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TOPIC: TD Character Creator (Web Site)

TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 10 months ago #37

Druegar wrote: On a serious note, I want to make sure we all understand something:
Until TPTB say otherwise, tdcharactercreator.com will not be accepted by coaches at TD events and you will not earn the HP bonus for using it. It could be an officially recognized character/party manager in the future, but right now it's not.

I'm not bringing this up to dump on the hard work Acherin has put into his site. I'm merely trying to avoid butthurt from players mistakenly assuming beta software would be admissible at a TD event.

It's ok. I'm just glad I can use something like this on my desktop and not having to always look at my phone when at home.

I did find one thing that is wrong so far. When the Thrall Bracer is equipped and the Thrall Weapon, it doesn't add the +1 to hit. :ohmy:
The very first True Arena Champ and I have the plaque to prove it. 2006<br />I'm not happy 'til their blood is on the ground.<br />Member of West Michigan Marauders<br />Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.<br />                                        Will S.

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TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 10 months ago #38

Latest update has been applied. All submitted bugs to date have been resolved.
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Have you seen https://tdcharactercreator.com yet?

Check out my latest Build Acherin

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TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 10 months ago #39

This years effects for AoW, Eldrich runestone and Special. have been added.
Have a question? Check the Token DataBase

Have you seen https://tdcharactercreator.com yet?

Check out my latest Build Acherin

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TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 10 months ago #40

Awesome. This thing rocks!
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 10 months ago #41

A few of you have separately asked for the same functionality. Rather than message everyone individually I am answering it here. If you want to share your character builds you can simply copy the URL while in your character view, other people that hit that URL will see the same view only the token slots are not editable. Also in the next few days I will add a export to HTML for those wishing to post their builds on the forums.
Have a question? Check the Token DataBase

Have you seen https://tdcharactercreator.com yet?

Check out my latest Build Acherin

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TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 10 months ago #42

Just a quick update you can export your characters to forum html. Just click the button and its copied into your clipboard. Also, the character pdfs have been updated checkout the coachs section for a preview on what party cards will look like. To my knowledge all reported bugs have been solved if you find any please report then. This will be the last functional update for a while as I have switched gears towards party management support, more updates on a timeline for this are in the near future.
Have a question? Check the Token DataBase

Have you seen https://tdcharactercreator.com yet?

Check out my latest Build Acherin

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TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 9 months ago #43

Just an FYI - the Ring of Stunning Fist has been changed and you will need to update your description:


Good luck getting "official" blessing I think your app will make party logistics (aka True Horde / Epic Grind) much more manageable.

One thing you may have to do is incorporate the Prestige classes as well. Here is the link:

Great job!

Useful Links:
TD Character Creator
Amorgen's Excel Char Gen Tool
Token DataBase
Talking TD Podcast

TD Accomplishments:
Member of the first team to survive Epic True Grind
1st Solo NM as Poly Druid
Proud member of Gas Station Sushi
Don't Nerf Our Tokens!

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Last edit: by MasterED.

TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 9 months ago #44

I've got most of my characters loaded into this app and it's awesome. The Token graphics are a nice touch and combined with the ability to filter based on the rarity of the item makes it very easy to quickly slot your Tokens. Also, the stat sheet is great because it lists out all your damage reductions and you also have a page which lists out all effects in play and once per room/game abilities. Really looking forward to see where he takes this thing with the party card. Hopefully TPTB have taken notice.
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi

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TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 9 months ago #45

Rob F wrote: I've got most of my characters loaded into this app and it's awesome. The Token graphics are a nice touch and combined with the ability to filter based on the rarity of the item makes it very easy to quickly slot your Tokens. Also, the stat sheet is great because it lists out all your damage reductions and you also have a page which lists out all effects in play and once per room/game abilities. Really looking forward to see where he takes this thing with the party card. Hopefully TPTB have taken notice.

I concur. One key user item I would like to see added is the ability to either copy a character or at least add all the slotless tokens because it almost takes more time to add all the slotless tokens vs. the regular equipment.

Useful Links:
TD Character Creator
Amorgen's Excel Char Gen Tool
Token DataBase
Talking TD Podcast

TD Accomplishments:
Member of the first team to survive Epic True Grind
1st Solo NM as Poly Druid
Proud member of Gas Station Sushi
Don't Nerf Our Tokens!

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TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 9 months ago #46

Is there a way for the statistics page to show spell casting damage bonuses?
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TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 9 months ago #47


Breon the Archmage

STR: 11
DEX: 23
CON: 14
INT: 22
WIS: 11
CHA: 11

Hit: 3 Damage: 5 AC: 20

Hit: 9 Damage: 5 AC: 20 Missle AC: 0

Reflex: 17 Fort: 13 Will: 14

Health: 41(max 50 with Charm of Synergy)

Damage Reduction:

Melee Mainhand: +3 Staff of Focus
Melee Offhand: Empty
Ranged Mainhand: Dagger of Throwing
Ranged Offhand: Empty
Head: Circlet of Elemental Mastery
Eyes: Sniper Spectacles
Left Ear: Earcuff of Inspiration
Right Ear: Earcuff of Orbits
Neck: Charm Necklace
Torso: Starhide Robe
Wrist: Bracelets of the Cabal
Hands: Gloves of Glory
Back: Cloak of the Mage
Back: Cloak of Destiny
Ring: Ring of Spell Storing
Ring: Supreme Ring of Elemental Command
Ring: Ring of Greater Focus
Waist: Belt of Retrieval
Shirt: Shirt of the Underdark
Legs: Pantaloons of the Deeperdark
Boots: Boots of the Four Winds
Figurine: Figurine of Power: Bat
Charm: Charm of Avarice
Charm: Charm of Heroism
Charm: Charm of Brooching
Charm: Charm of Spell Swapping
Charm: Charm of Synergy
Charm: Mad Evoker’s Charm
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Amethyst Ovoid
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Silver Nugget
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Topaz Trilliant
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Quicksilver Cube
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Tanzanite Cube
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Charming Cabochon
Ioun Stone: Ioun Stone Sapphire Prism
Slotless: 1st Tooth of Cavadar
Slotless: 2nd Tooth of Cavadar
Slotless: 3rd Tooth of Cavadar
Slotless: Druegar’s Death Die
Slotless: Greater Arcane Scroll Tube
Slotless: Kvothe’s Bloodless
Slotless: Rod of Seven Parts, Segment 6
Slotless: Rod of Seven Parts, Segment 7
Slotless: Carter’s Tome of Insight
Follow me on Instagram @runningboardgamer

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TD Character Creator (Web Site) 7 years 9 months ago #48

Just checking to see how my build would be displayed. Very awesome.
Follow me on Instagram @runningboardgamer

Awesome avatar by Mauve Shirt!

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