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TOPIC: New Volunteer rules/protocols?

Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 5 months ago #25

A few years back, I got to play a Lycan for one volunteer shift. If I made any contact with people, it was one 'talon' at best. I didn't want to get in anyone's space, and definitely didn't want to get the flying elbow treatment.

I do remember one of the skeletons on Saturday taking my costume sword out of my sheath, which irked me a little.

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Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 5 months ago #26

By the sounds of it, there may have been transgressions in both directions. I am glad to see that it is being addressed. I think the new rule is in the best interest of all involved.
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Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 5 months ago #27

Has there been discussion as to how thus is going to be policed .....are the DMs going to responsible for keeping an eye on the conduct of the Npcs, had there been a system implemented for dealing with complaints?
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Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 4 months ago #28

  • Picc
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Glad to hear there's an official rule now (to be honest I though this was already the rule).

In regards to what some other people were saying about distracting Medusas or coaches having to get closer then an arm length to read token. I cant imagine this rule will prevent either of those behaviors since they are an intended part of the event. I suspect the rule more to set the expectation that behaving badly isn't ok and give TD grounds to do something about it if it happens again.
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Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 4 months ago #29

It would be my guess that it is about protecting one from litigation thus protecting the game. The rule is probably needed but it does have the potential to make the game less fun.

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Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 4 months ago #30

The Medusa's were awesome, I'd have enjoyed it more but my Bard's fort save was crap. So I hid in the corner while our Barbarian chit chatted with them.

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Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 4 months ago #31

I was a little shocked to see the change. I'd be pretty sure a stern talking to about not violating other people's personal space as just a general decent human being would be acceptable. To me this seems like a "CAUTION: Hot coffee is hot!" type blanketed warning instead of individually dealing with the issue(s) that arose and those involved.

Obviously the specifics of the arms length rule is going to be INCREDIBLY difficult to execute for many positions that need to read small text in poorly lit and sometimes cramped rooms as GMs. Even worse, are we really going to see complaints that volunteers "exceeded the one arm length" rule but still never touched anyone, inappropriately or otherwise? If I see a player trip over a rubber hose on the floor should I let them fall because "rules"?

On a brighter note, I didn't see the text forbid consensual volunteer-on-volunteer touching, so I think we're ok for consensual hugs among ourselves :)

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Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 4 months ago #32

Sigh, no more puppet vine hugs then I guess. The puppet vine and I had a great time while the party almost killed me. (Thanks for the back stab thief!) We started doing a kick line dance.
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Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 4 months ago #33

The skeleton room was so cramped, I think the arms-length rule would have been impossible to enforce. But that's not an excuse to harass people.

One of the most memorable moments of my first run was the mimic that grabbed me from behind. I jumped a mile but avoided shrieking. So that would now be illegal? Sad.

In my view, the DM is the captain of the room. We need the expectation of zero tolerance for harassment of players. One strike and a director gets called.

The reality is, anyone who feels chased out of the event is not coming back, ever, and they will talk to others. We have to eject troublemakers before it gets to that point. They can stand in a dark corner until the director gets there to sort things out.

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" - Magritte

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Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 4 months ago #34

I agree with Raven's assessment. It is a societal failing. For many years I have lamented the creep of (for lack of a better phrase) casual treatment of personal space. Too many examples flit through my mind to share, but basically I think many in our world look at everyone and everything as an extension of themselves to be used for their own gratification in whatever way they choose. Much too long of a discussion for here, but I have studied and observed and thought about this for years in many applications. All of it boils down to a gradual disintegration of respect for others around us. Our "me" society is rife with this attitude. It makes me sad there has to be a rule to enforce something that should be a natural component of our society--respect.

When I shake someone's hand or pat them on the back or give them a hug, it should be a mutual expression of earned respect and friendship that comes through sharing experiences, time, and friendship.

You can be in a cramped room and still show respect, or on an empty football field and violate someone's trust and space, if you know what I mean.

Just how I see it. Off my soapbox now.
Author of The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Talon of Light
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--The Caduceus
and The Brazen Serpent Cronicles--Dragon Kiln
and The Brazen Serpent Chronicles--Cenote Gate (in process)


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Last edit: by Widseth.

Re: New Volunteer rules/protocols? 9 years 4 months ago #35

Well... on the other hand, I honestly think things are better than they used to be. Sexual harassment was always filed under "boys will be boys;" gays could just "naturally" expect to be beaten up on sight; racism, almost every-other-thing-ism was tolerated.

No more. We're more civilized than we used to be. All that stuff still happens, but a lot less than it used to, and those who do it are much more likely to face consequences. We've come a long way in the last few decades, as evidenced by the fact that so many people are expressing outrage over the situation that brought about this change.

As we work toward the goal of zero-bad-behavior (which is never going to happen, any more than zero-homicide) let's at least congratulate ourselves on how far we've come. And, continue to let everyone we know that we'll defend them if they're a target, and won't tolerate it if they're a perpetrator.

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" - Magritte

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