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TOPIC: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg

ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #1

  • henwy
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I wanted to check if there are any VIGs out there who are only planning to use one of their two hotel registration codes. I have a friend who had a new baby last year and they had some issues with the reg system and ended up being shunted to the JW which was really too far with the infant. I was hoping to try and help them snag a closer hotel room without having to play registration lotto. If anyone does have a slot left and would like to help out, please drop me a line. I'm a bit spotty with my forum presence so it might be easier to email me h e n r y h e n w y at yahoo or on facebook www.facebook.com/henwy .

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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #2

Sorry that happened to them.....a lot of people hope just to be as close as the JW. Honestly if they do true dungeon it was the perfect hotel to be in.
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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #3

Yeah for getting to TD JW is pretty damn good. I would love to get in there again this year.
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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #4

  • Raven
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Sorry Henwy, I already used my second VIG hotel room for a couple friends who enjoy staying close to our crew, and who also shudder at the thought of the Hotel Reg Lotto.

I wish you(r friends) good luck with finding a suitable room. Traveling with a baby is hard enough, without multi-hallway commutes to the hotel.

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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #5

The hotel booking system appears to have changed a lot this year. check out the post by Gencon in the last few hours.
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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #6

  • henwy
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Fuuuuuuuuuck. I just read about the new housing changes. I wasn't anticipating that they'd switch to a full lottery system. That makes the chances of any VIG with a spare reg effectively 0 since I'm sure they're all being peppered with panicked people who are sure that lady luck will cornhole them with cheese grater. Oh well. If nothing else, I think I'll try to find people who already have their rooms squared away and might be willing to help out on reg day to secure a room for a my friend. Since it's all random now it's a numbers game and the more people trying, the more it's likely one of us will get a low enough queue number to help her out.

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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #7

Hopefully the stipulation that you get a three night block (including Saturday night) will help with the issue. I think a lot of the problem was people grabbing one and two nights, leaving empty rooms all over the place.

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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #8

Well that is a interesting policy... I still think they should make it, VIG, 4 day badge, 3 day badge, 2 day badge, then 1 day badge priority on getting hotel rooms. The longer you are going to the con the higher you should be in getting a good hotel.

The 3 day minimum will be great to keep Friday/Sat nights from filling up for those hotels. I saw that all last year. Also this will encourage groups of people to try to get the hotel together as it will give places in line to each badge trying.
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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #9

Yeah the hotel registration lotto seems like a GREAT way to handle things....

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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #10

Arcanist Kolixela wrote: Yeah the hotel registration lotto seems like a GREAT way to handle things....

You don't have to outrun the monster, just the guy next to you - The buddy system.

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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #11

Little bit.

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Re: ATTN: VIGs with an extra hotel reg 9 years 5 months ago #12

Arcanist Kolixela wrote: Little bit.

Better than getting in and finding a hotel and then entering in all your information into the system and hitting submit and then the whole thing kicks you out. Not saying with the new system that won't happen, but when it does and you have to get a room outside of the block because of it to get a attached hotel (bad knee's prevent us from walking and doing 14 runs in a year) this at least is a minor step in a different direction.
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