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TOPIC: Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers!

Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #1

As always, I want to thank Jeff, Lori and the entire TD team for putting on a wonderful game for me and my family!

My daughters and I were the only *players* from Guildie McGuildface able to get to Atlanta (as BeLinda and Brian were in town, but were busy volunteering).

This was our first live event together since GameHoleCon 2019 (!!!!). Between COVID and the girls going to college, arranging for live play hasn’t been possible. We had 2 players join us from the forums and 5 tickets were purchased very late in the day. We didn’t know until 10 minutes into the training room that they were all brand new players.

Kirk was coaching and got them all set up as efficiently as possible (thanks dude!!!). BeLinda got everybody up and running in the Training room.

As always our volunteer NPCs made the dungeon amazing. The combat DMs and NPCs did a great job engaging with everybody. I think a few of the new players were really amazed.

GuildieMcG makes a point to encourage new players. We asked if they wanted to borrow any weapons, or other gear. We leant them some treasure enhancers as well. Letting the new guys decide what they wanted to do, but offering whatever we could to be helpful. It’s always a fine line.

We played on Normal difficulty to make sure that the new players had a challenge appropriate for their level of experience.

We let the new guys take the lead on combat (my girls skipped multiple rounds of combat, because it was a little too take to downgrade their gear to normal level and they would have dominated otherwise).

The puzzles were new for all of us. So we all had the same experience there. And, in all honesty, my daughters are remarkably good at them. Katie briskly figured out she is very good at runes. I am unsure if anybody even knew the room had started at that point - I don’t even know if I did. :)

Another excellent experience.
I have enjoyed playing with my kids for many years now, and am very proud to see them as brilliant young people being gracious and helpful to others.


Ps. I hope everybody who wanted to get a Guildie McGuildface sticker got one. Alyson’s MomoDuck was inspired by the Japanese Momotaro story and our mascot Duckie.

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Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #2

Glad you could come for TD’s debut at MomoCon.

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Last edit: by BeLinda Mathie.

Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #3

My thanks to Jeff, Lori, and the entire TD Crew for another fantastic job of planning, game set up, and runs. Check-in, prep-room, coaching, DM's, characters, and epilogue were great for all five runs I had on Friday and Saturday. My usual luck of the draw held true - 182 tokens from five runs with a mystic silk as my best draw (plus 4 monster bits, and a 10 point condensed healing potion) - while one of the other yetis (whom shall remain nameless) in our group pulled both a UR and an Orange. So, since were results just like my best games of the past, I know this con was run as well (if not better) than the other TD events I have attended in person going back to the days of wooden tokens and silver tickets. Seriously though, despite being in a new site, at a new con, and with the issues created by COVID, I would say that the puzzles were some of the best ever, the story line flowed well, and the acting by the characters was well performed. Admin side of the house seemed near flawless and almost everyone I saw on staff or playing the game, were all smiling despite computer and other normal hiccoughs that are common to cons. Once again, thank you folks for all you do for us. It is noticed and appreciated more than you know.
His Excellency, The Rev. Dr. Sir James, Baron of Galilee, Baron of Bohemia, Marshall of Jamnia and Drummoncour Mor, Kt. ROS, Kt OStA, OWM, AA, BS, BTh, MAR, MDiv, ThD, PhD (Hon), MAJ USA (RET), IBM, SAM and your humble servant.

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Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #4

Awww thanks for the love! (Jessa here, I was your room 4 DM).

I’ve “opened” a lot of conventions with TD, where we’ve been in a new city and new space for the first time and I am always overwhelmed by the support from our players.

Momocon was unique in that I saw SO many more groups with vets bringing in new people. I love that! I love sharing my hobbies with others; seeing our players act as guides and mentors was so heartwarming!! I hope collaboratively we made some more friends and players for life. Welcome to the cult. :3

It really is the community that I come back to over and over. My fellow volunteers are some of the best people on the planet (in my humble opinion), but without our players and the banter it would not be as fun to DM and perform. And you folk made it SO, SO, SO fun!

The stickers, the speed runs, the chaos monster, all the taking off of shoes and other general silliness made my weekend. I’d also like to offer a huge thank you to some very special players that picked me up at the end of the night and let me borrow their builds and weapons. I had a wonderful time.

So I guess what im saying is - you’re all so welcome - and im firing the love straight back at ya. <3
Friendly neighbourhood NPC. Do not rob, maim or kill.

GC Dune Viper day shift.

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Last edit: by Jessa Hawke.

Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #5

This really was a great time. The DMs and NPCs were wonderful, the coaches were ON IT with helping the new players, and the other staff was helpful as always. We especially appreciate all of you for being great sports on the last run, where we went a little bananas. You guys are fantastic.

Thank you Jeff, Lori, Jon, Troy, Caitlin, and the TD crew. Without you, we'd just be sitting in an empty hall wondering about what could have been.

Dani, Deni - thank you for being so helpful at check-in. I know a lot of us weren't exactly being helpful by not having our stuff ready to go. Thanks for being patient!

Dave, Rebecca, Kirk - thank you for being such friendly coaches for all the newbies. Dave I still can't believe you were giving out all those tokens from your personal collection. What a nice guy.

Belinda thank you for always being so upbeat in the training room. I know at this con in particular you must have been pretty busy the whole time with all the newbies. All the newbies I ran with seemed to come out of there with a basic understanding of what was happening, so you did a great job!

Jessa thanks as always for getting into character and really riding that "I'm actually insane" vibe. Andrew thanks as always for running with our silly questions and somehow staying in character the whole time. The shrieking ghost, thank you for scaring the crap out of at least one person in every run I did - that was great! Ember thank you for convincing multiple people to worship you each run and always putting on such a regal air.

Thank you James, Andrew, Bhorg, and the other DMs that put so much flavor on everything. The little touches really make a huge difference.

Andrew kudos to you for running with the insanity in the last room, and all the NPCs/DMs who put up with us! :-)

Thanks to Trent for sponsoring the table area. At this con in particular I feel it really helped to bring in a ton of new folks who saw us playing with all of our tokens right outside the hall.

Mitchell thanks for really playing up the treasure in epilogue every time I came through. That's how we get em hooked!

And thanks to the ton who I know I missed either because I have a bad memory or I didn't run into you. You're all wonderful people for giving us the gift of your time. Thank you for making this all possible.
Cheapest Shinies available!
Find it cheaper somewhere else? Let me know and I'll beat it

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Last edit: by jpotter.

Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #6

Thanks to all the staff and players for making it a very enjoyable event. Came in thinking I would only do 2 runs and ended up with a lot more. I didn’t think runnning the same dungeon multiple times would be so enjoyable and would have ran more. All the DMs were fantastic and changed things up
to the point where we wanted to run it again to do differently things each time.

Running with vets let us enjoy the shenanigans or challenge ourselves (achievement: 4 manned nightmare),

Watched a bard anger an NPC to the point that they had the next DM obliterate them and throw their bardic corpse into the volcano, never to be seen again.

Became structural engineers and created our own holy symbol, giving the DM a panic attack along the way.

Have boat races against a DM (the DM won of course).

Watch someone ghost bust One Boot Billy.

Had our dwarf ret kill a final boss to the DMs disappointment.

Hopped in a few newbie only runs to help out and make it enjoyable for their group (gave bard my Lute, extra HP for Paladin, and level 5 to cleric so they can keep their friends alive). Saw at least one of them return for more runs later :)

Now to figure out how to get into GameholeCon runs :)

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Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #7

I have to say I was very impressed with everyone working MomoCon - you all were GREAT!!!!! JPotter already listed out everyone - and I will second everything he said.

The newbies on the Saturday run were very impressed with True Dungeon and the total experience - from the demos and check in desk - through coaching and training - and the entire dungeon and treasure experience. I know the group I went through with are planning on doing it again next year.

Thanks to the ENTIRE staff for making it such a great experience for all!

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Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #8

Thank you Guildie McGuildface for making our run awesome, and helping the new players in our run.

And a thank you to the DMs, NPCs, coaches and admins. This was the first True Dungeon run my wife and I have done since Pax South in early 2020, and you guys did an amazing job at Momo-con.
The Kazoo Bard

The Kazoo

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Last edit: by Larry Schultz.

Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #9

Nobody yet has said room 2 sucked so I must have done an alright job for my first time running combat :whistle:

Thanks everyone for the kind words :)

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Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #10

Thank you for the kind words! This was a dream team of Vols and I was so happy to be a part of them! Till Gen-con friends!

See my interview with Trent below!


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Many thanks to Momocon TD staff and volunteers! 1 year 8 months ago #11

I always enjoy Epilogue. Getting to get people excited, and seeing their reactions to pulling out the really cool stuff, and also explaining to new players what their pulls are/what they're worth. Got to watch someone almost go catatonic when they pulled the Bog's out.

I particularly enjoyed giving out a few really cool things Bhorg's family!!

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