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TOPIC: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist)

GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 5 days ago #1

Does anyone know GenCon's official policy on late arrivals?

In the past there have been discussions on TD filling the "empty" slots of no-shows with people from the waitlist but there has been concern that officially, if you have a ticket to the event, you are supposed to be able to play up to X minutes within the start time. Any idea know what X is?

Though Grind always sells out officially and attendance is high (94% in 2013 and 92% in 2012) there usually are a handful of empty slots due to no-shows. Given how hard it was to get Grind tickets this year (due to slightly fewer runs), I was thinking maybe we could develop some sort of Waitlist for True Grind.

Since Grind is officially 90 minutes long this year and the first 30 minutes are coaching, it would probably work well with any GenCon requirement of allowing people with tickets to play even if they arrive slightly late. I'm thinking we could start trying to fill empty slots 15 minutes in (half way through the coaching time), or maybe 10 minutes in.

Using a forum thread (probably a week to a month before GenCon, so that people's schedules are more up-to-date), forumites can indicate Grind times they are interested in (in case there is an opening) and then right before GenCon they can provide a cell number (sent via private e-mail or PM) and indicate a preference between phone and text.

By the time of GenCon, I can then take all that info and randomize the order (so there's no concern about rushing to post first). And if a Grind event is 15 minutes in and there are empty slots, I can try making a few calls to see if anyone is free (and nearby) who wants to fill in (they can just provide generic tickets to cover the event cost). People can also sign up for the waitlist on-site as well.

I realize that TD often uses a waitlist system for their main adventures, however it usually doesn't work quite so well with filling Grind slots. Grind is often located far away from the waitlist person, Grind is more specialized, and has a shorter window where we can fill an empty slot. This way we can aim for a 100% participation rate! And it encourages greater participation on the forums.

So can someone tell me the official GenCon policy for late arrivals with a ticket?

And any feedback on a potential True Grind waitlist system.

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Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 5 days ago #2

A couple of years ago, it was 10 minutes. I haven't checked it for this year yet.
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Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 5 days ago #3

Page 14 of Gen Con's Event Host Policy v14 says:
A player with a registered ticket for your event is guaranteed a spot in your event as long as they show up on time.
As far as I can see, it does not define "on time".
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
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Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 5 days ago #4

I believe on time is the start time printed on the ticket.

I suggest asking on the gencon forums, Derek is the most likely one to know.
*mental note* always listen to Jeff

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Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 5 days ago #5

Yup, it looks like they changed their policies from a couple of years ago. "On time" is the time on the ticket.

Events must be run as they are represented in the event listing. Changes to the location, format, player maximum, game system, etc. cannot be made without prior Gen Con approval.
 Your event must begin and end on time, as designated by the event listing in the registration system and/or by Gen Con staff.

(EHP pg 12)
The Worst Rogue Ever!
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Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 5 days ago #6

Would it be possible to create a thread that Incognito could use during Gencon? At beginning of each run, he could post the number of people not there at the time posted on the ticket. Anyone interested could respond or come to the Grind area, and he could give ticket holders a 15 minute grace period from the time on the ticket. This would allow him to save the time it would take making/taking calls to try and fill that run.

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Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 5 days ago #7

ian ferguson wrote: Would it be possible to create a thread that Incognito could use during Gencon? At beginning of each run, he could post the number of people not there at the time posted on the ticket. Anyone interested could respond or come to the Grind area, and he could give ticket holders a 15 minute grace period from the time on the ticket. This would allow him to save the time it would take making/taking calls to try and fill that run.

I certainly wouldn't mind using the forum as an additional avenue during the days of GenCon.

It's just that based on past experience, it feels like the TD forums are deserted (barely used) during GenCon. Presumably, lots of people don't have access to the forums or don't bother checking them. (In past years I tried using the forums during GenCon to fill some empty slots and didn't get a single bite!).

Which is why I feel that older technology (phone calls / texts) may be more effective and direct than newer tech (internet forums) in this particular case.

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Last edit: by Incognito.

Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 4 days ago #8

How about a white board - just write on the board - True Grind - 12:30pm one slot available.

Just let people know to keep an eye on the board for available slots. Then let it be first to see the board gets the slot. That way you don't have to try to contact people who may not be anywhere near True Dungeon.

If you want to develop a wait list/wish list for forum members ahead of time, that could be used to augment the white board and make decisions if more than one person spots the white board, slot goes to the wait lister.
Fun, fun, fun in the sun, sun, sun

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Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 4 days ago #9

I'm inclined to agree with the low-tech idea.
Sweet a combat room, we won't take damage!

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Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 4 days ago #10

Low tech is probably best. You could have one of the costumed NPCs with a sandwich board wander around as well, lol.

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Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 4 days ago #11

A wait list would probably be ineffective due to people having other obligations when a slot becomes available. The 1st person in a list is unlikely to have the time open for any single particular grind.

The whiteboard / low tech option would work well.

Another thing that might work is a Text Blast. Get a list of people that would like to get in on an open grind slot and enter them into a texting list. When a spot opens up then send out the text blast and the first person to arrive at the Grind HQ gets the slot.

When a person gets an open spot delete them from the text group.
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"Mamma always said that True Dungeon is like a box of Drow Poisons. Ya never know how you're gonna die."

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Re: GenCon Policy on Late Arrivals? (+ Grind Waitlist) 10 years 4 days ago #12

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I wonder if folks might not just be better off having some kind of an on deck area they could wait for specific runs (just to ensure their actually there to fill the spots). Then just put of a sign/scratch it off a white board if all the ticket holders arrive. Personally I know there are only a few grinds that would work with my schedule, so only a few grinds I would want to be on stand by for.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

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