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TOPIC: Super Condensed 8k Auction FUNDED

Semi-Lightning (Thunder) Super Condensed 8k Auction (Failed) 3 years 6 months ago #37

Full patron bonus (w/token) would have bumped it another 150/200 as well
Lori-gorgon Survivor.

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Semi-Lightning (Thunder) Super Condensed 8k Auction (Failed) 3 years 6 months ago #38

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payden wrote: Full patron bonus (w/token) would have bumped it another 150/200 as well

Mystic Orb was added near the end and was sitting at $235 when the auction failed

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Semi-Lightning (Thunder) Super Condensed 8k Auction (Failed) 3 years 6 months ago #39

Would have been 260 at the very end, had a last minute bid come in. I didn't bother updating it because it was with maybe a minute to go there was still a shortfall of a few hundred dollars.

Not enough to push the auction past the finish line, but it's an interesting data point as far as what that orb is worth.

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Semi-Lightning (Thunder) Super Condensed 8k Auction (Failed) 3 years 6 months ago #40

Very sad. I was really hoping to pick up the Orb of Dragonkind Ancient. I had one in another auction but it went wonkie. Now I am 0 for 2.

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Semi-Lightning (Thunder) Super Condensed 8k Auction (Failed) 3 years 6 months ago #41

I've had multiple people ask me about whether they can pay extra/a proportional amount of what they bid to get us over the hump. We were 400 away from funding. I'd be willing to pull the trigger at $350 more. Broken out proportionally that equates to:

Adolin $25.52
Balat $16.04
Dalinar $0.49
Elhokar $9.82
Fen $21.04
Gaz $24.06
Hoid $15.31
Jasnah $10.21
Kaladin $2.59
Moash $16.29
Navani $2.92
Odium $73.46
Pattern $2.92
Renarin $3.86
Szeth $21.54
Teft $15.07
Ulim $15.31
Vasher $22.85
Yalb $10.21
Shallan $22.85
Evi $6.56
Cassie $10.21
Zahel $0.88

If everyone is ok with that shoot me a PM and let me know. If anyone isn't that's also completely fine. This is outside the bidding and auction process, just something I put together after having a few people ask me about it. There is 0 pressure to go along with this whatsoever.

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Semi-Lightning (Thunder) Super Condensed 8k Auction (Failed) 3 years 6 months ago #42

Im in for the extra. That's 1 :cheer

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Semi-Lightning Super Condensed 8k Auction (Failed, see note on top) 3 years 6 months ago #43

Also in for the extra. That's 2 :)

If others aren't in, I'd pitch in on assorted lots. :)

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Semi-Lightning (Thunder) Super Condensed 8k Auction (Failed) 3 years 6 months ago #44

I am ok with it as well.

What do we want? Evidence based science! When do we want it? After peer review!

Elf Wizard build

Rogue build

Items for Sale or Trade

Items needed to complete my collection

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Super Condensed 8k Auction Last Ditch Attempt to Succeed (See Note) 3 years 6 months ago #45

I'd be fine with that!
Turned into adventurer jerky by Smoak in 2010
Proudly part of first group to survive Felurian's Feast at GHC 2021
Receives -3 Treasure thanks to dumb goblins
~Dungeon Master~

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Super Condensed 8k Auction Last Ditch Attempt to Succeed (See Note) 3 years 6 months ago #46

I am good with adding on!
Tenth level achieved! Now for the long journey to 11th level!

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Super Condensed 8k Auction Last Ditch Attempt to Succeed (See Note) 3 years 6 months ago #47

I think I'm on that list somewhere (at least I think I was winning something or other) and I'm fine with paying a few extra dollars to TD.
Cheapest Shinies available!
Find it cheaper somewhere else? Let me know and I'll beat it

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Super Condensed 8k Auction Last Ditch Attempt to Succeed (See Note) 3 years 6 months ago #48

jpotter wrote: I think I'm on that list somewhere (at least I think I was winning something or other) and I'm fine with paying a few extra dollars to TD.

You are currently winning something or other. I can ping you your pseudonym if you need.

Thanks everyone for helping to push this thing up and over the top!

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