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TOPIC: There and Back Again, A Workout Competition

There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #61

And we're off! Some of us are off like a rocket, others like a much slower rocket that likes second breakfast, but we're all off. Anecdotally everyone who's participating has increased their activity levels, so we're all doing great.

Congratulations to Komrade Kory for being the first traveler to reach Bree, taking only 4 days compared to Bilbo's 12.

In the past week it's become very obvious that there are two tiers to this competition. Some of us just seem to have more time/ability to put in more physical activity, and that's 100% ok. Haven't made a firm decision about the additional prize I mentioned yet, but I am now going to be tracking the two groups on separate charts.

Here are the fleet folk, with Azzy currently in the lead at just under 143 miles travelled.

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And here are the hobbitses, Lord Rand in the lead at 26 miles.

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There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #62

I have to do a very long round-trip drive tomorrow for work so if y’all could take it easy. Just kidding. I’ll try to do my exercises twice just to keep up. I’m going to be exhausted afterward so encouraging it would be great.

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There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #63

Down with a migraine today, numbers will be updated tomorrow.

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There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #64

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Another workout today, and five more masks picked up. Bleah.
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Awesome avatar by Mauve Shirt!

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Last edit: by bpsymington.

There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #65

***********NEW PRIZE ALERT***********

An anonymous donor has put a Shield of the Scholar into the mix as a prize for the MIP (Most Improved Hobbit). This prize will go to the hobbit who shows the most improvement from week 1, IE slowly and steadily increases their activity from week 1 until the first person finishes the race. Thanks a lot to our anonymous benefactor, and may the most improved hobbit win.

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There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #66

I have my first visit back with the orthopedist tomorrow hope all this work shows

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There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #67

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Two more masks today - up to 27 total so far.
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Awesome avatar by Mauve Shirt!

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There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #68

Keep up the good work everyone.

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There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #69

Everyone is doing great! Everything that I've been sent should be added to the sheet, please double check your numbers and make sure I haven't missed anything. No one has reached Rivendell yet (392 miles) but a few people are getting close. I wouldn't be surprised if at least a few of our party are hanging with the elves by the end of the week.

And please keep up the success stories, I love seeing us encourage each other. Kory, you've definitely been working hard. Hopefully that's started to help improve and strengthen your body.

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There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #70

I've been out of the habit of emailing but have been getting to the gym more, I will look on my phone and send an update to see how much I can catch up in the slow group!


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There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #71

I'll probably weigh myself later today to see if this is paying of in weight loss, but things like this absolutely push me to see how much I'm capable of doing. I know I'm definitely walking at least an hour more per day simply to see how fast I can get to the next stop. I've been tracking my steps daily for going on 9 years and I've never logged this many miles in the month of April before. I'm just glad my knees are holding up to the extra activity. So far, so good.

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There and Back Again, A Workout Competition 3 years 1 month ago #72

Dave wrote: I'll probably weigh myself later today to see if this is paying of in weight loss, but things like this absolutely push me to see how much I'm capable of doing. I know I'm definitely walking at least an hour more per day simply to see how fast I can get to the next stop. I've been tracking my steps daily for going on 9 years and I've never logged this many miles in the month of April before. I'm just glad my knees are holding up to the extra activity. So far, so good.

If you are legit worried about your knees then I would look into compression sleeves and start using them now before an injury Happens. I run with compression socks all the time just as preventative for shin splints, no matter how I feel

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