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TOPIC: NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting"

NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #25

Brad Mortensen wrote: If I'm Broaching, I wear a Shade Cloak. Otherwise, my cleric has Sceptre of the Dead.

"You can't leave, you can still help with puzzles!"

We will all have this capability this year. Can the dead person walk around the corner and tell us what's there? So we are not surprised and possibly can get prepared?

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #26

Brad Mortensen wrote: If I'm Broaching, I wear a Shade Cloak. Otherwise, my cleric has Sceptre of the Dead.

"You can't leave, you can still help with puzzles!"

My bard has the niltongue in case he dies and I do have a couple characters (Monk and Ranger maybe) wearing shade cloak and just add the Scepter to the Cleric. That said if some does die and wants to leave to see the rest of the dungeon as an character I would respect that.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #27

I like the rules, and I too think there should be a rule that the TEs have to be with you on the entire run, whether they are checked or not.

I love the idea of the threat of random spot checks of certain groups at the end.

I support making the training room, Room 0 for the dungeon. Once you enter, you can't leave.

I hope this goes well for Origins, and any necessary tweaks get made for GC
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

My Current Paladin Build 

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #28

Policy should specify non-gencon ghosts get no treasure nor completion tokens (or say they cannot even be equipped with synergy tokens if you want to be extra harsh).

I suggest this clarification over 'no ghosts' because you can almost certainly ghost a ticket...9 players check in early and start getting set up and tell them that you have the last ticket. Right before start time, someone in the party tears off their wristband and goes to claim the 10th spot. Reg desk wont have any wristbands left, so they wont contact waitlist people.
this is not a signature.

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #29

Wade Schwendemann wrote: I like the rules, and I too think there should be a rule that the TEs have to be with you on the entire run, whether they are checked or not.

I love the idea of the threat of random spot checks of certain groups at the end.

Yeah, it actually might be good to Jeff to also include or imply a "TD reserves the right to verify/check TE's and adjust treasure amounts appropriately" just to keep people honest. He doesn't have to actually use it, but its existence may cause people to think twice about cheating.

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #30

Donald Rients wrote: Can the dead person walk around the corner and tell us what's there? So we are not surprised and possibly can get prepared?

Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #31

Druegar wrote:

Donald Rients wrote: Can the dead person walk around the corner and tell us what's there? So we are not surprised and possibly can get prepared?


There goes killing one of our team members in room 1 so we can get and advantage in the other rooms.

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #32

Graven wrote:

Mike Steele wrote:

Incognito wrote:

jedibcg wrote:

Kirk Bauer wrote:

balthasar wrote:

lazlo_hollyfeld1985 wrote: now to throw another monkey wrench in

What if the player holding the TEs, dies in room 3 (needs to leave restroom, sick ..etc). How will that be handled

They don't need to be shown in Epilgoue, but that player could still pass them off to another party?

Yes, that is the one loophole I see with not showing them in the epilogue room. A player could game the system by joining a bunch of runs (say 36 to 48 minutes apart) and then dying in room 1 (or even leaving the training room) and going to the coaching room for the next run with the same treasure-enhancers. However I don't think this is a huge deal for a few reasons:
  • You could do this legitimately every 2 hours, so you are missing out on actual fun and only doubling your treasure draws.
  • If lending TEs to the party, they'd have to trust the people in the group to get them a cut of the treasure, if they were farming. It would be pretty much impossible to coordinate people you know and trust on a specific schedule like that. Unless they just wanted to randomly spread the wealth.
  • 99% of the players with a bunch of TEs are going to want to actually enjoy themselves[/i]

Also if we start seeing people leave the dungeon in the training room or room #1 I'm hoping it would be reported to an AC so we can watch if the same person keeps doing it.

Agreed anyone abusing the system should be identified as quickly as possible to Jeff and Co. I support highest level of punishment Jeff thinks is fit.

Except that that behavior is actually permissible under the current rules.

Jeff should probably include a clause about TE's needing to be carried through the whole run. It doesn't have to specify if individual players need to carry them or if one centralized person carries them. It doesn't have to mention that the TE's won't be verified after the training room. But if he includes such a clause, then someone trying to leave the dungeon, taking their TE's, and then using them on a concurrent run, would be running afoul of that clause.

I agree, the rules need to say that the TE Tokens need to be carried through the Dungeon, even if there is no verification in the epilogue room. Otherwise, some people may find a way around doing it, and claim it was within the rules.

You may not need to worry about this.. Before the tokens could be loaned out for free x number of times. Now there's a cost of a wasted ticket and a time investment. Both would be deterrents to people casually doing this. A party would not be happy is some person bails in room 2 and after a couple times people would start to talk.

However, I don't mind if there's a rule that the tokens need to make it to the epilogue room, because TD staff reserves the right to spot check TEs.

I think we should give the rules a go as they are proposed hear, and then reevaluate if it's still a significant issue.

it is just something I thought of, and since we are spelling out the rules, I thought this needed to be addressed.

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #33

Just catching up on the posts and once again I think Jeff has responded to most of the concerns very fairly.

I have to laugh about dying in Room 1. That in and of itself should raise suspicion. How many people actually die in room one? It's got to be very few. If someone does it a second time they should be required to attend some sort of remedial course on TD.

Also, I always equip our Cleric with the Shade Cloak. It may not be the most optimal cloak but does allow talking to the dead. If you're in our group and die you can just go talk to our cleric for the rest of the run. She's really nice (as person begs to be set free so they can reuse TEs). Almost sounds like fodder for a sitcom.

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #34

Dave wrote: Just catching up on the posts and once again I think Jeff has responded to most of the concerns very fairly.

I have to laugh about dying in Room 1. That in and of itself should raise suspicion. How many people actually die in room one? It's got to be very few. If someone does it a second time they should be required to attend some sort of remedial course on TD.

Also, I always equip our Cleric with the Shade Cloak. It may not be the most optimal cloak but does allow talking to the dead. If you're in our group and die you can just go talk to our cleric for the rest of the run. She's really nice (as person begs to be set free so they can reuse TEs). Almost sounds like fodder for a sitcom.

Shade Cloak going into the Gertz's Radiant Backpack.

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #35

If a player drops out / leaves during the run, a DM could make a note on the party card, prompting a spot check in the epilogue room.

^^ I'd add this procedure if this is still an issue after the new rules come in.

The epilogue room could have the same special TE pedestal as the training room, if only as a reminder that you can be spot checked.

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NEWEST! Rules on Treasure Enhancers & "Ghosting" 7 years 1 month ago #36

If I died in room 5, I want to be able to avoid room 6 and room 7 in order to keep it a surprise in case I do the same run a second time. Being forced to continue and ruin a surprise is not desirable. Same for a total party kill. Otherwise consider making all runs non-lethal and avoid doing any run more than once. Or at least making the run normal in order to avoid missing out on participation.

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