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TOPIC: how many true Dungeon players play WOW

Re: how many true Dungeon players play WOW 17 years 6 months ago #13

  • bpsymington
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I saw a bun ch of TDers playing the card game at SoCal, so I picked up some cards.  I have hardly any Alliance heroes, and a bunch of Horde ones (I'd rather play Alliance).  Of the Alliance ones I got, I got 3 Temmo, the gnome rogue!<br /><br />Brian<br />
Follow me on Instagram @runningboardgamer

Awesome avatar by Mauve Shirt!

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Re: how many true Dungeon players play WOW 17 years 6 months ago #14

Just tried the little free trial they offered. I liked it enough to give it another month.<br /><br />Mostly I'm on the Lightbringers server because my best friend is addicted to this game and that's where he plays. I did also try on of the RP servers, and actually liked it better, as I'm into the ROLE playing vs ROLL playing :)<br /><br />So, there it is. If anyones on Lightbringers or if a bunch of TD'ers want to make a guild somewhere, lemme know. I'm still playing with race/class combos and don't have anything higher than the low teens for levels.<br /><br />I think a 'True Dungeoneers' Guild would be very cool. We could all start on one of the newer RP servers...<br /><br />Hmmm....
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Re: how many true Dungeon players play WOW 17 years 6 months ago #15

This would have been awesome like 1 year ago.  As it is, I don't think I will touch WoW again with a 10 foot pole.
Noel<br />of Clan Smakdown<br /><br />With left hand firmly covering my eyes, a peal of thunder clapped from my wand as arcs of lightning cascade blindly from the tip.  I peek to see the Medusa dead from the blast slowly turning to dust herself.

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Re: how many true Dungeon players play WOW 17 years 5 months ago #16

Now for some suckage!<br /><br />I had to restart my WoW adventures and am beginning anew.  I really liked Bleeding Hollow and Staghelm servers because I have friends on them but would be willing to start a fresh character on another server.  Ravlis which did you say you and your wife were on?<br /><br />Sigh 2 months without a computer was harsh but Im happy to be back.<br /><br />
Bad Poet Extraordinaire! - just ask the monsters who have munched on me because my party wanted to stop my incessant bad rhyming! <br /><br />I am like a ray of Sunshine!  Healthy and beneficial in moderation.

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