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TOPIC: Transmute Ideas Please!

Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #13

Brad Mortensen wrote: I’d prefer something more like:

Draw two extra treasure. ALL uncommons drawn are confiscated and handed to the next player in line who is drawing four total TCs or less.

Treasure draws are calculated in coaching and there is nowhere for that on party card for strange treasure interactions in the epilogue room. And I would hate to give away half my pulls if I draw bad. Not to mention no more 50 bags if this was the rule.

Let’s keep treasure pulls straight forward
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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #14

Paladin only
+3 Holy Defender, gives +1 to saves for party, may remove curse once per game

+5 Holy Avenger, gives +2 to saves for party, may remove curse once per game, may reuse lay on hands once per adventure. May smite evil once per game (+15 damage to evil opponent)

I honestly don't know if that is too good or not good enough.
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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #15

I like the fateful heroism ring transmute idea.

A monks headband, requires a belt to make
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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #16

I like the idea of a UR headband useable by a few classes that becomes the monk neck slot item.

I honestly don't know what Monks will want from their item. Maybe incorporate GotFF ability so they can have their hand slot back?

Or maybe focus on the other things, like making deflect normal missiles apply to magical missiles?
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #17

Wade Schwendemann wrote:

Wayne Rhodes wrote:

Brad Mortensen wrote:

Fred K wrote: Treasure filter - transmute of this year's TE relic to a 5 point. Once use - allows the user to draw twice from treasure and choose which he/she wants to keep (complete draw completed for multiple treasures).

Do not like. This feels too much like it punishes other players because you’re diluting the treasure for those who come after. If enough people use these, the loot box will be reduced to nothing but uncommons.

Sounds cool. Not cool.

I agree it sounds like a interesting but bad idea.


Agreed - in execution, it probably wouldn't work. Removing it from suggestions.
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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #18

For Barbarians
Maybe increase their rage bonuses with the relic, then give a 2nd use at legendary?

For rangers, should we design for the ranged ranger or the dual wield? It would be tough to do both.
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #19

A transmuted Figurine of Power that gives a +1 to level, -2 to saves. If you made it like the Ring of FH and made it an Ioun stone, I could see that being reasonable too (ie no other ioun stones). If you make its cost similar to the Whetstone I think it would be desirable. I really like the idea of Transmuted Ioun and Figurines, as there are not many of them.

As for as Relics, for a Monk, I feel like it should be a Black Belt. I feel like it should allow him/her to auto-crit on 17-20 and a plus to str/ac. Each relic should reflect the classes uniqueness and for the Monk I think that should mean it either grants immunity to something or make Flurry of Blows/Stunning Strike better.

For Ranger, a relic bow that lets you shoot two arrows a turn. You could make a Rare arrow of quick shot that would have a damage circle on it as a one time use. Then the Relic would allow you to use the second puck to shoot that as a free action per turn, without a one time use. You already have the puck, so no extra equipment is needed.

For the Barbarian, a healing two-handed Axe of Slaying, bonus to str, heals 1/4th of damage dealt, cannot change to a ranged weapon.

I would think with the charm and ioun stone this year, I don't really see the need for a tressure enhancer anything next year. Those should be sparse.
"In order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to obtain." Mark Twain
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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #20

Greater Bracelets of the Cabal - as Bracelets of the Cabal, but your bonuses go to +2/+4/+6 (or maybe +2/+3/+4 or +2/+3/+5)
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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #21

Barbarian Relic/Legendary: Enhanced Strength
When wielding a two-handed weapon, benefits from Strength (+ to hit/+ to damage) are multiplied by 1.5x/2x. This bonus does NOT affect non-strength bonuses to melee (such as + to melee damage like Ring of Brilliance ). Would need a ruling for non-permanent boosts to Strength like potions or spells -- I could go either way on these.

Maybe associated with rage? But asking the DM to calculate dynamic strength bonus on the fly sounds like a headache instead of having it on the party card.
Playing True Dungeon since 2012.
Last edit: by Philip Goodman.
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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #22

Wade Schwendemann wrote: For Barbarians
Maybe increase their rage bonuses with the relic, then give a 2nd use at legendary?

For rangers, should we design for the ranged ranger or the dual wield? It would be tough to do both.

Actually, super easy, barely and inconvenience: double all damage dealt by ranger (weapon, item, retribution, anything else?)
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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #23

kurtreznor wrote:

Wade Schwendemann wrote: For Barbarians
Maybe increase their rage bonuses with the relic, then give a 2nd use at legendary?

For rangers, should we design for the ranged ranger or the dual wield? It would be tough to do both.

Actually, super easy, barely and inconvenience: double all damage dealt by ranger (weapon, item, retribution, anything else?)

God, I hope you're kidding.....
First ever death in True Horde
"Well, with you guarding 2 players, that means you take 90. Are you dead?"

My token shop/trade thread: Wade's Wide World of Wonder 

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Transmute Ideas Please! 5 years 11 months ago #24

I'd love to see us flesh out transmutes in slots that don't have them yet.

Along those lines, maybe a 4-star greaves transmute that requires a certain number of different rare and/or uncommon greaves. Give it maybe -2 darkrift/fire/[2019 damage type]/[2020 damage type]. Or for grins, make it -2 eldritch.

Of course the Ioun Stone slot is well overdue. Maybe something based around a Lavender Ellipsoid reprint given our theme. Could do something like have the relic add +2 damage to attacks vs. undead (+4 for Clerics and Paladins)
Last edit: by Fiddy.
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