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TOPIC: True Horde at Origins 2019

True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 9 months ago #49

This will be my first year attending Origins, so I don't know how it went last year. I'm surprised that there were any new people at all on the true horde runs. Did they not sell out to patron pin holders and vets first last year? Were there some open slots when open registration began?
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Last edit: by jpotter.

True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 9 months ago #50

Patrons were allowed to get two tickets IIRC. Tickets were still left after Patrons were done.

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True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 9 months ago #51

SnakeEyes (Eric) wrote: that's their problem for not reading the description. I'm not going to agree to change the type of run because they weren't paying attention.

Rob F wrote: +1. If people are dumb enough to sign up for an event without actually reading a description of the event well....too bad for them. Zero sympathy coming from my direction.

As a human being who has had to deal with the mind-boggling boneheadedness and astonishing ignorance (deliberate or otherwise) of the general public, not to mention as a player who was personally affected by some knuckleheads who didn't f'ing read the game's description*, I 1000% agree with the aforementioned points of view. That said, it is in TD's best interest to ensure players, particularly new players, have a positive experience. Even if (read: when!) it's totally the player's fault, there are times when we need to abide by the Customer Comes First** rule of business.

*It was a designated Nightmare run, but only two of us actually had Nightmare-level gear, so we wound up running it on Normal, much to the extreme annoyance of those of us who deliberately chose a Nightmare slot.
**I know most folks think the rule is The Customers Is Always Right, but that's patently not true. Sometimes, customers are just plain wrong.
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True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 9 months ago #52

Druegar wrote:

SnakeEyes (Eric) wrote: that's their problem for not reading the description. I'm not going to agree to change the type of run because they weren't paying attention.

Rob F wrote: +1. If people are dumb enough to sign up for an event without actually reading a description of the event well....too bad for them. Zero sympathy coming from my direction.

As a human being who has had to deal with the mind-boggling boneheadedness and astonishing ignorance (deliberate or otherwise) of the general public, not to mention as a player who was personally affected by some knuckleheads who didn't f'ing read the game's description*, I 1000% agree with the aforementioned points of view. That said, it is in TD's best interest to ensure players, particularly new players, have a positive experience. Even if (read: when!) it's totally the player's fault, there are times when we need to abide by the Customer Comes First** rule of business.

*It was a designated Nightmare run, but only two of us actually had Nightmare-level gear, so we wound up running it on Normal, much to the extreme annoyance of those of us who deliberately chose a Nightmare slot.
**I know most folks think the rule is The Customers Is Always Right, but that's patently not true. Sometimes, customers are just plain wrong.

I was on that run. Showed up and left when I saw all the newbies. Because I knew we would not get the nightmares run

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True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 9 months ago #53

I do like the idea of giving options. We usually do two or three True Grinds at GENCON. This will give us a chance to do both!

In other news, if you guarantee I will live (since you kill me 90% of the time - my bad bard singing!), I will bring Smackdown as cannon fodder!

Just a thought! :)

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True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 9 months ago #54

jedibcg wrote: I am mostly curious if it will stay a Patron only event. It has been asked but I don't think we have an answer. If it is to stay a Patron only event. Then I have no say into how the event is ran as I won't be partaking.

Just got an email from Lori saying the Raid will be open to all (if tickets are available when you are able to get tickets).

This event is actually open to everyone, but your AG code will allow you to buy tickets for these sought-after tickets one day before the general public can do so. If you do get tickets, you will face
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You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Last edit: by jedibcg.

True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 9 months ago #55

jedibcg wrote:

jedibcg wrote: I am mostly curious if it will stay a Patron only event. It has been asked but I don't think we have an answer. If it is to stay a Patron only event. Then I have no say into how the event is ran as I won't be partaking.

Just got an email from Lori saying the Raid will be open to all (if tickets are available when you are able to get tickets).

This event is actually open to everyone, but your AG code will allow you to buy tickets for these sought-after tickets one day before the general public can do so. If you do get tickets, you will face
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I believe Patrons can buy two days early.

That may pose challenges for those of us trying to squeeze in early Thursday runs.
D&D teaches all the important lessons in life - the low blow, the cheap shot, the back stab, the double cross. - Jerry Marsischky

Let them trap us. We have our swords. - Elric of Melnibone.

You try to get them to play the game, but all they want to do is play the rules. - Ardak Kumerian

I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend - Faramir

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True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 9 months ago #56

Harlax wrote:

jedibcg wrote:

jedibcg wrote: I am mostly curious if it will stay a Patron only event. It has been asked but I don't think we have an answer. If it is to stay a Patron only event. Then I have no say into how the event is ran as I won't be partaking.

Just got an email from Lori saying the Raid will be open to all (if tickets are available when you are able to get tickets).

This event is actually open to everyone, but your AG code will allow you to buy tickets for these sought-after tickets one day before the general public can do so. If you do get tickets, you will face
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I believe Patrons can buy two days early.

That may pose challenges for those of us trying to squeeze in early Thursday runs.

From the Patron code letter:

... Patrons are given early access to True Dungeon event tickets for Origins 2019. On Friday, April 26th, you will be able to purchase True Dungeon event tickets at www.td.events , provided you have registered for an account AND added your Patron code to your account.

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True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 9 months ago #57

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I was going to reply to these exact same quotes, but Druegar beat me to it.
I have a slightly different take, tho...

SnakeEyes (Eric) wrote: that's their problem for not reading the description. I'm not going to agree to change the type of run because they weren't paying attention.

I agree with you that it's their fault SnakeEyes... but I'll disagree about it being their problem.

If you - a vet - signed up for a clearly-labelled "NIGHTMARE" run, and 9 brand new players showed up, you could insist on it being run on as Nightmare. But you'd effectively be trying to do the run solo. Worse, in fact - you would be trying to solo monsters with only a couple rounds per combat, since the new players would still be allowed to slide on the table, and would eat up time. You'd be trying to solve puzzles while they set off damage that hurt the entire party. They might eventually all be dead, but you wouldn't be far behind... especially if you were hoping to run in a party with a Nightmare-ready Cleric or Druid.

So yeah: Their fault. Still your problem.

Rob F wrote: +1. If people are dumb enough to sign up for an event without actually reading a description of the event well....too bad for them. Zero sympathy coming from my direction.

I have a ton of sympathy.... if not for them, then for the vets who signed up expecting to run a dungeon with other Nightmare-ready players.

I worked Coaching during the "Nightmare Slot" days, and this happen way more often than I'd want to admit... sometimes to really dedicated players who put a lot of effort into getting into those slots for the XP. It was a royal mess, trying to explain to those dedicated long-term players, that they would have to go through with a bunch of noobs who couldn't read a simple event description, and probably die by room 4, and not even get a Completion token for their efforts.

As much as I'd like to see dedicated slots of any sort, I think it was a good thing that they went away.

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True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 8 months ago #58

Just as a quick follow-up, for this year, we decided to NOT have dedicated slots.

However, within each Raid, I encourage people to organize and decide amongst themselves whether they prefer something more slide-focused or story-focused, because I am still willing and able to adapt based on what the overall party prefers.

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True Horde at Origins 2019 5 years 8 months ago #59

Incognito wrote: Just as a quick follow-up, for this year, we decided to NOT have dedicated slots.

However, within each Raid, I encourage people to organize and decide amongst themselves whether they prefer something more slide-focused or story-focused, because I am still willing and able to adapt based on what the overall party prefers.

That's cool. Now to find the Friday 9:00 pm Horde thread and start campaigning!
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