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TOPIC: New Character Sheet Generator File

Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #13

<br />It's not letting my download the file. I click the

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button, it thinks for a second, then nothing happens.<br />

<br /><br />Must allow cookies...

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #14

<br />

<br />It's not letting my download the file. I click the

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button, it thinks for a second, then nothing happens.<br />

<br /><br />Must allow cookies...<br />

That's what I thought at first, but allowing cookies didn't help.
Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #15

I must say this is awesome, and if there were any issues I was able to fix them myself right away (Shortbow is usable by Rogue).  So kudos to you on cooking this up. <br /><br />Errata I have found<br />1 - Shortbow is usable by rogue<br />2 - Gloves of Dex adds +2 to Dex which translates to +1 AC and +1 Ref and +1 Missle, to include that AC and Save Bump in the line along with the Dex Bump raises the AC and Reflex Save by one more than it should.   So leave the 2 to the Dex Bump and remove the 1 from the AC and Reflex columns on the Token Data Tab.  Much like what you did with the Gauntlets of Ogre Power<br />3- +1 Keen Axe should have a 1 Melee to Hit Column<br />4 SheyLah +2 Cestus of Sundering is only usable by Barbarian, Fighter, and Paladin.
Victory Loves Preparation

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #16

<br />

<br />

<br />It's not letting my download the file. I click the

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button, it thinks for a second, then nothing happens.<br />

<br /><br />Must allow cookies...<br />

That's what I thought at first, but allowing cookies didn't help.<br />

<br /><br />It may also require javascript.  I have NoScript and CookieSafe Lite on Firefox.  Initially, I got the same "page reloaded instead of getting a file" response.  Enabling just javascript didn't help.  Enabling both cookies and javascript seemed to work.

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #17

Just ran into one thing.  Ring of Reflexes appears to be missing.

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #18

<br />Just ran into one thing.  Ring of Reflexes appears to be missing.<br />

<br />Its there, just not on every character. Look at the Token Data Tab and you will find the Ring of Reflexes but it appears to have been not included in the Rogue and Wizard column as Finger Item, just go to that tab and you can fix it yourself (as I did with the stuff I found above).
Victory Loves Preparation

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #19

Thank you for all the corrections.  I can stare at those charts for hours and still not find them all.  I designed the spreadsheet to be easily updated, so these are no big deal to fix.  I'll hold off uploading the corrected file until tomorrow to give anyone else a chance to spot any additional corrections (which I've found a few myself already). 

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #20

<br />Thank you for all the corrections.  I can stare at those charts for hours and still not find them all.  I designed the spreadsheet to be easily updated, so these are no big deal to fix.  I'll hold off uploading the corrected file until tomorrow to give anyone else a chance to spot any additional corrections (which I've found a few myself already).  <br />

<br /><br />Here's a few I found:<br /><br />The cestus is missing for the Barbarian/Fighter/Paladin<br />Add arrows/bolts/bullets to projectile section (include +1/+2/MW versions)<br />If wearing full Dragonscale set bonus is -10 fire damage, need to check for this<br />If Bard is using lute (Widseths, MW) the total bonus is +1 to hit +2 damage <br />  (unless Lyre of rage) then +2 to hit +1 damage<br />You've got serious stacking problems in the special section:<br />  Mage Armor does not stack with Robe or Cloak of the Mage<br />  Multiple copies of Rod of seven parts (part 1) only should add 1 hit point total<br />  Multiple copies of Questors should only add +1 to saves total<br />Items of same type do not stack (ring section)<br />In Ioun Stone section, (if possible) only allow one copy of any particular stone<br /><br />Overall, great job!!!!!

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #21

Hi JimC,<br /><br />Thank you so much for your comments / suggestions.  Here are my thoughts:<br /><br />I'll check on the Cestus.  <br /><br />I had considered things like arrows / bolts / bullets to be ammo for ranged weapons rather than standalone projectiles (my original intent for that category).  I look to the group to comment on this, but since ammo are exclusively single use items that apply to 1 round stacking with the weapon that launched them, I did not think they needed to be recognized specifically on the character sheet.  Any thoughts????<br /><br />I'll look into the sets.  The Dragonscale set bonus would only be a notation since it does not impact core stats just one particular type of damage that could be received in combat.  The same is true of the runestones that added a specific damage type.  It does not get added into the overall damage bonuses to avoid confusion since the creature could be immune or half damage to that type of damage.  The purpose of the sheet was to help people be ready for their coaching session to start the adventure so that the appropriate information is available to the coach (and possibly passed on to the DM if the party card becomes accepted for that purpose).<br /><br />Bardsong is activated or deactivated at will during the dungeon just like the effects of potions, scrolls and the like.  I don't think it would be beneficial to have them show as permanent effects (which would be the case if I added it into the stats on the generator) as there are times the bard may not be able to use their ability.<br /><br />Ah...stacking.  I didn't *prevent* people from getting the advantage of multiple of the same token as I thought that was general knowledge.  It will increase the complexity a bit, but I will look at it.<br /><br />The specific stacking of Mage Armor with Robe / Clock I'll have to look at also.  I've been trying to avoid a lot of hard-coded item-specific rules, but in some cases (like Ring of the Wolf, Ring of the Serpent and +1 Mighty Longbow) it proved necessary.  Are there any other major stacking no-nos that do not relate to multiple of the exact same token of which I should be aware?<br /><br />I've been trying to avoid completely the use of macros in the file since that requires people to mess with their macro security settings.  I'll give some thought on how to prevent choosing multiples of the same Ioun, but it may not be possible.  I'll let that one stew a bit in the brain to see if I come up with anything.

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #22

<br /><br />I had considered things like arrows / bolts / bullets to be ammo for ranged weapons rather than standalone projectiles (my original intent for that category).  I look to the group to comment on this, but since ammo are exclusively single use items that apply to 1 round stacking with the weapon that launched them, I did not think they needed to be recognized specifically on the character sheet.  Any thoughts????<br /><br /><br />Bardsong is activated or deactivated at will during the dungeon just like the effects of potions, scrolls and the like.  I don't think it would be beneficial to have them show as permanent effects (which would be the case if I added it into the stats on the generator) as there are times the bard may not be able to use their ability.<br />

<br /><br />The thing is that you do have one time use items already in the projectile section.  A note to the side (as opposed to changing +hit/+dam stats at the top) would be acceptible but I think they should be included.<br /><br />For the bardsong, if you don't include the +1 to hit (in the note) then your information is incorrect.  It would read:  <br />Widseth's Lute/MW Lute +1 damage<br />Lyre of Rage +1 to hit<br /><br />I think the way I suggested it would work best, but the alternative also works.  As is, it is wrong.

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #23

Hi JimC,<br /><br />Thank you for your diligence and continued feedback.<br /><br />I think part of the issue here is communication-based on my side.  I mistook your bardsong comment to be indicating that I should be adding in the bard bonuses for all the party members on the sheet instead of it occurring when the bard is actually playing.  Looking at your most recent response and doing some digging, I see where the discrepancy is....  The descriptions I indicated for the different bard instruments exactly mirror what is stated on the tokens themselves, which only indicates what is different about the MW/Widseth's/Lyre over the normal ability of the bard to do +1 to hit / +1 to damage.  In these cases, the better instrument only increases either to hit or to damage.  Since the other aspect is unaffected, the tokens themselves make no reference.  I now understand that you are requesting that the notes indicate what the resulting values are (+1 /+2 or +2/+1 as appropriate).  I'll have to wordsmith the notes a little or account for it another way, but it should be doable.  Thank you for pointing this out, as I found out just how unpublished the bard's normal pluses are on truedungeon.com<br /><br />With regards to the projectile section, I'll clarify my comment as I must not have explained it well.  The reason I omitted arrows / bolts / bullets from the projectile section was that they are ammo used in ranged weapons, not stand-alone (which I believe describes the rest of the projectiles that were in the list).  I'll give some more thought to their inclusion, but I'm concerned that adding them would only then cause complications surrounding having the selected ranged weapon match the projectiles selected.<br /><br />Thanks again.

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Re: New Character Sheet Generator File 15 years 2 months ago #24

This looks awesome!  Much thanks!<br /><br />Sorry...I have been away for a while...very cool!
Token Conjurer
Geek Dreamweaver
Author of the never-to-be-released "The Secret of Trees"

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