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TOPIC: Nightmare Difficulty

Re: Nightmare Difficulty 9 years 9 months ago #61

lazlo_hollyfeld1985 wrote:

Arcanist Kolixela wrote: Living in the desert (ie Arizona) and living in the desert (ie Mojave Desert) are two different things.

If you say it doesn't get overly cold in the desert you aren't referencing a true desert. Get out there in the Mojave or truly desert terrain and it drops to FREAKING COLD really really quick.

50 degrees at night is not cold, unless you have been in 120 degree temps all day
if you are in Alaska then come from negative 20 to 50 degrees, you are shedding cloths
all about the situation

AZ desert can dip to 50ish from 100ish day temps.

Definitely agree, it's situational. Just saying as someone who lives in a desert climate the actual desert areas can get freaking cold at night due to the lack of land holding heat in.

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Re: Nightmare Difficulty 9 years 9 months ago #62

EN 429 wrote: My only probably with your Grind reasoning is that I would have to schlep those obscure tokens halfway across the country.

Fair point about needing to transport the tokens. But I figure at least it's making obscure tokens actually *useful*. So instead of simply transmuting all of those old obscure tokens or letting them collect dust, there actually is a legitimate reason to hang on to some of them, and to use them every now and then!

Also, we can't switch out tokens to account for all of them so we pick a few to handle. It becomes an exercise in being shown that we can be 'outsmarted' by disparate effects. I'd prefer a Nightmare Grind that was difficult monsters and being nickeled and dined with goofy environmental effects (I've lived in the desert, it doesn't get cold enough to make you drop stuff). If the effects are there make them monster related (like the charms in 2013). But that is a different thread I think so I'm stopping.

I remember that in the earlier days of TD, Normal and Nightmare XP stacked so typically everyone tried to do a Normal run first, which would help them get an edge for their later Nightmare run. For better or worse, maybe some of that logic has lived on in Grind.

I have always thought that to maximize your chances at Nightmare, you would ideally run through it on Hardcore first. (It is not strictly necessary but it would help). That would give you a bit of a "preview" for what to prepare for in a later Nightmare run (though as with the main dungeon, solutions that might work on lower difficulty levels might not work the same on higher levels).

But nowadays, considering how hard it is to get Grind tickets, you'd be lucky just to get one spot, let alone two (of the difficulties you want and in the right order).

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Re: Nightmare Difficulty 9 years 9 months ago #63

lazlo_hollyfeld1985 wrote: 50 degrees at night is not cold, unless you have been in 120 degree temps all day
if you are in Alaska then come from negative 20 to 50 degrees, you are shedding cloths
all about the situation

Ah, the science of climatography in a world of magic and dragons! ;)

Don't forget that besides temperature, you also have to look at windchill:


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