For reference, the Charm of Avarice had two recipes, one that required a token that was a decade out of print, and one with a "point system" where older tokens were worth more points. This "point buy" system also allowed the Amulet you seek, which was not part of the base transmute, to be worth "one point" towards the 7 required. It would be a cheaper bet, to get two beads of the bounty next year, and hope for a point buy, and if there truly isn't one, see if you can trade up when the recipe is finalized. The "Trade up" might end up more expensive, as there will be no more speculation.
In full transparency, I am sitting on three AoTF and three CoGF, pseudo hoping the next Legendary TE will provide CoGF effect, and have a point buy, so I can make one more CoA, and equip 6 players with CoGF effects. I also read a thing where the AoTF would not be part of the recipe as it would be a "legendary transmute from the 2023 / 2025 / 2027 Ultra Rare TE's" though I don't have that post to link. It may have been just "incomplete" forgetting the 2015 AoTF as it seemed "off the cuff" during token development one year, may have even been in the Lords and Ladies section, my memory isn't the clearest.