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TOPIC: Of Leather Bracers and Costumes. . .

Of Leather Bracers and Costumes. . . 19 years 4 months ago #37

1. So sorry about your gato. I'd be happy to send you one of the 5 we have in our house.

2. I like the costume shown on your blog. That is a GREAT hat!

3. Hugs and salutes to all. It looks like I will be missing SoCal again this year. I would love to see everyone again, but the reason is at least a positive one. (I'll post in the off-topic).

Hope everyone is doing well.

1:Thanks hun. I appreciate the offer, but we still have 5 cats.

2: Thanks! With a hat like that, who needs to worry about sunblock! heehehehe.

3: :cry: :cry: :cry:
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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Of Leather Bracers and Costumes. . . 19 years 4 months ago #38

Do you y'all think that my Lady Dazzy costume would work in the tavern?

Yes, it is a big hat, but hey without my wings I need something to enforce my personal space bubble. ;)
Plus I have a blue crystal butterfly pin on it, so technically I do have a pair of wings on. ;)

So any thoughts?
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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Of Leather Bracers and Costumes. . . 19 years 4 months ago #39

Do you y'all think that my Lady Dazzy costume would work in the tavern?

:idea: I suggest you try it Thursday night. I know I won't be wearing the bracers that day, and we're only open 6pm - 10:30 pm, so you can "test" it with smaller crowds and shorter hours.
Honorary Pixie/Tavern Wench Emeritus/The Chainmaille Wench

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Of Leather Bracers and Costumes. . . 19 years 4 months ago #40

Thanks for the suggestion Lesimony,

And thanks for sharing that link to see your kitty cat! My brother had to go and blog about last week. Oye what a week it was. Anyways, me being the little sentimental sap I am ended up posting a bunch of pics of Rufus in my blog . The other cat you see in a couple pics is his adopted 18 year old sister, sweetums. She still goes around the house calling for him. Awwhhh, *sniffle sniffle* Okay my brother has made me entirely too sappy this morning. *little laugh* I shall blame it on lack of sleep. ;)

Oh, and hey any chance of getting a pic of you in the costume with the blouse??? *tries to look cute and adorable so you will say yes*
*flutters wings slightly*
*big blue pixie eyes looking up at you*

*little laugh* Sorry, being silly is my coping mechanism. heheehhe. *leaves a daisy for you*
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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Of Leather Bracers and Costumes. . . 19 years 4 months ago #41

h, and hey any chance of getting a pic of you in the costume with the blouse??? *tries to look cute and adorable so you will say yes*
*flutters wings slightly*
*big blue pixie eyes looking up at you*

Well of course, silly. Assuming I can get someone to take one. ;)

I wore it to the ren fest in Texas this past weekend, with my bodice from GenCon Indy and a pair of pants I made, but didn't get a photo. :(

Edited to add: I know you're having camera issues and want to get some stuff posted to your website. Did you know they sell disposable digital cameras? They have them at CVS stores. Here's an article about it. http://www.time.com/time/gadget/20040825/ You can also get a CD of photos from a regular disposable camera. Just a few suggestions until you're ready to buy another camera.
Honorary Pixie/Tavern Wench Emeritus/The Chainmaille Wench

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Of Leather Bracers and Costumes. . . 19 years 4 months ago #42

I technically 'have a camera'.
However it currently is more like a camera shaped paper weight!
*le sigh*

My found it on ebay, and he got it and I reimbursed him for it, and my brothers pitched into which was really sweet of them.
And I had my dad pay like an extra ten bucks to get a warranty on the thing.
Well when we finally get it, yeah the thing has a corrupted internal memory. And it'll be a month before the warranty gets activated. Well its been about a month and we're still waiting on the warranty paper work.
*le sigh*
Needless to say, its been rather frustrating.

And my eldest bro has been too busy to be able to come over with his digicam and help me take some pics. Doh well, just have to be patient. I tell you camera's just do not like me. I think I'm cursed when it comes to cameras. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Thanks for the suggestions sweetie, I really appreciate it. *HUGS*
And I hope you are happy with your blouse.
'Whenever I feel blue, I remind myself to breathe again.'

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