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TOPIC: City of Heroes

City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #1

Hello everyone,

This is a little off topic, but I wanted to let all of you CoH players know that we have created a True Dungeon super group and you are are welcome to join.

Many of the core volunteers play regularly and we wanted to try and put something together so that the TD community had a way to find and game with each other.

Feel free to reply on the boards here or to contact me in game. My global is Bthoven and my main character is Johney Reckless. Have fun!

bur BUR bur BUR<br /><br />PS I can't spell, don't be suprised when you read my posts...<br /><br />Head D.I.N.O.

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #2

Love to join up, just need a video card to allow me to. I haven't played since it came out of Beta and had that 3 day headstart April 04'

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #3

Which server are you on?

A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #4

Which server is an excellent question! We play on the Guardian server...
bur BUR bur BUR<br /><br />PS I can't spell, don't be suprised when you read my posts...<br /><br />Head D.I.N.O.

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #5

i would love to but my online game of choice is World of Warcraft. I however played CoH, but it was just to tied me over to WoW.

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #6

Personally I can't wait for City of Villains. But I have been meaning to log my old character in (on Guardian) and see what is up. Are scrappers nerfed now lol?

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #7

Semi related/unrelated question... does anyone know if CoH offers game cards yet? I had to cancel my account when I swore off credit cards. Makes life harder ;) At any rate.. anyone know if they do?
"Great bards don't die. They just decompose."<br />GenCon Indy 2005 Volunteer DM, 2006 Epilogue

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #8

Game cards are available now, and I have seen them at EB and Babbages but I am sure they would be available at any of the big electronics stores (Best Buy Etc).

Well I have only been playing for about six weeks, but I don't think scrappers have been nerfed. We have a weekly group that plays, and my character in that group is a scrapper and he kicks ass.

(If anyone wonders why I haven't been present much on the b-boards for the last few weeks you now know why :oops: )

bur BUR bur BUR<br /><br />PS I can't spell, don't be suprised when you read my posts...<br /><br />Head D.I.N.O.

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #9

This is an addictive game. After a few months however, my guild went to WoW. While I had fun for a while, I'm tired of playing a "Level x Class y" character where everyone looks alike. The game mechanics in CoH are far superior - the whole sidekicking thing is really ingenious for example. Haven't really wanted to go back to CoH because I didn't want to find a new guild.

I might log back in to see how things have changed.

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #10

When I was playing consistantly, I spent an entire evening session (about 6 hours) just flying around and being amazed that for once in a game.. I could fly. (Horizons didn't count.. I never made it to full fledged dragon *cry*) ..

Ahem.. EB! Here I come!
"Great bards don't die. They just decompose."<br />GenCon Indy 2005 Volunteer DM, 2006 Epilogue

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #11

My husband's character is a scrapper - Kat's Paw. But I made him a female character he's never played - tell him he needs to play her sometimes. lol

(Maybe it will help him to get in touch with his "feminine side." ) :lol:
Fotoz by Fritz

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City of Heroes 19 years 3 weeks ago #12

I will have to ask him about that. Every time I see him he is always Kat's Paw ;)

I must say you are a very considerate wife because I am on a lot and he is almost always on too. :oops:
bur BUR bur BUR<br /><br />PS I can't spell, don't be suprised when you read my posts...<br /><br />Head D.I.N.O.

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