
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Re: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon &amp; 2 commons!!! 16 years 2 months ago #21

  • Graygan
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I like it because of the struggles we have to go through just to get the combos in the first place.  It's hard enough to use the normal consumables that are rarish(elixir of life) let alone something that are in extremely limited supply like the combos.
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Re: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon &amp; 2 commons!!! 16 years 2 months ago #22

  • Raven
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I like your avatar, Graygan!

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Re: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon &amp; 2 commons!!! 16 years 2 months ago #23

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<br />I like your avatar, Graygan!<br />

<br /><br />Heh... thanks.  I found the site for them somewhere in the off-topic section when I was browsing earlier today so I figured I might as well make my first avatar ever.  Pretty bad of me considering I've been online since before AOL came into being.
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Re: The Medallion of Greyhawk= a purp, a rare, a uncommon &amp; 2 commons!!! 16 years 2 months ago #24

  • Douglas
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<br />Medallion of Grayhawk= Ioun Stone - Lavender Ellipsoid, Scroll - Slow Poison , Scroll - Stone to Flesh x1, Potion cure minor x2<br /><br />Why would you ever wear a MoG if you have these items? I don't think the MoG was made for newbie’s. I think it was targeted at people who have been playing for 3+ years and ill guess most of those people have the 5 equivalent items. Why make a 4c item that doesn’t force people to make that hard neck slot choice from year to year. Even wearing an Amulet of Armor or Thorns would be a better choice then the MoG. I think the MoG is under powered for its target audience and for item that sits at the end of a 3 year story arc. I hope TD considers changing it.<br />

<br /><br />Sellout23, I'm sorry you don't like the Medallion but consider this.  As others have mentioned, the medallion eliminates the use of consumables and if you put the Medallion in the same class as the URs, this is consistent with the power curve of the tokens (i.e. uncommon consumable a rare permenant, making a Rare consumable a permenant UR).<br /><br />This item also prevents the effects of poison and petrification.  The scrolls you have listed above will take a turn to use and would require a spellcaster if you aren't one (Widseth mentioned this I think).  If your Cleric, Druid, or Bard have died, petrified, or weren't picked then you are out of luck.<br /><br />Also 2 extra HPs isn't the same as 2 points of healing.  First, you don't need to spend a turn or two drinking potions and like Mike(?) mentioned, this will make it harder to knock you out especially for spellcasters.  I think you will agree that it would be better to have say 20HPs than 10HPs and 10HPs of healing.  <br /><br />The Medallion wasn't designed to be the strongest neck slot item in the game.  And if it were the insanely powerful, there would be people complaining about power creep.  It was designed as an alternative to other neck slot items, something that tied together themes from each of the 3 years.  Having said that, I do think it is in the Top 3 for Neck slot items, the other two HoP and AoW being Ultra Rares so I think its in good company.  Its definitely better than the Amulet of Armor and Thorns. 
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