Yay no bead expander, it is a great move to keep the swell down, and force some diversity and choice in builds.
The relic sword should have a wider audience. Barbarian backups will require keeping an additional weapon, that will likely be as powerful as it will be two handed if a backup character is being crafted. To see paladin and barbarian on this sword would benefit the game, and restrict the expanded crit range or something at the relic level. Having it be two handed for barbarians and paladins would also provide a unique benefit to fighters, if they should all have the expanded crit range. Having a suite of tools, primary for one class, and available to others, allows for build diversity for backup options, and doesn't lock players into a "me before us" mentality when they only have one character to play because of token selection. Fighters and wizards being uniquely more than one class still occasionally causing that issue from what I've seen (not usually a hard issue, just more talking points in coaching).
On the topic of bracers, can we get a preview of "are we going to see a 4* of all bracers of x" in the future? If the answer is yes, can we investigate other less common damage types first and more in line with current rare options. Bracers of light doing 2 radiant rather than fire doing 3 fire. I am sitting on 6 or 7 bracers of fire, and this will be more, though diversity would speak to damage types, not higher numbers. Since they're lesser types, keeping the numbers the same, and adding poison, acid, force, darkrift, and radiant would increase current diversity options.
As always, thanks for letting us be part of the process!