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TOPIC: A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit "Cubes Cubed" $470 Raised!

A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit "Cubes Cubed" $470 Raised! 2 years 2 months ago #1

Seeking all champions of those who endeavor to help in the valiant struggle against cancer. Let’s have some fun and embark upon a QUEST which, in the end, should yield some incredible treasure! Clues about how to complete the quest and what lies in wait as a reward can be unlocked based on your generous bidding. 100% of the total raised in this quest will be donated to the ACS as part of the TD Gives ACS Holiday Auction and Initiative found here. truedungeon.com/forum?view=topic&catid=584&id=255655

Your objective is to place bids in order to succeed. This quest will reward a mystery horde of treasure to the ONE ultimate winning bidder once the quest is complete. As the community unlocks information, you all will ultimately find out what you are bidding on (and believe me, it’s pretty cool!) . But there are milestones you need to achieve to get the full picture so bid generously! Bits of information will be revealed as we go.

Be sure to read the quest posts and then you may send me your bids. At times, as we achieve milestones of bidding, the quest will simply continue with me posting information as to what your party has discovered and how they have progressed. You can comment as you like but the actual progression is determined by achieving specific levels of bidding to indicate successful actions taken by your party.

Yet, In some cases you must work together to solve a puzzle and when the correct answer is posted by anyone, the party will progress. Clues can be “purchased” by achieving a bid level milestone that I will inform you of. In these cases I will make it clear that you are collectively working to solve a puzzle before you progress.

How bidding works:

◦ Bids should be sent to me via PM
◦ The current and final winning bid is the lesser of the 2nd highest bid + the bid increment and the highest bid.
◦ You must bid at least the current bid + the bid increment.
◦ Bid increment on items less than $10: $0.25
◦ Bid increment on items greater than or equal to $10 but below $100: $1
◦ Bid increment on items greater than or equal to $100: $5
NOTE: All bids must be divisible by the increment in place for their bid tier.

Once your bid is received I will send you a PM confirming it with your Gooey Cube NPC themed moniker. I will regularly update the quest thread with the current winning bid and information/clues/etc. as work and life allows. But at minimum, daily, unless extenuating circumstances prevent it.
Casey's Emporium of Gooey Delights Token Store:


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Last edit: by Casey Wren.

A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #2

Your quest begins...

Deep within the bowels of the famed Dungeon of Du’unix you’ve just slain the foul Necromancer Ga’al Uldon and are presently searching its lair for loot. You come upon a small mysterious door set into the wall about chest high.The door is made of iron with no locking mechanism visible. There is a shimmering aura around the edges of the door.

If we achieve $5 in winning bids, you shall progress…
Casey's Emporium of Gooey Delights Token Store:


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Last edit: by Casey Wren.

A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #3

The quest continues...

Upon further investigation your rouge has determined that the door is in-fact locked and possibly trapped, or at least is going to take some effort to open with actions other than picking the lock or using a knock spell. No obvious handles or hinges are visible. What do you do?

If we achieve $10 in winning bid total, you shall receive a clue…
Casey's Emporium of Gooey Delights Token Store:


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Last edit: by Casey Wren.

A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #4

The quest continues...

As your rogue lightly brushes their hand across the door they can feel the raised edges of the design upon the door. The magical aura pulsates with a vibrant, beautiful violet light then dissipates while a few small points of light seem to sparkle upon the face of the door. Suddenly, a disembodied voice can be heard coming from all around you.

“If what you seek
Be yours to keep
Then listen well
To what I speak.

Look close and see
What gears may be
A proper turn
Reveals to thee

Upon The gear
Your course is clear
Against the clock
To draw near”

Discuss amongst your party and make a choice by posting it here. As soon as the correct choice has been made we will progress…

Current bid = Creeda @ $21
Casey's Emporium of Gooey Delights Token Store:


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Last edit: by Casey Wren.

A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #5

I suck at puzzles lol but let's turn the big cog clockwise and line up the bottom lt white point with the top lt white point
Two Tongues

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A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #6

Joshua is a brave soul to reach out and turn the gear. He finds that the large gear upon the face of the door does in fact turn clockwise easily, while a rhythmic "chinking" sound can be heard. Yet when he lines up the top white point on the gear with the top white point on the door and withdraws his hand...

Nothing happens!
Casey's Emporium of Gooey Delights Token Store:


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Last edit: by Casey Wren.

A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #7

Hooray! I'm not dead! Always a plus.
Two Tongues

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A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #8

I'll try turning the center smaller cog clockwise so the bar? is straight up and down (or I'm just seeing if that cog moves, bar moves, mountain? moves)
Two Tongues

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A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #9

Joshua attempts to turn the small center cog but it does not seem to rotate in of and of itself. It moves with the entire larger cog wheel and symbols connected to it when turned. You do notice that if feels like the smaller cog wheel potentially can be pushed in given enough effort.
Casey's Emporium of Gooey Delights Token Store:


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A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #10

Muttering a brief prayer to power best left unnamed, the elf wizard moves the outer wheel three clicks clockwise, aligning the purple light of the now top-center gear tooth with the purple light at the center of the small gear below.
I write D&D things!

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Last edit: by AlanP.

A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #11

Does a higher power grant divine intervention? It's unlikely given that your actions, while appropriately deduced, do not seem to have any desirable effect... though, you seem to notice that each step you move the cogwheel, seems more difficult than the last. You also feel the air around you begin to crackle with an unnerving energy as the fine hairs upon your arms seemingly begin to rise of their own accord.
Casey's Emporium of Gooey Delights Token Store:


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A Quest for Heroes! – American Cancer Society Benefit Event 2 years 2 months ago #12

Two more clicks clockwise to line the bar with the 2 white dots and the mountain? Points with the blue and purple (I sat to the Elf wizard)
Two Tongues

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