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TOPIC: Postings at the Tavern

Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #1

Jenn had a great idea, and we are going with it. We are going to have a large wall of the Tavern dedicated to gamer postings. Think of it like the Classified section of the newspaper, but for DnD. Use as many old DnD references as you like, or the names of characters you've played. It just doesn't matter. All content that is posted to this thread will be professionally printed and adorned in the Tavern for everyone to see for the whole Con. Please keep it clean. Good Luck and have fun. Here is an example posting:

"MISSING: Vorpal Sword, last scene in the Temple of Elemental evil. Substantial reward for it's return.

Okay, that's stupid but you get the idea.

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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #2

Seeking: MD seeking FD for companionship, stonecutting,
and light orc hunting. Must be comfortable in a mine as on
an adventure. I prefer younger FD's between 75-150 yrs. old.
Beard not necessary.
My stats: 20 str, 15 dex, 15 con, 12 int, 11 wis, 11 cha.
If interested, leave note here at the tavern.
No half breeds please!! - Ironhand

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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #3

NOTICE TO ALL BARMEN AND MAIDS: Do not serve a gentleman answering to the name Mr. Calvin Cartwright. He has an outstanding tab at the Welcome Wench in excess of 500 gp. Other known aliases: Dakota Smith, Fletcher Holmes, and Don Rafael Soladano de Ontiveres.

Warning: he may be highy charismatic, DO NOT let him sing to you.

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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #4

Lost, if found, please return my darling doggie Snookums. He's 6' long, muscular, and covered in magnificent wiry brown hair. His fangs gleam beautifully in the moonlight, and he's the most loyal companion a Sorceress could ask for. Oh yes, also at times he may appear as a confused young man with torn clothing answering to "Bernie". Under no circumstances should you let him bite you (he can be such a bad doggie!). Please return Snookums to the Black Castle, 1313 Runifyoucan Drive, North Evil Forest Glen. Reward offered.

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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #5

========== SALE! =========

Buy One 10 Ft. Pole - Get the 2nd FREE!

Tens of Uses! Non-conductive!

Visit the Greyhawk 10 ft. Pole Company

Tell 'em Mordy sent you!
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #6

Thanks for all the input. Keep them coming. I'll be doing the final group Friday, August 13th so be sure to have your ideas posted or emailed to me by then.
Jenn<br /><br />Recovered Wench

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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #7


Are you tired of that same old Phylactery?, is that old, antique phylactery too cumbersome for your fragile neck?
well then!, come on down to ol' Reghars Phylactery Warehouse!. We have all kinds of phylactery to meet all of the needs of todays Modern lich!.

Todays special!, Buy one phylactery, get the second one half off!. what a deal!

and be sure to check out our new Travel phylactery, the same features, in a much smaller package, for todays busy, on the go lich.

Check us out at 0013 Soulstraddle lane, Waterdeep!.

P.S. ATTENTION ALL ADVENTURERS!: Seeking the Foot of Vecna, looking to complete this limited, collecters edition set.

First Ever! Party Screwing, Rogue T-Shirt Wearing MO-FO!

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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #8

Traveling party of 4 for hire:

Sol, Warrior prince from the Hill Tops Mountains of the Hill People
Jer, The self proclaimed greatest thief of all time
Egil, Battling priest on a mission to purify the sinners of the world
Yrsa, The tough as nails sorceress with a heart of gold

Together these four adventurers will scale icy slippery mountains, tread through lava pits, hunt down legendary treasure in haunted ghost towns and feed your cat for any price you name.
Also as an added bonus for each one of us that falls during our quest we'll slash your price by 25%

Come down to the Lion's Head INN and talk to Kerig for more details.

(Fine print) Adventurers have no idea about this deal, Added bonus becomes Null and Void if adventurers gain knowledge about offer. All sales Final. Minimum offer 8 GP.

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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #9

**** Notice ****

Lost: Lucky coin of Olidammara

Last seen in the Moathouse clutched tightly in my right hand.

If found, please see Lefty in the temple of Olidammara in Hommlet. Big reward for successful return.

Note: If possible, bring hand also (unless it has been gnawed, then I don't want it).


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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #10

**** Notice ****

Lost: Lucky coin of Olidammara

Last seen in the Moathouse clutched tightly in my right hand.

If found, please see Lefty in the temple of Olidammara in Hommlet. Big reward for successful return.

Note: If possible, bring hand also (unless it has been gnawed, then I don't want it).


*random giggles erupt from Milwaukee* Thanks I needed that. Forgive the handwritting on your note when you see it. I haven't written as a lefty in 25 years.
Jenn<br /><br />Recovered Wench

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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #11

Missing: Sisters

On recent expedition, I found my long lost sisters. And was struck by the uncanny likeness. However was drugged, captured and carried away captive. I am rather jinxed. Raider's cart broke a wheel, horse threw a shoe, and all suffered food poisoning. Was released, how ever told I was none too bright, I thought that was rather uncalled for.
Am now searching to find my sisters once more.

Last seen in a place, I think called the Great Mirrored Hall of Aramak???
Am easily located in Tavern, just listen for the sound of something crashing/falling.
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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Postings at the Tavern 20 years 6 months ago #12


Tired of the high prices of armor, cloaks, tunics, and so many more neccessary garments??
Willing to put up with a few scorch marks, knife holes, dents, blood stains, or possible hex?
Then WILHELMINA's is the place for you. These garments were first quality now second hand. And is bound to have better luck for you than their first owners! Because each purchase comes with a FREE lucky rabbits foot, and for just 2 more CP we will throw in the rest of the rabbit too!
Get it now! Cause you can't take it with you when you're gone.
WILHELMINA's, Talk about clothes to die for. . .

*All sales are final, no returns, no refunds, limited exchange policy due to current stock.*
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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