Solid set of tokens shaping up here. I agree there's some rough edges... other folks seem to have that discussion in hand, though.
Here's some things I really like about this set of Rares:
Amulet of the Norns is a more newbie-friendly variation on the old Necklace of the Norns
Love the Art on 500gp Huginn & Muninn. Thanks for listening to my earlier request ; )
Bifrost Boots - love the callback to Boots of Bounding ... and that the "2 pts of Cold Damage" may be easily negated with the "-1 to Cold damage" tokens in this year's set.
Charm of Guidance - That's a *nice* addition to the RareTE series
Linked Shirt of the Valkyrie - Sweet entry-level synergy item for new players!
Lute of the Brute... love the bardic rhyming name, and the ability. (I always feel bad for newbie Bards who want to attack, but are stuck in a corner being ignored while they attempt to inspire the party but instead just add to the noise level in the room.)
Picc wrote:
Matthew Hayward wrote: Shirt of Humble Luck: Maybe this could be "+3 to saves for 4th level characters"? I worry new players won't know what "only 1 UR+ item" means.
That's a really elegant idea.
Seconded! (Thirded?)
ONE thing I think needs fixing:
Belt of Belching: 2 pts sonic damage to all Monsters as a Sneak Attack.
No, wait. as a ... Standard Action?
Poor abbreviation - new players don't know what a "SA" is. And it's confusing to us Rogues.
(Although, if we can "Standard Action a second time", using the Relic or Legendary Rogue Necklace, I'm down with that!)
Ring of the Stag: same comment
Tyr's Ring of Sacred Wrath: same comment