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In 2013 our plans call for us to add an additional adventure to the event. There will be two consecutive adventure modules, and each module will have two variations of either a combat or puzzle orientation. The first module called “Lycans Afoot” tasks the party to travel through a dark forest in search of a tower, while the second module called “Golembane” challenges the party to reach the top of tower.

TOPIC: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014

Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #25

Question about the extra tickets. Last year (2012) I had an extra but TD sold the spot for generics. I could still run a retainer and use my HoP, RoR, and CoGF on the retainer?

Team Legacy
Yes I'm an Arneson you do the math.

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Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #26

  • Raven
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When you buy a 10-man slot and want to run it with fewer players, you need to *hand in* the ticket and claim the wrist-band, so TD doesn't sell the unclaimed slot for generics. This is important, since TD only gets repaid based on the number of tickets they hand in, and any unclaimed slots result in lost revenue. I've found that if you tell the host/ess and Coach that you intend to run with fewer than 10 *AND TAKE THE EXTRA WRISTBAND* , they are good about not selling the extra by accident.

Once you have 2 wristbands, you can run a phantom player. (I like to call them "Retainers" because you "retain" that slot/wristband.) There is a forum thread (or just a post?) about the rules for these retainer wristbands, but it goes roughly like this:

You can equip your retainer with tokens which won't directly affect game play, but affect other players tokens, ie: Synergy, Cabal items, etc. So a Retainer doesn't have HP of their own but if they are equipped with a Charm of Synergy that counts towards the party's total and will bump up the other (real) players' HP. Same goes for Cabal items, and Charm of Greedy Fingers. You must be able to show these tokens to the Coach/DM so you'll need 2 copies if you are also using one for yourself.

So yes, if you have a (spare) copy of HoP, RoR or CoGF, you could use them on the retainer. Or - if you have only 1 copy - you could equip them on your retainer and for yourself use other items in the neck/ring/charm slot. You would only get bonuses for the number of treasure-generating tokens you have, though. You don't get double HoP effect (for you and your retainer) unless you have 2 HoPs.

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Last edit: by Raven.

Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #27

The retainers also receive coconut tokens to represent your mount. And although they cannot attack they are able to fart in the general direction of the enemies if they declare the action in a French accent.
Tinker, Gnome, Wizard, DIE!

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Last edit: by EN 429.

Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #28

  • TJRat
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No, I think you have to mount the coconuts to retain your representative?

...flatulence is optional...

((sorry, but we digress))
You still got hit points! Get back in there and fight!!

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Last edit: by TJRat.

Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #29

Raven wrote: There is a forum thread (or just a post?) about the rules for these retainer wristbands

Indeed, there is :

Jeff Martin wrote:

UPDATED 6/7/2013
Q: Is it acceptable to True Dungeon that a group of players who has more tickets than it has players to keep the extra slots unfilled?
A: Yes, as long as they buy (and turn in) all 10 event tickets.

Q: What should the players do with the extra tickets to ensure TD gets all of the payment from the run from Gen Con?
A: All 10 hard tickets must be purchased and turned in to the official TD ticket-taker for that particular adventure. (A hard ticket is a single ticket that specifies the exact date and time of the event the participant paid for.) The extra wristbands will be placed on one or more players, as designated by those who turn them in. E.g., if you buy a full run for yourself, you will be wearing 10 wristbands. If four people go on the run, the extra six wristbands will be divvied up between the four players as they designate.
Note: The aforementioned rule for hard tickets only applies to groups running with less than 10 people. Players who fill in a party off of the waiting list may pay with generics.

Q: Do the players with the extra tickets/wristbands get 1 bag of tokens per extra ticket/wristband?
A: Yes. If you are wearing two wristbands, you will get two bags of tokens. If you are wearing ten wristbands, you will get ten bags of tokens.

Q: May I play more than one character if I am wearing more than one wristband?
A: No. No matter how many wristbands a player is wearing, no person may play more than one character. So if you purchased all 10 slots because you want to solo the dungeon, you may do so but you will only play one character, not ten.

Q: Do I equip the extra characters?
A: No, but maybe yes. None of the extra characters are playable, so it is not necessary to provide equipment for them. However, if you have more than one copy of a synergistic or treasure-enhancing token, you have the option to utilize your extras on the phantom characters. E.g., if you are soloing a dungeon and have ten Charms of Synergy, you may equip one Charm of Synergy on your “real” character and the other nine on the phantom characters to get a +10 to initiative. Similarly, if your group is running through an adventure with only eight players, the two phantom characters could benefit from any additional treasure-enhancing or synergistic token(s) you have.
For a token to affect a character played by a real person (not a phantom character), that token must be equipped on the “real” character.
Note: The phantom characters cannot duplicate a class currently being played by a real person. E.g., if your party contains a bard, cleric, druid, elf wizard, and wizard, no phantom character can equip a Cabal item because none of the remaining classes are eligible to equip a Cabal item.

Q: Do the players with the extra tickets get extra Treasure Chips for each unused ticket?
A: Treasure Chips will be distributed as if a real person went on the run, allotted by the extra wristbands.
Treasure-enhancing tokens only affect one wristband per token. If you solo a dungeon and only have one Horn of Plenty, you would get triple Treasure Chips for one of slot but the normal amount of Treasure Chips for the other nine slots. If you solo a dungeon but prove you have ten Horns of Plenty, you would get triple Treasure Chips for all ten slots. The same principle applies to all other treasure-enhancing tokens.
Charm of Good Fortune also functions as if a real person was wearing it. If you solo a dungeon and have ten Charms of Good Fortune, they would grant you a total of +40 Treasure Chips (+4 tokens per "person"). If you solo a dungeon and have six Charms of Good Fortune, they would grant you a total of +18 Treasure Chips (+3 tokens per "person").
Note: You will need to show all your treasure-enhancing tokens to both the coach who fills out your party card as well as the person at the XP desk after your adventure.

Q: How if the 6th-level benefit handled?
A: If you're at least a 6th-level player, you will get one extra Treasure Chip for each wristband you're wearing.

Q: How do we handle late players?
A: If a player arrives more than three minutes after the official start time (the time printed on their ticket/wristband) and did not previously notify the official TD ticket-taker for that adventure or anyone in the group that s/he would be late, we will attempt to fill his/her slot with someone from the wait list.
If a player has not arrived by 18 minutes after the official start time, even if s/he gave advance notice that s/he would be late, we will attempt to fill that slot from the waiting list.
If a player arrives after his/her party has entered the dungeon, s/he may not participate in that run--even if the slot was not filled.
If a late player’s slot is filled by someone from the waiting list, the late player may not go on that run.

Q: I missed my run and Gen Con says it is too late for a refund, is there anything I can do with my ticket now?
A: TD cannot issue refunds, period. That's all handled by Gen Con. Find a director (head to the TD Store or find someone wearing a radio), they might be able to do something for you. Depending on circumstances, it MAY be possible to get you in on a later run.

Have you looked it up in the TDb ?
Please post TDb corrections in this thread .
If I write something in teal, it should not be taken seriously

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Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #30

  • Ro-gan
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TJRat wrote: I know the four core members of TeamYeti are very interested in this format. We agree that setting up a variety of regular and unique runs makes for a great experience! Raven, hopefully we can repeat our True Grind victory!

Don't let Chris' modesty fool you. He and Lynette are true gamers; cooperative, fun to be with and willing to wash/wax your car between runs!

We are set for: bearbearian, cleric, wizard and paladin; and are building several new sets for maximum flexibility.

If Raven can't be your fifth then I eagerly volunteer to run with Team Yeti again. You guys are awesome!

And, Raven, I'd also love to finally run with you. Doing it in a 5-Player Nightmare would be great!
"It's treason then."

Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Character Generator for Android

Amorgen's Excellent Excel Character Generator

Have you checked the Token DataBase ?

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Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #31

Raven, I hope I can represent the Guild of Arch-Mages on one of these epic runs! Color me interested!
Follow me on Instagram @runningboardgamer

Awesome avatar by Mauve Shirt!

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Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #32

My group ended up doing a 3man normal run because I got pulled away for the GT run otherwise it would have been a 4man run. Not the nightmare but worked. We didn't manage to get all 10 slots for our second run so that one was run with only 6. I figured the other 3 folks would have been concerned but when they saw what was up, they became excited at smaller run they found themselves in.

There is a good chance I'll do this again.
Sweet a combat room, we won't take damage!

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Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #33

  • Raven
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Thanks for the C&P, Druegar!

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #34

  • TJRat
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Ro-gan wrote:

TJRat wrote: I know the four core members of TeamYeti are very interested in this format. We agree that setting up a variety of regular and unique runs makes for a great experience! Raven, hopefully we can repeat our True Grind victory!

Don't let Chris' modesty fool you. He and Lynette are true gamers; cooperative, fun to be with and willing to wash/wax your car between runs!

We are set for: bearbearian, cleric, wizard and paladin; and are building several new sets for maximum flexibility.

If Raven can't be your fifth then I eagerly volunteer to run with Team Yeti again. You guys are awesome!

And, Raven, I'd also love to finally run with you. Doing it in a 5-Player Nightmare would be great!

Anytime, crazy man, anytime.
You still got hit points! Get back in there and fight!!

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Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #35


I'm interested. As you know I have a killer Druid who can also do massive cures, assuming we can get the Cabal items equipped, which shouldn't be too big of a deal with the phantom characters (I can bring extra cabal/CoGF/RoR/Synergy/Awareness/etc. - just let me know what the group needs).


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Re: 5-man Nightmare run(s) for 2014 10 years 10 months ago #36

  • Raven
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bpsymington wrote: Raven, I hope I can represent the Guild of Arch-Mages on one of these epic runs! Color me interested!

If schedules work out, I'd be thrilled to run with you again Breon!

And Ro-gan, I am certain we'll get a run together some day, whether a 5-man Nightmare or some other Epic conquest of the dungeon. I'd want the chance to run with you in a different event before taking on the challenge of 5-man Nightmare, but you never know how the chips will fall. I've forged many friendships in the heat & pressure of the dungeon simply because certain people were available when my friends were not.

Valetutto: I bet this format would work just as well for HardCore or Normal mode runs, so I'm sure there will be more folks voluntarily going in under-manned in the future.

Part of me wonders whether this is rude to new players... Experienced Players "stealing" extra slots to enhance their own enjoyment at the expense of those who battle the registration system and can't get even a single ticket... but this past year, there were slots available right up 'til GenCon, so I think we've hit a pretty sweet spot for ticket availability vs. price. Plus, I like to collect a certain number of completion tokens in a year (Usually by running each dungeon side 3 times) so if I can do a run with 2 wrist bands, it will likely mean I do one less other run, netting the same number of ticket sales.

Check out these awesome resources:
Cranston's Character Generator for iDevices or Android
Amorgen's Excel Character Generator
And the ever-useful Token DataBase , expertly maintained by Druegar.

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