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TOPIC: Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach

Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #1

I noticed a bit of discussion on the True Hoard signup thread about how some people do not like the "first come first served" manner that GT classes are determined.

I can empathize, as last year my TD shipment got held up in a shipping delay and as a result I didn't get my GTs until 5 or so classes were picked in each of the combat runs.

Others pointed out that it also creates some uncomfortable trust issues (e.g. I know I'm likely to get a GT, once it is announced orders have shipped I could say I have one and claim the Ranger slot - then I could sell the GT and the ranger slot to another person).

I'd like to propose the following method of GT class selection, which creates an essentially random draft order for classes for everyone who has redeemed a GT prior to some reasonable date (let's say the last Wendesday in March).

Proposed GT Class Selection Procedure:

1. When you obtain your GT, you reserve a spot in the desired run: dungeon A or B, combat or Puzzle (this part would still be first come first served).

2. Based on the order you reserve your run, you are placed on a list for people in that run, labeled 1-10, e.g.:

Adventure: The Sky Prince's Crown - Puzzle

1. Amazing Alice
2. Blundering Bob
3. Crazy Cindy
4. Dastardly Dan
5. Excellent Elvis
6-10. Unclaimed

No class preference is needed at this time, you are just being slotted into a run.

3. On the last Wednesday of March, the closing value of the S&P 500 is noted, for example last year it was: 2,063.95

The last digit of this number is taken to be the person who gets first pick at their class (0 is interpreted as 10, like a d10), and picks go forward in a round robin manner.

For example, last year person #5 on the list would get first choice at class selection, person #6 would get second choice, person #7 would get third choice, ... person #1 would get seventh choice, and so on.

As a result, anyone who finds a GT and registers on the forums before the last Wednesday in March gets an even shot at their preferred class (assuming the distribution of numbers in last digit of the S&P 500 is uniform - if not some other mutually agreeable pseudo random source could be found).

What are your thoughts?

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Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #2

  • James
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Technically that isn't the rules, anyone who is above 3rd level have an equal shot at a character class if people can't decide they have to roll off for the class. We are polite and technically via for classes ahead of time to make things easier but there isn't a rule to enforce this.

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Last edit: by James. Reason: typo

Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #3

I'd think any method other than "first come first served" might be an improvement. But, for me it's hypothetical, I doubt I'll be on another Gold Ticket run. :)

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Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #4

James J Krot wrote: Technically that isn't the rules, anyone who is above 3rd level have an equal shot at a character class if people can't decide they have to roll off for the class. We are polite and technically via for classes ahead of time to make things easier but there isn't a rule to enforce this.

That does not appear to be so in the GT runs.

GT runs are organized in advance by Chad, a longtime volunteer, at the request of TD.

Historically class selection has been done on the forums, via an official signup thread and linked via the official website: truedungeon.com/ticket

In any case - it's not clear if standard party formation rules apply to the GT runs.

Since part of the value of the GT runs is as DM training and dungeon shakeout, and since GT runners have some of the most difficult to manage builds (artifacts, every slot filled, etc.), it does make some good sense to have class selection handled before the coaching room - to make things easier on what is already a chaotic situation.

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Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #5

Matthew Hayward wrote: What are your thoughts?

I've been on several GT runs. I think the current way is fine.

Many players list a choice of classes, not just one, and we work it out like adults.

And, I've never heard of anyone gaming the system by claiming they had a ticket when they didn't.

So, to be honest, my thoughts are, this proposal is an overly-complicated solution to a non-problem.

But I do like the market-based random number generator. I'll use that when I divvy up random URs to people.

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Last edit: by Brad Mortensen.

Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #6

Couldn't it just be settled by a persons XP levels on this site? Better yet why can't it be just by compromises being made and doing our absolute best to make everyone happy.
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Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #7

Brad Mortensen wrote: I think the current way is fine.

Many players list a choice of classes, not just one, and we work it out like adults.

So, to be honest, my thoughts are, this proposal is an overly-complicated solution to a non-problem.

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Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #8

  • Raven
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FirstGladiator wrote: Couldn't it just be settled by a persons XP levels on this site?

S'pose it could... but then I'd get my top choice *ever* *single* *time*.
And that's not really fair.

Better yet why can't it be just by compromises being made and doing our absolute best to make everyone happy.

Agreed. That is a better way.

I think the GT lists are misleading... it looks as if people are signing up for a class. But really, it's just people signing up for a run, and stating which class they are most equipped for. Generally, we want to have the best equipped people in each slot... but I have seen *so* many times when it went like this:

Newer player signs up, and says "I'm best equipped for Ranger, but since you've already got one, I guess I'll take the left-over Wizard class."

And the Ranger says, "Hey new guy! I'd be happy to let you play Ranger. Can I help equip you, so you'll be a great DPS machine for our party? ... I guess I can play Wizard, if needed. Or maybe $Name can play Wizard, and I can take over as Cleric, since he only took that class so we'd have a good healer."

I know I've signed up at the bottom of the list before, and taken the Fighter or Ranger class, and then someone else say, "Raven, I'll let you have Rogue!" (... tho since I'm a little better known, I can't claim that they weren't just intimidated, and frightened I was gonna backstab 'em. You never know.)

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Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #9

I'm thinking the majority of the GT players are class flexible. Sure I might grab a Ranger slot early but I'd be happy to trade if somebody else really wants it. I'm sure many others are the same.

But you do bring up a good point. I know I'm going to get a GT so it is tempting to "pre claim" a slot, yet I still wait until I have one in hand.
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Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #10

I suspect there are people joining later that see the classes already taken, and just take one of the ones that's left rather than try to get the earlier people to change. That was the impression I had when I did Golden Tickets. The thought that everyone was OK with the process may be people just not wanting to rock the boat.

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Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #11

I agree with Mike. It wouldn't be easy to ask someone to give up a class you know you want to play, particularly given that you will have to play with that person later.

The rules in the dungeon are pretty clear about it not being first come, first served, but people still get there quite a bit early to try to grab what they want.
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Proposed GT Class Lottery Approach 8 years 2 weeks ago #12

Something I've been trying to do (and have seen plenty of others do) is to post my preferences as a progression. For example:

Dwarf Fighter -> Fighter -> Cleric -> Paladin -> anything but Wizards

For those of us that can be flexible, it may be useful to do this so that those that come along later can feel more comfortable in saying what they really want to play.

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