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TOPIC: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon)

Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #13

Goddard and I talked about our Team Synergy TPK in Nightmare grind all weekend. It was great and a real challenge.

Brad Killing me with a doppleganger of me was a bonus, I guess he was the better bard :)

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Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #14

Eric must admit you made my 1st and what turned to be a 2nd grind in on Friday memorable. I was in the first Friday group that ran out of time and one of 2 survivors with lack of button due to fail on time. I've since learned to watch what I say around DM's as you glad handed (coerced) me to that 2nd grind.

Would love to see this expand this out if at all possible.

We're all the kind of people who enjoy the game on a "meta" level. We like talking about the game year-round. We buy tokens. We enjoy crafting. We get together during the off-season if we can. We are a very skewed demographic that way. -Raven

My trade thread:
truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=61&id=248097#315668 Matt's Humble Trade

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Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #15

  • Raywind
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Arcanist Kolixela wrote: ... first time ever using ALL of my spells from the Elf Wizard.

There's a solution to this. Go Berserker-Wizard.

Caution: May contain cynicism and snark. Handle with care.

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Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #16

Can't wait for next year's Grind! Definitely one of my Gen Con and True Dungeon highlights.
The non-singing, dancing bard.

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Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #17

Big thanks to Incognito and Raven for an amazing time in the Grind. Even if Raven did Crit me three times with the Sand Troll!!! No seriously, her first four attacks against me and she rolls a 19, 20, 20 and 20.

Then Incognito Rolls a nat 20 on my with a shatter spell a I loose my armor. So I take my vengeance on the enemy Wizard who turns out to be a rust monster so I loose my weapon as well. I pulled out my trusty Morningstar and manged to finish the fight. How I lived through all that is beyond me.

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Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #18

  • Raven
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I know I am biased, but I really loved Grind this year.

Some of my highlights:

* I remembered to wear a hat. That meant I wasn't constantly dealing with high-contrast lights coming in over my glasses, so I didn't get a headache halfway through the shift every time. Yay.

* The Doppleganger! It was great picking out a player, and challenging them to kill their own double. Or better yet, getting their party to try & kill them!

Sometimes it turned out spectacularly (like the party who killed off 7 of their own members, trying to destroy the doppleganger) and other times, less well (like the time I picked on a certain Dwarf Fighter with too high an AC, and could only hit him on a 20!)

* Watching one party damage Sandy the Troll with Holy Water to the groin. The cool thing about Holy Water was that you just had to get it onto a silhouette and it was a hit... so most players could effectively auto-hit with it... and the Troll could not regenerate it.

* Constantly knocking players on their backsides with the Ankehg and Fire Eel burrowing up from the sand beneath them.

* Seeing the Lamp of Marid in use, as someone healed up the fire Eel's damage with their newly acquired completion token.

* Using the iPad mini to show parties the "Face of their opponent" when the Doppleganger came through the swirling sands... and it was set to Mirror Mode.

*Having SO MANY players come with their stats pre-generated. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #19

Never choose the dwarven fighter who is disguised as a ranger/tank!
Fall down......Go boom!

Adam Guay

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Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #20

Raven wrote: I know I am biased, but I really loved Grind this year.

Some of my highlights:

* I remembered to wear a hat. That meant I wasn't constantly dealing with high-contrast lights coming in over my glasses, so I didn't get a headache halfway through the shift every time. Yay.

* The Doppleganger! It was great picking out a player, and challenging them to kill their own double. Or better yet, getting their party to try & kill them!

Sometimes it turned out spectacularly (like the party who killed off 7 of their own members, trying to destroy the doppleganger) and other times, less well (like the time I picked on a certain Dwarf Fighter with too high an AC, and could only hit him on a 20!)

* Watching one party damage Sandy the Troll with Holy Water to the groin. The cool thing about Holy Water was that you just had to get it onto a silhouette and it was a hit... so most players could effectively auto-hit with it... and the Troll could not regenerate it.

* Constantly knocking players on their backsides with the Ankehg and Fire Eel burrowing up from the sand beneath them.

* Seeing the Lamp of Marid in use, as someone healed up the fire Eel's damage with their newly acquired completion token.

* Using the iPad mini to show parties the "Face of their opponent" when the Doppleganger came through the swirling sands... and it was set to Mirror Mode.

*Having SO MANY players come with their stats pre-generated. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

The Grind was awesome. Sadly you weren't running my run but it was a crazy awesome experience :)

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Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #21

balthasar wrote: I got into two groups after they sold out. I am pretty sure one person bought at least 3 complete runs, or at least partials.

Well there were several openings due to no-shows.

Thursday Noon had one no show.

Friday 8:30 PM originally had 7 empty slots but we did end up filling those all from people on the main TD wait list.

Saturday Noon had three no shows.

Saturday 1:30 PM had five no shows.

And Sunday 9 AM had two empty slots (players had overslept and missed the run).

So there were opportunities out there if you were interested and vigilant.

I did secure a white board which was outside the Grind area. It was intended to try and advertise empty slots but didn't work that well. And though the official wait list did fill a few of the slots, it wasn't that effective overall since the waitlist people didn't no much about Grind and because Grind had a much narrower window (usually just 15-20 minutes) to fill the spot.

I still think that next year, some sort of real-time Twitter feed might be a better option for communicating last minute openings.

On your other note, I believe Steve/quip bought several complete runs. With the current Event Registration system it is all up to the luck of the draw as to who managed to snag tickets.

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Last edit: by Incognito.

Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #22

Lady wrote: Don't let the Sand Cops get you! Next year I'll remember my airship license.

Yeah! Watch out for the Sand Cops, especially when the other monsters are trying to paralyze you!

I appreciate your enthusiasm Lady as well as your Bardic talents. Glad you had a great time!

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Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #23

Picc wrote:

Incognito wrote: Of the 7 "representative" Normal runs, all of the groups were victorious and most of the players survived (98%) with only a single player death. Henwy is no longer alone in the "died in Normal Grind" category!

Out of curiosity was that when the sand troll tore me in half for burning off its dusty bits with holy water or did someone else decide to "cover two tables" and not manage to death die themselves back together?

Sorry, I should clarify:

When I do the survival/death statistics (from the first post) that is based on final survival/death status at the end of the adventure. Survivors are those who would earn a Survivor pin (even though they might have died at some point) if the party won.

If a character "died" but was then brought back to life via Death's Door or who was saved via Druegar's Death Die counts as "survived," not "dead," if he is alive at the end of the Grind.

Otherwise a player who dies multiple times could really distort the statistics. Despite the fact that I would love to see a scenario of 100+ player kills in a single Grind session! :evil:

The Saturday Noon Grind was the Normal run where a player (the Monk) died. Of course they were only running 7 players. There was also the 6 dead from the Normal Saturday 7 PM, but that was the non-representative Doppelganger situation where most of the player deaths were a result of the attacks of other players.

It is possible that I missed a death. Heck I'd gladly take credit for any additional player kills! :evil:

But if it was the Desert Troll "Sandy" that killed you, the credit/blame probably goes to Raven or Brad.

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Last edit: by Incognito.

Re: True Grind Post-Mortem (2014 GenCon) 9 years 9 months ago #24

What makes for a successful (survivable) True Grind run? Some luck, some gear and a bunch of consumables? It sounds pretty brutal.

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