TOPIC: Mike's Token Shop - Super Sale Prices!
Mike's Token Shop - Super Sale Prices! 17 years 10 months ago #1
Welcome to the oldest and best Token shop!! Below are the full Store listings, but here are some special sale prices to jump on! Ioun Stone Silver Nugget: $325 Ioun Stone Silver, Gold, and Platinum Nuggets: $575 Kilt of Dungeonbane: Skull of Cavadar: Arcane Earcuff: $160 Bead of the Lucky Traveller: $75 Charm of Brooching: $155 Charm of Glory: $160 Cranston's Helpful Hat: $250 Goggles of the Deadshot: $140 Gregor's Tome of Focus: $150 5th and 4th and 3rd Ring of the Circle set: $295 Here's a listing of tokens I'm interested in, and ones I have available. I'm open to trades for tokens not on this list. Please feel free to send me a PM or email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you are interested in a trade or purchase ![]() Add $4 for shipping (or $8 for shipping in a small flat rate box) for token purchases in the USA, and if you want to pay for insurance let me know. If I have both Gold and Plat quantities listed for a token, the price is for the Gold token, and contact me for the Platinum price. WOODEN TOKENS: I also have the only Wooden Token shop (years 2003-2006). The link to my list of wooden tokens that have for sale or trade as well as my want list is: truedungeon.com/forum?func=view&catid=61&id=125579 Tokens that I'm looking for: 2009 ONYX C/U/R set (High Priority) PYPs Rings of the 3rd Circle Monster Ingredient Tokens (mainly older ones that I'm out of stock on) Wooden Tokens / Old Labeled Token Bags / TD Binder / Mugs / etc. Always open to trades for other URs or higher Tokens, just send me an offer or inquiry. ![]() ONYX R/U/C Sets Available Quantity 2009 Complete R/U/C ONYX Set BUYING!! 2011 Complete R/U/C ONYX Set x1 2014 Complete R/U/C ONYX Set x1 2015 Complete R/U/C ONYX Set x1 2016 Complete R/U/C ONYX Set x1 2017 Complete R/U/C ONYX Set x1 2018 Complete R/U/C ONYX Set x1 2020 Complete R/U/C ONYX Set x1 Legendary, Arcanum, and Eldritch Tokens Available: Quantity Kilt of Dungeonbane ELDRITCH (+5 HP & +4 St, Dx, or Con) x1 Rod of Seven Parts Segment 4 (+1 Will saves, Slotless) x1 Rod of Seven Parts Segment 5 (+1 St, Slotless) x1 Rod of Seven Parts Segment 6 (+1 Dex, Slotless) x1 Rod of Seven Parts Segment 7 (+1 Con, Slotless) x1 Skull of Cavadar x1 Skull of Cavadar + Mystic Orb Combo x1 Tooth of Cavadar #4 x1 Tooth of Cavadar #6 x1 Tooth of Cavadar #7 x1 Widseth's Legendary Lute (+2 Hit/+2 Dam to Bardsong + More) x1 Relic Tokens Available: Quantity Bead of the Lucky Traveler (+2 Saves, Free Action) x1 Dracolich Claw Charm (+2 Dam Melee & Ranged) x1 Dragon Tooth Amulet 2010 (50% Combat Magic Resistance) x3 Girdle of Frost Giant Strength RELIC (+5 St) x1 Greater Charm Bracelets RELIC (Wear 3 additional charms) x1 Icecrag Hero's Earcuff (-5 Cold, +2 Con, Regen 1 Pt) x1 Ring of Improved Evasion RELIC - Original Printing (Grants Improved Evasion) x1 Ring of Improved Evasion RELIC - Second Printing (Grants Improved Evasion) x1 Ultra-Rare, Volunteer, Premium & Special Tokens Available Quantity +1 Mighty Short Bow 2020 (Adds Strength Damage Bonus) x1 +1 Mighty Short Bow ONYX 2020 (Adds Strength Damage Bonus) x1 +1 Mighty Sling 2016 (Adds Strength Damage Bonus) x0 +1 Plate Armor 2007 (+9 AC) x1 +2 Chaos Cannon 2022 (Various Damage Types) x1 +2 Death Flail (Barbarian 3x Dam on Criticals) x1 +2 Scepter of Might (hit reduces monster hit roll by 1) x2 +2 Staff of Power 2022 (Cast 1st Lvl Spell 1/room as scroll) x1 +2 Staff of Power ONYX 2022 (Cast 1st Lvl Spell 1/room as scroll) x1 Amorgen's Amazing Ocarina (+2 Dam to Bardsong, Bard can read scrolls) x1 Amulet of Guarding 2017 (Paladin can guard two characters) x1 Amulet of Treasure Finding (4 Extra Treasure Chips) x0 Amulet of Wonder 2008 (Different Cool Effect each year) x2 Arcane Belt (+2 to Melee, Missile, Spell Damage & Healing) x1 Arcane Belt ONYX (+2 to Melee, Missile, Spell Damage & Healing) x1 Arcane Bracelets (Equip up to 2 additional Ioun Stones) x1 Arcane Bracelets ONYX (Equip up to 2 additional Ioun Stones) x1 Arcane Earcuff (Equip up to two additional Charms) x1 Bead of Focus 2021 (+2 Focus) x1 Bead of Focus ONYX 2021 (+2 Focus) x1 Bead of Guided Strike 2021 (Negates Crit & Sneak Attack immunities) x1 Bead of Guided Strike ONYX 2021 (Negates Crit & Sneak Attack immunities) x1 Belt of the Deadshot (+2 to Hit, +3 Damage for Ranged) x1 Belt of the Deadshot ONYX (+2 to Hit, +3 Damage for Ranged) x1 Boots of Puhweehwa (+2 to AC, Immune to Surprise) x1 Bracers of Reckless Fury (+5 Dam 2-handed weapons, -2 AC non-Barbarian) x1 Bracers of Reckless Fury ONYX (+5 Dam 2-handed weapons, -2 AC non-Barbarian) x1 Bracers of Supreme Archery (+2 Hit/Dam) x1 Charm Bracelets 2022 (Wear 2 Additional Charms) x1 Charm Bracelets ONYX 2022 (Wear 2 Additional Charms) x1 Charming Ring (+1 Fort Saves for each Charm Equipped) x1 Charm of Brooching (Equip 2nd Back Slot Token) x1 Charm of Glory (Equip up to 3 Rings) x1 Charm of Spell Storing (Cast Spell for Free as Free Action) x1 Charm of Spell Storing ONYX (Cast Spell for Free as Free Action) x1 Charm of Spell Swapping (Sacrifice higher spell to cast damage or heal spell) x1 Charm of Synergy 2012 (+1 HP for each in party) x1 Cloak of Shadowskin (+2 Saves, absorb 1 Melee/Missile hit per game) x1 Cloak of The Elm (+4 Constitution, -1 AC for non-Rangers) x1 Cranston's Helpful Hat (+2 Ranged Damage, equip 2 Eye Slots) x1 Crown of Elemental Mastery (Change Energy type) x2 Crown of Expertise (Use one power/spell without marking off) x1 Death Knight Gauntlets (+4 St, part of Death Knight Set) x1 Death Knight Mail ONYX (+5 AC, +2 St, part of Death Knight Set) x1 Dougal's Cloak of the Stars ONYX (+3 to all Saves) x1 Dragonhide Armor (+6 AC) x1 Dragonhide Belt VOLUNTEER (melee +4 hit and damage vs Dragons) x2 Dragonhide Boots VOLUNTEER (+4 AC vs Dragons) x1 Dragonhide Shirt VOLUNTEER (-4 damage on Dragon melee hits) x1 Earcuff of Orbits (Equip 2 Additional Ioun Stones) x1 Earcuff of Orbits ONYX (Equip 2 Additional Ioun Stones) x1 Earcuff of the Ravager ONYX (+3 to hit Melee) x1 Elixir of Life (2005b Woodie, restores player to life at full HP) x1 Figurine of Power: Phoenix (Heal 1 Character 20 Pts) x1 Figurine of Power: Phoenix ONYX (Heal 1 Character 20 Pts) x1 Figurine of Power: Reaver (Deals 10 Pts Darkrift dmg 1/game) x1 Gauntlets of Divine Guidance (+3 to hit Melee, +1 Healing Spells) x1 Gauntlets of Divine Guidance ONYX (+3 to hit Melee, +1 Healing Spells) x1 Girdle of Might 2011 (+2 St, +1 Saves) x1 Gloves of Greater Archery (+4 Dam Missile weapons) x1 Gloves of the Cutpurse (+5 Dex, -2 St) x1 Gloves of the Deadshot ONYX (+3 to hit Ranged) x1 Goggles of the Deadshot ONYX (+3 to hit Ranged) x1 Goggles of the Deadshot (+3 to hit Ranged) x1 Greater Garnet Charm VOLUNTEER (+2 to Constitution) x1 Greater Quicksilver Charm VOLUNTEER (+2 to Dexterity) x1 Gregor's Tome of Focus x1 Grunnel's Funnel (Slotless) x1 Ioun Stone Fluorite Cube ONYX (+2 Damage for Wands) x1 Ioun Stone Fluorite Cube (+2 Damage for Wands) x2 Ioun Stone Gold Nugget (+2 Treasure Coins) x10 Ioun Stone Mystic Orb x1 Ioun Stone Platinum Nugget (+2 Treasure Coins) x10 Ioun Stone Silver Nugget (+2 Treasure Coins) x10 Lenses of Divine Sight (+2 Healing & can split) x1 Lucky Cloak (+3 Saves) x1 Medallion of Greyhawk (Immune Poison, Petrification, Undead) x1 Medallion of Greyhawk CHIPPED (Immune Poison, Petrification, Undead) x1 Medallion of Mystic Mouth (Swap in/out wand & use as free action) x1 Nightshade's +2 Throwing Dagger x1 Pouch of Tulz (Slotless, Use 1 Potion, Oil, of Salve as Free Action) x1 Questor's Charm of Luck (+1 Saves, reroll "1" on saves) x2 Ring of Expertise (cast 0 or 1 lvl spell without marking off card 1/room) x1 Ring of Havok (+2 Damage Melee or Ranged) x1 Ring of Quick Blessing (cast 1st level spell or restore power as free action) x1 Ring of Spell Storing (cast any spell as free action, don't mark off card) x1 Ring of the Drake (+2 Fire Damage, Shuriken's gain returning) x1 Ring of the Yeti (+3 Cold Damage for Missiles) x1 Robe of the Arch-Mage (+3 AC, immune magic missile) x1 Scepter of the Dead (Ghost Players can talk, great for Puzzles) x1 Shaed (-2 Dam from Melee,Ranged,Spell Attacks AND Effects) x1 Shaman's Belt (Sacrifice 1st Level Spell to polymorph into Elemental) x1 Shield of the Scholar 2021 (+3 AC Cast Scroll as FA) x1 Shield of the Scholar 2014 (+3 AC Cast Scroll as FA) x1 Shirt of Focus (+2 Healing & Damage spells, Polyporph) x3 Shirt of the Fae (Drink potion free action, speak/cast spells while polymorphed) x1 Shirt of the Fae ONYX (Drink potion free action, speak/cast spells while polymorphed) x1 Shirt of the Oaf (+3 St, -1 Dex) Sniper Spectacles (+3 Hit Missiles/Spells) Sold Out Stu-Pendous Pendant (+3 Strength, +3 Dexterity) x1 Stu's +3 Handy Stein (Drink 2 potions as Free Action) x0 Troll Hide Armor PROOF TOKEN (+5 AC, +4 Fort Saves) x1 Widseth's Mystical Lute 2015 (+2 Party Dam, Bard can attack) x1 Widseth's Mystical Lute 2008 (+2 Party Dam, Bard can attack) x1 Trade Item Tokens Quantity Alchemist's Ink x0 Alchemist's Parchment x0 Aragonite x0 Darkwood Plank x0 Dwarven Steel x0 Elven Bismuth x0 Enchanter's Munitions x0 Golden Fleece x0 Mystic Silk x0 Oil of Enchantment x0 Philosopher Stone x0 Transmuted/Completion/Special Tokens: Quantity +1 Orchorn Shortbow 2009 x1 +1 Turkey Leg 2022 (FOB, can be eaten to heal 7 pts) x5 200 GP Underduck of Doom 2015 x4 GENCON Promo 2009 True Dungeon Token x8 Adventurer's Guild Token 2017 x1 Adventurer's Guild Token 2019 x2 Ale Master Earcuff 2018 (+3 HP, -4 Char)) x1 Amulet of Shock 2019 (All Attacks +2 Shock Dam) x1 Basic Greaves 2022 (-1 Dam from Acid) x10 Bead of the Bear 2021 (+2 Fort Saves) x2 Belt of the Brave 2021 (+4 Fort Saves) x3 Belt of the Fey 2013 (Immune to Charm) x0 Belt of the Vine 2013 (+2 Dmg vs Plants) x1 Bead of the Dire Bear 2021 (+4 Fort Saves) x4 Blessed Tempest Gloves (+3 Dam Ranged attacks & Spells) x1 Boots of Bolting 2020 (+3 to Reflex Saves) x2 Boots of Sure Footing 2008 (+2 to Reflex Saves) x2 Boots of the Bandit 2020 (+1 to Dexterity) x2 Boots of the Bold 2020 (Melee +1 to hit and dmg) x1 Bracelets of Greater Stunning 2010 ("1" ends monster turn & 6 Dam) x2 Bracelets of Stunning 2010 (1 rolled against player ends monster turn) x5 Bracelets of the Zephyr (Cast 2 Spells 1 Round) x1 Bracers of the Tavern Starburst Variant 2020 (+1 Con & -1 AC) x1 Cadaver Charm 2012 (Cures 2 Pts when 1st monster in room dies) x1 Charm of Good Health 2020 (+2 Max HP & +1 Fort Saves) x2 Charm of Earth 2021 (+1 Sonic Dmg Melee) x1 Charm of Fire Newt 2022 (+2 Fire Dmg Melee) x1 Charm of the Lava Fiend 2015 (-2 Fire Dam) x4 Charm of the Salamander 2015 (-1 dmg from Fire) x1 Charm of the Sea Lion 2022 (+1 St & -1 AC) x4 Charm of the Wind 2021 (+2 Shock Dmg Ranged Attacks) x3 Charm of Timely Aid 2020 (Heal 10 pts on 1-4 Initiative roll) x1 Darkguard Greaves 2017 (-2 Darkrift Dam) x2 Deadward Amulet 2021 (+1 Saves Immune Undead Touch) x5 Deadward Amulet ORANGE MISPRINT 2021 (+1 Saves Immune Undead Touch) x2 Devilward Amulet 2019 (+1 Saves & Immune to Evil Outsider Possession) x3 Dragonward Amulet 2018 (Immune to non-HP Breath Effects) x4 Drow Commander's Gloves 2015 (+2 Darkrift Dam) x3 Drow Lieutenant's Gloves 2015 (+2 Darkrift Dam) x1 Earcuff of Crenelations 2016 (-2 Damage from Missile if Bardsong) x1 Earcuff of Encouragement 2020 (+2 Will Saves) x1 Earcuff of Enlightenment 2020 (+3 Will Saves) x4 Earcuff of Ramparts 2016 (-2 Damage from Melee) x2 Eelward Amulet (+1 Saves & -2 shock Damage) x5 Fallen Star Mushroom (Resurrection & Full Heal) x0 Feedback Loop (Immediately redo combat slide, 2 charges) x1 Feedback Loop Signed in person by Feedback at GENCON (Immediately redo combat slide, 2 charges) x1 Flameguard Greaves 2018 (-2 Fire Damage) x3 Folio of Brawn 2021 (+2 to Strength) x4 Folio of Deftness 2021 (+2 to Dex) x8 Folio of Focus 2021 (+2 to Focus) x2 Folio of Fortitude 2021 (+3 Fort Saves) x6 Folio of Might 2021 (+1 Level) x4 Folio of Reflexes 2021 (+3 Reflex Saves) x6 Folio of Wisdom 2021 (+3 Will Saves) x2 Gloves of Elvenkind 2021 (+1 Dex) x1 Gloves of Elven Lords 2021 (+2 Dex) x1 Goblet of Healing 2009 (use 2 Faerie Waters to heal 3 Pts) x1 Goggles of Ethereal Vision 2021 (No 50% Miss Incorporeal) x1 Greater Holly Ring 2017 (+1 Melee Sacred Damage) x5 Greaves of Firewalk 2018 (-1 Fire Damage) x10 Greaves of Frost Resistance 2021 (-1 Cold Damage) x5 Greaves of Frost Resistance Yellow Background 2021 (-1 Cold Damage) x3 Greaves of Grounding 2020 (-2 Shock Damage) x4 Greaves of Ice Resistance 2021 (-2 Cold Dmg) x8 Greaves of Ice Resistance Yellow Background 2021 (-2 Cold Dmg) x1 Greaves of Insulation 2020 (-1 Shock Damage) x14 Greaves of the Viper 2019 (-1 Poison Damage) x5 Guild of Ale Drinkers 2007 (Membership in Guild, Free Tavern Admission) x3 Harpy Claw Amulet 2009 (Immune to Magical Disease) x2 Hitchhiking Ghost: Bog 2020 (Equip additional Rare Eye Slot for game) x8 Hitchhiking Ghost: Flog 2020 (Equip additional Rare Feet Slot for game) x7 Hitchhiking Ghost: Gog 2020 (Equip additional Rare Leg Slot for game) x1 Hitchhiking Ghost: Mog 2020 (Equip additional Rare Shirt Slot for game) x7 Hitchhiking Ghost: Shog 2020 (Equip additional Rare Waist Slot for game) x5 Holly Ring 2017 (+1 Sacred Dmg with missiles) x2 Horn of Blasting 2012 (Reusable 2 Pts Force Dam to all Monsters) x1 Horn of Rally 2018 (Negates Fear & Charm on Subject) x1 Invitation to Celebration 2008 (Free Tavern Admission) x2 |