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TOPIC: Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon

Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #1

Talking TD Links:
Direct URL: www.spreaker.com/show/talkingtd
RSS URL: www.spreaker.com/show/3088301/episodes/feed

Thought I would share a little story here. I finished up my Saturday night TD run at 8 PM and after putting some stuff away I was called over to my table by three guys:

  • KurtReznor (Kent)
  • JediBCG (BC)
  • Bin Chen

We proceeded to talk True Dungeon until we were "nicely" asked to leave because the Origins convention center was closing (it was 1 AM). During this 5 hour discussion we talked about many topics (almost exclusively TD) but one that was brought up was - what about starting a podcast. We all kind of brushed it off but the more we thought about it the more it made sense.

The intent would be similar to what Talking Dead does with the Walking Dead show. Passionate people talking about something they love.

I have talked with TPTB and they are very supportive of us doing this and will likely be guests when time permits.

I know there was the original podcast with Jeff Chandler and Dave (and I have been talking to Dave about it). It was mostly behind the scenes about TD. We want to do something more from the player perspective and have TD guests talking about behind the scenes content. Our focus will also to be as accurate as possible and not spread misinformation or rumor without qualifications.

Right now we are just going to do a few episodes at Gen Con. We have a planned outline of topics to discuss. We will use a standing cast with alternates filling in as schedules conflict arise.

We will clearly want some of the long time TD players to be featured as time permits. If you would like to sit in with us and talk TD please send me a PM and I will add you to a guest list.

If we decide to continue this beyond Gen Con we will also be looking for a volunteer producer. If you are interested please also let me know. Regardless of the listener count I know BC and I will continue our talks we just won't record them if no one wants to listen.

Lastly if you have an suggestion or an idea for us please do not hesitate to post or PM me.

Useful Links:
TD Character Creator
Amorgen's Excel Char Gen Tool
Token DataBase
Talking TD Podcast

TD Accomplishments:
Member of the first team to survive Epic True Grind
1st Solo NM as Poly Druid
Proud member of Gas Station Sushi
Don't Nerf Our Tokens!

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Last edit: by MasterED.

Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #2

I'll give it a listen...good luck in the endeavour.

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Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #3

Great idea!
Live long and prosper

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Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #4

I’ll listen.

Ideas- talk about different classes and have people talk why they play that particular class

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Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #5

jon wrote: I’ll listen.

Ideas- talk about different classes and have people talk why they play that particular class

That is a great idea.
You either discover a star or you don't. You arrogant punk.

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Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #6

If you guys take time into talking about what classes you enjoy, could you talk about the builds you prefer, and why you play them over other possible builds?
"IMHO we like to solve problems here on the forums that are only perceived problems due to a myopic view." -Bob C

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Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #7

Arnold wrote: If you guys take time into talking about what classes you enjoy, could you talk about the builds you prefer, and why you play them over other possible builds?

Yes we will definitely get there. Our first 4 episodes will be catered to the newer player with nuggets for the forumites here.

Useful Links:
TD Character Creator
Amorgen's Excel Char Gen Tool
Token DataBase
Talking TD Podcast

TD Accomplishments:
Member of the first team to survive Epic True Grind
1st Solo NM as Poly Druid
Proud member of Gas Station Sushi
Don't Nerf Our Tokens!

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Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #8

Sounds great! Can't wait to hear it.

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Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #9

I like the idea and am excited for it.
Please visit my fledgling token store.

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Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #10

Awesome! I will be a listener for sure.

Maybe a guest someday after you get through the important people :)
Classes Played: Barbarian (65 times), Monk (56), Ranger (33), Rogue (25), Cleric (21), Fighter (13), Druid (12), Paladin (11), Dwarf Fighter (10), Bard (7), Elf Wizard (2), Wizard (2)

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Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #11

Possible features:
Token Notes (look at interesting tokens, or tokens that cause many questions)
A Bit of Class (looking at different classes)
If You Build It, They Will Come (looking at different build for classes)
Recalled Memories of Remembrances from the Past History
Convention Preview or Reviews
Follow me on Instagram @runningboardgamer

Awesome avatar by Mauve Shirt!

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Launching Podcast - Talking True Dungeon 6 years 7 months ago #12

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I'd watch it, by which I mean listen at work
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