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TOPIC: GenCon Thurs 838a NM Ebony Bay Themed Run (1 available)

GenCon Thurs 838a NM Ebony Bay Themed Run (1 available) 2 years 10 months ago #1

We were lucky enough to draw a slot in the patron lottery for buying out a GenCon run and asked for the earliest one (least likely to cause schedule conflicts.)

Our theme is "Land of Og" - we are caveperson adventurers! Og rules later in this thread.

Fred - Barbarian or Dw Fighter
Orion - Druid
Shawn - Elf Wizard
Liz - Rogue?
Edwin - Cleric
Mongo - Monk
Modern Artifice - Bard?
Artifice +2

We have several people that are maybes but not confirmed yet. Please let me know if you'd be interested and what theme you'd prefer.

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Last edit: by Fred K.

Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run 2 years 10 months ago #2

May have 5 interested (myself, Dave G, Mongo +2 of Mongos sons). Bar room brawl theme with using drink type tokens (tavern, imbiber, mug, etc) including drink type healing items plus treasure enhancers. Classes would be both wizards, monk, bard and dwarf fighter.

Will know later tonight

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Last edit: by edwin.

Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run 2 years 10 months ago #3

That is an interesting route to take - sounds like fun!
What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run 2 years 10 months ago #4

Will post a list of what tokens I found meeting the theme later tonight.

Also the group of 5 of us typically use ghost so there maybe potential to take other 8 tickets and make it a 7 person run.

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Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run 2 years 10 months ago #5

PM sent… My sons and I would love to join with you (with Edwin and DavidG as well)

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Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run 2 years 10 months ago #6

Here is the list of tokens you can choose between to be used beside treasure enhancers:

Bead – Ale Drinker’s Bead, Bead of Chugging, Master Ale Drinker’s Bead

Charm – Charm of the Imbiber

Earcuff – Ale Master Earcuff, Rum Drinker’s Earcuff

Finger – Ring of Last Call

Feet – Rum Drinking Boots

Hand – Dwarven Drinking Gloves, Gloves of Retrieval, Master Drinker’s Gloves

Head – Hat of Minor Retrieval

Legs – Kilt of Tavernbane, Pants of Retrieval

Mainhand – +1 Mug of Brawling, Brawler’s Mug (Common), Brawler’s Mug (Rare), Captain’s Mug, Stu’s +3 Handy Stein, +2 Mug of Battle

Offhand – Tankard of Health and other if Monk or Ranger

Shirt – Shirt of the Imbiber

Torso – Boarder’s Barrel Armor, Dwarven Brewer’s Vest

Waist – Ale Drinker’s Belt, Belt of Retrieval

Wrist - Bracers of the Tavern, Bracers of the Tavernkeeper

Consumable – Averon’s +3 Cherry Wine, Holy Lager, Potion Admiral’s RumPotion Bliss Stout, Potion Bliss Wine, , Potion Captain’s Rum, Potion of Catspaw Brew, Potion Creeper Stout, Potion Dwarven Ale, Potion Dwarven Brew, Potion Dwarven Doppelbock, Potion of Dwarven Lager, Potion Dwarven Mead, Potion Dwarven Pilsner, Potion Dwarven Stout, Potion Fiery Ice Lager, Potion Goodberry Wine, Potion Orcish Stout, Potion Ravager Rum, Potion Siren Wine, Potion Thrall Ale, Potion Vale Draught, Potion Vipron Wine, Potion Zealot Brew

Slotless – 50 GP Drinking Horn, 50 GP Traveler’s Cup, 100 GP Greysdale Mead, 100 GP Ravanger Rum, 350 GP Elderberry Wine, Bottle of Rum, Bucknard’s Everful Mug, Canteen of Quaffing, Captain’s Cup, Cask of Rum, Drinking Horn of Bliss, Flask of Sharing, Gold Chalice, Humble Cup, Mug of Beauty, Mug of Courage, Mug of Wisdom, Pewter Mug, Satyr Wine, Tankard, Tankard of Celebration

If you find other drink, consumption, tavern, etc related tokens add them to the listing.

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Last edit: by edwin.

Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run 2 years 10 months ago #7

Will take the 8 tickets between the five of use (Mongo plus two sons, Dave G and Edwin)

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Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run 2 years 10 months ago #8

Would love to join this if 1 slot available

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Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run 2 years 10 months ago #9

It took me a bit to get back to everyone - we'll likely have more interest than total slots available. Dan, Rachel, Shawn, and Liz were first.

Give me to end of day today to verify the first group then I can look at Edwin & Co. I won't have 8 tickets available for certain - best case is 5 tickets.

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run 2 years 9 months ago #10

It looks like we only have 3 tickets available after the first batch of PMs. Mongo and Edwin - it looks like you need at least 5 tickets if I am counting right. Please PM me to let me know if 3 will work, if not, I'll open up those three slots.

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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GenCon Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run (3 slots available) 2 years 9 months ago #11

Fred just pm’ed. Will take 3 tickets. And the classes wizard, cleric and monk.

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GenCon Thurs 824a NM Felurian's Feast Themed Run (3 slots available) 2 years 9 months ago #12

edwin wrote: Fred just pm’ed. Will take 3 tickets. And the classes wizard, cleric and monk.

Awesome! This run is full.

The drunk theme is decent - I would suggest an alternate of "dumbest weapons" run. Turkey legs are obvious but iron bars, cestus, etc - just the weakest and most ridiculous weapons we can manage. Thoughts?

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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