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TOPIC: Notes about the 2020 Token Collection - Final-ish

Notes about the 2020 Token Collection - Final-ish 4 years 10 months ago #61

  • Xavon
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Alright, since the other threads were locked in under 20 hours...

On +3 Rod of the Meek:
I really think this is a problematic design space. Most of the players here probably won't be interested in it. The target players, newer ones, are going to likely be confused by it. Which means a headache for the Coaches, as they try to explain. And also as they have more to watch out for. And then for the DMs, they also have to watch out for player who try to use it when they can't (for whatever reason), and the spend time (and probably annoy the player) explaining why they can't (or just let it go, negating the point of the limit).

I still think it would be better if it said "Max +7 to hit and +7 melee damage bonus when slid". Then instead of saying 'you can't use this', they can just say, 'you won't get your full bonus with this'. The DM doesn't haven't to ignore the token or debate/explain, they just use the revised down valus (if necessary) and move on.

That also makes the token less of a dead pull for red/purple/BiS players. It still is viable as a backup weapon against monsters that take +3 or better to damage.

On Arcane Set Bonus:
As a backup wizard, I love the set bonus. But I still think it is a problem in the design space.

First, it is fairly easy to cheat with it. Not that people would (though my faith in this species is lower than usual today). But cast fireball, use wands/scrolls/Staff of Power so none of your spell boxes get checked. In the next fight, claim that you didn't cast a spell, since none of you boxes are check. Repeat.

But more importantly, this is the first set (with a moderately thorough look into the DB) that some classes can equip, but not get anything for it. Any class can equip these three items, and many will want to. But only casters get a bonus from it. Even though the Viper Strike set favors Monk and Rogue (for example), anyone who equips three items, and every class can, gets the +2 to hit.

Since the items are not class specific, the set bonus should do at least something for every class.

I still think that they should be Lucky items, and the Lucky set bonus should be +1 HP for each Lucky set item equipped. But I am open to leaving them Arcane and giving a more universal bonus. Like maybe "+1 Eldritch damage with spells on successful skill check and with melee/range attacks on critical."
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