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TOPIC: Laz's shop closed. Ill be at GC selling everything off

Laz's shop closed. Ill be at GC selling everything off 11 years 7 months ago #1

I will say prices maybe wrong(like if its an UR and says $15..i probably forgot a 0 )
for most part I think its correct. always ask

i can try to match if someone else has XYZ..it is not always a yes though

2022 10X treasure chips=$30 ea
Pirates treasure map =$40 ea

+1 plate armor $40
+2 flaming short bow $100
+2 holy great sword $90
Dragonscale armor $150
Gem of healing $100
Horn Of Plenty $900
Ioun Stone Lavender Ellipsoid $75
Mithril Chainmail $60
ring of regeneration $175
Special $200

+1broadsword of life stealing $75
+1 mighty long bow $100
+2 club of great bashing $100
+2mace of dispelling $50
Amulet of wonder $75
Bracelets of Zephyr $90
Bracers of quivering palm $250
Dragonscale helmet 200$
Combo-Medallion of greyhawk $80
Width’s mystical lute $200

+1 celestial long sword(onyx)$150
+2 dagger of venom $55
+2 hammer of thunderbolt $75
+2 sling of impact $100
+2 sling of impact( 1 onyx) $150
Boots of underdark $150
Boots of underdark (1 onyx)=$200

Celestial bracer+2(1 onyx) $125
Celestial girdle $75
Celestial girdle (1 onyx) $150
Crown of might $200
Gearson’s +2 blessed mace $75
Mithral cap $70
Plate armor of absorption 50$
Questor’s charm of luck $140

+1 mighty short bow $75
+1 rapier of piercing=$150
+2 light crossbow of frost $125
+2 light crossbow of frost(1 onyx) $175
+2 long spear dragonslaying $75
Charm of awarness $125
Dougals cloak of the stars $150
Hat of healing $40
Orb of might(1 onyx) $200
Plate armor of attack onyx $150
Runestone fitting base $200

+2 long bow of the sun $75
+2rod of disjunction $40
+2 scepter of might onyx $100
+2 scepter of might $75
+2 short sword of sun 75$
+2 staff of striking $40
+2 staff of striking(onyx) $100
Boots of might $75
Druids wild vestments $75
Girdle of might $175
Lens of clear sight $150
Pouch tulz $175
Ring of protection +2 $225
Ring of riches $600
Wil’s dragonheart $100

+2 dwarven axe$50
+2 dwarven axe onyx $100
Brianos blessed bodhran $200
Charm final repose $50
Charm necklace $300
Charm of spell swapping $125
Charm of synergy $100
Crown of might $200
Dragonhide armor $75
Earcuff of energy $150
templar armor $100
Templar shield $100

Amulet of wonder $150
Charm of good fortune $425
ioun stone onyx cube $250
Ioun stone onyx sphere $175
Lens vital insight onyx 300$
Twolfs helm of wild $200

+2 keen longbow $200
+2 viper strike fang $250
+2 sacred sling $150
Charm of brooching $200
Gloves of glory $200
Ioun stone quicksilver cube $400
Stupendous pendant $100
Viper strike belt $300

+2 scepter of might $75
+2 deadly drow blood mace $175
Amulet of treasure finding $400
Bracers of fast fitness $175
Bracers of fast fitness onyx $300
Bracers of supreme archery $275
Carter’s tome of insight $450
Gauntlet of linked fury onyx $450
Gloves of brute $175
Gloves of brute(1 onyx) $200
Ioun stone amethyst ovoid $100
Ioun stone garnet cube $250
Ioun stone sapphire prism $270
Shirt of underdark $100
Shield of phalanx onyx $150
Shield of phalanx $75
Special $175
Special( 1 onyx)=$250
Widseths mystical lute=$100

+1 mighty sling $150
+2 baton of focus $120
+2 rod of persuasion $250
Amulet of champion $100
Amulet of hero $50
Boots south wind $200
Charm bracelets $100
Cloak of blending $50
Gloves of cutpurse $125
Googles of instant analysis $250
Lens of sage speed $105
Pantaloons of deeperdark onyx 75$
Rays ring of remembrance $200
Redoubt helm $150
Redoubt plate $75
Redoubt shield$180
ring of spell storing=$275
Stu’s +3 handy stein $100


Amorgen’s amazing ocarina $100
Amulet of guarding $175
Charm of synergy $100
Charming earcuff $150
Charming ring $120
Crown of elemental mastery $50
Ioun stone charming cabochon $175
Ioun stone silver nugget $275
Ioun stone tanzanite cube $200
Kilt of TAVERNBANE=$75
Libram of looting $300
Medallion of mystic mouth $175
Medallion of mystic mouth onyx $250
Shaed $100
Shaed onyx $150
shirt of the fae $50

+1 mighty long bow $100
+2 archer’s buckler $135
+2 hammer of smiting $75
+2 hammer of smiting onyx $125
Ash’s death pouch $110
Bracers of guided strike $150
Charm of shadow shot $75
Crown of expertise $150
Figurine power raven $110
girdle of stone giant strength $110
gloves of greater archery $125
Horn of Valkyrie $125
IOUn stone flourite cube $75
Kilt of fatherbane $75
lotus blossom bowls $100
Medallion of Valhalla $125
onyx charm $150
pouch of tulz $120
Ring of eel $110
Shirt of focus $75
viper strike pants $50

+2 dearh flail=$75
+2 holy avenger=$100
+2 Stunning Lt. Crossbow=$75
Charm of spell swapping $125
Cloak of shadowskin $190
Dark Disciple's Shirt=$75
Ear cuff of phalanx $75
Greater quicksilver charm=$100
Gregor’s tome $175
Hat of the Hellway=$50
IOUn stone gold nugget $150
Ioun Stone Infernal Fire Prism=$125
Kilt of barrelbane $150
Lens of divine sight $150
Lute of fury $110
Questor's Charm of Luck=$120
Ring of Fateful Heroism=$150
Ring of the Yeti=$125
Shamans belt $75
Shoes of sneak$75

+2 flaming blade$75
Arcane belt $125
Arcane bracelets=$125
Arcane earcuff=$125
Bracers of reckless fury=$125
Charm of glory=$195
Cook’s hat=$105
Figurine power reaver=$50
Greater garnet charm=$125

Key of healing=$100
Lens of agility=$195
Lucky light mail $125
Lucky plate armor$50
Pants of the panther $50
Ring of wonder $145
Semi lich skull $105
Shirt of the oaf $195


+4 rod meek $90
Axe of dwarvish king $90
Death knight boots $90
Death knight gauntlets $90
Ioun stone charoite cuboid $125
Ioun stone fluorite ovoid $125
Ioun stone mystic orb $150
Ioun stone platinum nugget $100
Ioun stone sunstone shard $90
Lucky cloak $90
mad evokers charm$90
Nightshade’s +2 throwing dagger $90
psyferre spectacles $90
Ring of expertise $90
Shield of scholar $90
shirt nimble $150

+1 turkey leg $20
+2 chaos canon $90
+2 mugg of battle $90
+2 staff of power $90
Amulet of aiming $90
Bead of guided strike $90
Charm bracelets $90
Charm of spell storing $90
Earcuff of ravenger $90
Ghost accelerator $200
Googles of deadshot $90
Harlex helpful lamp $90
Ioun stone fluorite sphere $90
Lucky kilt $90
Ring of havoc $90
Shirt imbiber$100

Dwarven steel $6
Enchanters munitions $5
Philosophers stone $4
Dark wood plank $3
Alchem parch $3.5
Alchem ink $7
Minotaur hide $7
Elven bismuth $8
Aragonite $14
Oil of enchantment $8
Mystic silk $2
Golden fleece=$40
Gold is 12$ per 1000GP..i have 1K,5K and 25K bars


blessed redoubt plate=$300
blessed redoubt mail=$250
+3 baton of focus=$350

blessed redoubt shield=$275
Starhide robe=$350

+3 throwing hammer of smitting=$200
Blessed redoubt helm=$250
charm awakened synergy=$400

necklace of sneak=$250
shaman’s greater necklace=$250
lute of free fury=$250
Bead of lucky traveler=$100
Orion's Belt=$100$

Medallion of furious attack $250
Pendant of the yew $250
+3 holy avenger $300
Necklace spirit of drake $250

Ioun stone elf stone shard=$250
sacred necklace $250
Mage medallion 250
Greater ring havoc $250
Greater charm bracelets $250
+3 turkey leg $100

Eltrich legendary
Kilt of dungeon bane=$375
Rod of seven parts=4500
Aaron's sunhide robe $1100
Ashenne’s arch mage medallion $1000
Asher's +5 viper strike fang $1200
Ava’s holy Avenger=$1000
Averon's +5 death cleaver $1100
Benrow’s elder drake necklace=900$
Bog’s Medallion of beserking=$1000
Bry's redoubt plate $1000
CoA (RFID 2019/2020)=1500$
Drake's +5 staff of focus=$1100
Drue's +5 baton of focus=$1100
Giln's redoubt shield=$1000
Iktomi's Shaper Necklace=$1100
Io's keen bow=$1200
Khing's supreme ring evasion=$800
Luna’sgreater charm bracelets $1000
Muk’s greater ring of havoc $1000
Pern's helm=$1100
Pharcus' cloak of destiny=$1400
Raphiel's Sneaky Necklace=$900
Ralson’s Pendant of the yew=$900
Relsa's supreme ring of focus=$1200
Rollads ring of protection +6=$1000
Sill redoubt mail=$1000
Surtr's fire girdle=$1000
Tamor’s +4 mithral bracers $500
Totem of heroism $1200
Thor's returning hammer=$1000
Viv’s amulet of noble might $1000
Welfor’s +5 slayer sword $1000
Widseth's Legendary Lute=$1000

Shirt of baneful prowess=$15
Charm of health=$8

Earcuff of freedom=$12
Ring of dire boar=$12
Horn of blessed ox=$4

Figurine power of the dog=$12
Canteen of quaffing=$4

Tankard of celebration=$7

4 star
Shirt of blessed strength=$35

Enchanter’s whetstone=$45
Charm of treasure boosting=$20

Gem of last hope=$50
Ring of stamina=$30
Charm of timely aid=$15

Master ale drinker’s bead $40
tankard of celebration $5

Potions of condensed/distilled healing=$2
Auri’s candle $150

Elder orb of dragon kind $2000
Eldest orb(with spirit dragon) 3500$

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Last edit: by lazlo_hollyfeld1985.

Laz's shop taking 2021 PYP orders 11 years 7 months ago #2

preorder #1
Ultra rares 1-10 AA
11-20 BB
12-21 DD
22-31 KK
32-34 LL
Patron code/pin CC
ring of 4th circle 1-2 AA
3-6 DD
8 GG
Grunnels pointy stick 1 GG
2-4 open $50 each
Path of Enlightenment (Fragment 1) BB
Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn 1-32 $5 each

Pre Order #2
Ultra rares 1-7 LL
8-13 MM
18-29 PP
Patron code/pin SS
ring of 4th circle 1-8 BB
Grunnels pointy stick 1-4 open $50 each
Path of Enlightenment (Fragment 1) $550
Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn 1-32 $5 each

preorder #3
Ultra rares 1-5 QQ
6-16 RR
24-26 HH
27-34 VV
Patron code/pin ww
ring of 4th circle 1-3 FF
4-6 JJ
7-8 MM
Grunnels pointy stick 1-4 open $50 each
Path of Enlightenment (Fragment 1) $550
Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn 1-32 $5 each

preorder #4
Ultra rares 1-13 SS
26-34 UU
Patron code/pin XX
ring of 4th circle 1-4 NN
7-8 QQ
Grunnels pointy stick 1-4 open $50 each
Path of Enlightenment (Fragment 1) $550
Gib Gub’s Handy Acorn 1-32 $5 each

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Last edit: by lazlo_hollyfeld1985.

Laz's shop is OPEN TAKING PYP orders 2015 11 years 7 months ago #3

Man, I've done that several times!
Follow me on Instagram @runningboardgamer

Awesome avatar by Mauve Shirt!

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Laz's shop is OPEN TAKING PYP orders 2015 11 years 7 months ago #4

bpsymington wrote: Man, I've done that several times!

i didnt notice for 2 years(all those extra Ebay fees)

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Laz's shop is OPEN TAKING PYP orders 2015 11 years 7 months ago #5


Good news! It's fixed now!
Preminant Resident of the State of Confusion
Part-Time Cat Herder

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Laz's shop is OPEN TAKING PYP orders 2015 11 years 7 months ago #6

Fizzikx wrote: Whhhhhaaa??

Good news! It's fixed now!

i couldnt figure out why I was getting little trades etc

Yay me(Boo me at same time)

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Laz's shop is OPEN TAKING PYP orders 2015 11 years 7 months ago #7

I have been getting lots of offers for HoP..prefer cash only for it please..trying to make another order

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Laz's shop is OPEN TAKING PYP orders 2015 11 years 7 months ago #8

added some (rod seg1, others)..had a few trades

is it the +1 might short bow..or long bow that is in high($$) demand

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Laz's shop is OPEN TAKING PYP orders 2015 11 years 7 months ago #9

Both are, but the Longbow is the higher priced.
The Worst Rogue Ever!
Member of the Michigan Marauders
Ranger Extra-ordinary


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Laz's shop is OPEN TAKING PYP orders 2015 11 years 7 months ago #10

lazlo_hollyfeld1985 wrote:

bpsymington wrote: Man, I've done that several times!

i didnt notice for 2 years(all those extra Ebay fees)

Join the Force, Luke and not the Dark side of Force, which is E-bay! LOL!

Out of the Phoenix's fire, I burned into one arm demon.
Out of the Phoenix's tear, I healed into mortal man.
Out of the Name is Eversuede!!!

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Laz's shop is OPEN TAKING PYP orders 2015 11 years 7 months ago #11

Eversuede wrote:

lazlo_hollyfeld1985 wrote:

bpsymington wrote: Man, I've done that several times!

i didnt notice for 2 years(all those extra Ebay fees)

Join the Force, Luke and not the Dark side of Force, which is E-bay! LOL!


Yeah, really! I sold a fair amount of tokens a few weeks back on e-Bay. Between e-Bay and Paypal fees, it was over 10% of the total sales! Have their fees gone up? I don't remember it being quite that terrible in years past when I've sold on e-Bay.
"A wizard is never late. He arrives precisely when he means to."

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Laz's shop is OPEN TAKING PYP orders 2015 11 years 7 months ago #12

added trade items
+1 Might longbow
and others

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