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TOPIC: Noob Questions

Noob Questions 5 years 10 months ago #13

John Franczyk wrote: And a couple more questions:

(1) What character classes are considered easier or harder to master?
(2) Are there character classes that are considered more/less powerful than others?

1 depends on the player. some folks having trouble memorising stuff. somme sliding a puck. some sliding two pucks.
2 depends on the level of tokens. Rangers and monks at high levels do alot of damage being able to slide two pucks. with almost no tokens wizards do a lot of damage from their character card. bards are very powerful being able to increase everyone else’s to hit and damage. healing from druid and clerics can be very handy.

all that said it is not a completion. everyone is working as a team.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Noob Questions 5 years 10 months ago #14

John Franczyk wrote: What character classes are considered easier or harder to master?

It depends.
Are you bad at memorizing? Stay away from casters.
Do you have lousy hand-eye coordination? Stay away from heavy melee classes.
Do you have an unsteady hand? Don't play rogue.

John Franczyk wrote: Are there character classes that are considered more/less powerful than others?

If you go by the comments in their respective class sub-forums, every single class is less powerful than all the others.

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Or to put it another way, there is no consensus on this topic. BTW, watch your step, a lot of worms popped out of that can you just opened. :P
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously

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Noob Questions 5 years 10 months ago #15

Druegar wrote:

John Franczyk wrote: What character classes are considered easier or harder to master?

It depends.
Are you bad at memorizing? Stay away from casters.
Do you have lousy hand-eye coordination? Stay away from heavy melee classes.
Do you have an unsteady hand? Don't play rogue.

John Franczyk wrote: Are there character classes that are considered more/less powerful than others?

If you go by the comments in their respective class sub-forums, every single class is less powerful than all the others.

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Or to put it another way, there is no consensus on this topic. BTW, watch your step, a lot of worms popped out of that can you just opened. :P

I love it. I have noticed that everybody is under powered compared to everybody else Is a universal theme
Please visit my fledgling token store.

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Noob Questions 5 years 10 months ago #16

John Franczyk wrote: And a couple more questions:

(1) What character classes are considered easier or harder to master?
(2) Are there character classes that are considered more/less powerful than others?

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” — Albert Einstein. Maybe.

"Ceci n'est pas une pipe" - Magritte

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Noob Questions 5 years 10 months ago #17

John Franczyk wrote: And a couple more questions:

(1) What character classes are considered easier or harder to master?

This really depends on the person. Some people find memorization difficult, so any of the casting classes are hard for them. Some people have trouble sliding, so any sliding class is difficult.

Monks have to slide their attacks in a particular way, one token then the second with the same hand before the first has stopped moving.

Rogue chests take a steady hand to open.

John Franczyk wrote: (2) Are there character classes that are considered more/less powerful than others?

Rangers and Monks have the highest damage potential, since they slide two weapons (and get to apply their damage bonus twice).

Barbarians specialized in two-handed weapon can deal a large amount of damage.

Wizards can deal a large amount of damage to multiple targets at once, which tends to only be useful in True Grind.

Druids are very versatile, having both damage dealing spells and healing spells. They can also polymorph and deal melee damage.

Clerics are the best healers, and most parties need once.

Bards are a force multiplier, adding the the damage total of the whole party. (+2 attack, +4 damage to each attack by the party)

Rogues deal low damage, but offer an unique ability to the party since they can open the clue chests found in the dungeons. They also get bonus loot (for themselves) from those chests that no other class gets. (Druids with a specific item can open 1 of the 3 chests found in the dungeon.)

Paladins help to guard the parties weakest member, helping to keep them alive.

A two-handed weapon wielding Fighter tends to do less damage than the barbarian, but they are more accurate.
Forum Name: Milambus
Real Name: Jake Fitch
Main Class: Monk

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Noob Questions 5 years 10 months ago #18

Thanks everyone for all the help and advice.

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Noob Questions 5 years 10 months ago #19

Brad Mortensen wrote:
2. Most vets are cool with lots of tokens and multiple builds, so most will use a backup character so the newbie can have the best possible first experience. And if they insist on monk, they’ll usually outfit you with one of their builds to take the burden off of you.

I think this is a true sentiment for long time players, but consider there's a large group of casual players Lvl 3 and up that may only have one build, and be picky about getting a specific class.

I find players with ultra-rare or higher builds tend to be very flexible, and tend to have tokens/ builds to lend.. But players that have just scrambled to build their first class specific rare build, have their hopes on playing the class they just bought tokens for. My experience has been these are in-between new and veteran players.

Personally try not to put out my tokens till it's set that that's the class I'm playing. To speed things up I keep my tokens ordered to place on the mat for my primary build. (And bring a printed character sheet)

An any rate anytime I've seen this, the group has worked it out so everyone was happy.

PS, Welcome to TD John :)

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