Rob F wrote: If someone can point out a drawback for randomizing class selection order I'd be happy to listen. So far no one has.
I know one major potential drawback.
I'm not saying this particular drawback couldn't be worked around, but let me tell you what used to happen, before GT runs were organized the way they are now.
***** feel free to skip wall of text if you want ****
The very first year of GT runs, it was different from the way they are distributed now. They were distributed as a (paper!) certificate which was included in your order if you bought more than $X of tokens.
So 50 or 60 people showed up on GT night, with their certificates in hand, and we had to sort ourselves into groups. A few of the people had coordinated on the forums, but many of the people who showed up weren't forumites at all, and it took something like half an hour before everyone was kinda in groups of 8 (the party size limit at the time). Then there was still a lot of back &forth over who got which class, since most folks were geared for only one, and a couple left their groups to join a different group rather than play a non-preferred class (again: only 8 classes. No spares to pick from. It *was* possible to end up with your very least preferred class). Which caused more delays, as things got sorted again.
Long story short: It delayed the start of the GT run significantly, and groups were still coming out of the dungeon about an hour after the event was supposed to be over. There was no "bonus" room at the time, but there was food for people... except that much of the food was gone before the last groups got out, and I remember some people being a little bit bitter about that. And some were still a bit pissed about their class and group assignments, too.
The next year of Golden Tickets, they were done as tokens randomly inserted in 10-packs. There was no organiziation online. We just showed up at the appointed time, and _again_ spent pretty much half an hour just getting people's classes sorted. There were a couple of brand new guys who got the shitty end of the stick, as they desperately needing training, but we used up all our training room time just getting the classes & party card sorted.
The next year, Someone (okay - it was me) got the idea* to have people sign up online, and we were able to have *most* of the classes sorted before anyone showed up at the GT run. It wasn't first come - first served, but it was mostly sorted out, and then we did a bit of juggling onsite to accommodate a newbie who hadn't signed up on the forums (I think that's the year I ended up playing Barbarian, because the new guy really wanted rogue, so I grabbed what was left over. Tho I could be misremembering.)
BUT! For the first time, the GT runs went in On Time!! And we even had our difficulty levels picked ahead of time, and several people had their builds ready, to Coaching went quick, and we actually had time in the training room!
The next year, someone (which was not me. Laz, maybe?) had the brilliant idea to put the web page address on the GT tickets, so the lucky winners would know to come to the forums and claim their spot in the run.
That's when we started having the official sign-up thread.
And because I'd started the previous year with organizing people into groups, and we'd selected our classes online, that because the unspoken way of doing things.
It's not perfect, and I understand that it has evolved into something that it probably wasn't meant to be (ie, the first come - first served system) but it beats the *pants* off the old system of having people show up 10 mins before the GT run and start discussing which class they want when a dozen other folks only brought the kit for their favorite class.
******** resume reading my actual point here ****
Your suggestion might get around that argumentative & time-sucking mess by sorting it out online well before the actual event... but I suspect we don't really need the randomization. People are pretty accommodating in these groups. What we might need, is a bold/italicized/highlighted note that these classes are not hard & fast, but requests from people as they sign up. Or perhaps we should get people to sign up with a list of preferred classes (as Fiddy and Master Ed suggested) and once the group reached its full 10, people sorted it out within the group.
I'm kinda in the same place as Brad, here. I can see now that there is a problem with the (perception of?) how GT runs are organized. But I'd rather look for a simpler solution than the randomized selection suggested.
*The reason I first started organizing the GT online, it wasn't because I wanted a specific class. I wanted to be able to run my very first run of the con on *Nightmare* mode! And that meant everyone had to agree to it. So I had to coordinate a group of 8 who were as crazy as I was.