10th Level
Posts: 4841
Fred K wrote: Endgame wrote: Fred K wrote: Endgame wrote: Endgame wrote: OrionW wrote: Endgame, I assume that you are talking Nightmare or lower in your power rankings - because at Epic you need to move fighter and dwarf fighter up the list.
Also for ranged combat how many combat rooms are you expecting?
I’m ranking in epic / nightmare. I would need to review rare builds hardcore.
I expect 4 combat rooms - some dungeons have 3, some have 5. VTD has had some 6 combat paths that could be chosen, but I’m not aware of any physical dungeons with 6
If I have some time, I can pull one of my E series modules and drop some actual numbers based on, say, E3. I'm doing this exceptionally fast, and don't have anything in excel for this yet, so we'll ball park this.
E3 doesn't have any published epic numbers, but E2 does have published epic.
Both E2 and E3 are 3 combats.
E2 ACs on Epic are 29, 25, and 35.
E2 has no flying monsters.
Looking at melee builds (all builds have 20+ saves, 60+ hp). Dwarf fighter has high enough AC to guarantee all monsters need a 20 to hit for taunt usage.
For Monk and Ranger, we will add the VTD offhand penalty.
Assume Bard w/ Legendary Windseth and using Bless Scroll is in the party, so add +5 / +4 to all stats.
For being really quick and ignoring how rooms 2 and 3 could cause many rounds of combat, assume all combats go 2 rounds.
1) Monk - +25 hit (+18 offhand) / +45 damage / 2x ashers 10.5 average damage each.
Room 1: hits on 2+ main hand, on 6+ offhand. Probably lands 4 hits for 238 damage
Room 2: hits on 2+ mainhand, 2+ offhand. Probably lands 4 hits for 238 damage
Room 3: hits on 5+ mainhand, 12+ offhand. Probably lands 3 hits for 179
total: 655-711
2) Barbarian - +20 hit / +57 damage / Averon's 12.8 average damage.
Room 1, hits on 4+. Probably lands 2 hits for 140 damage.
Room 2, hits on 2+. Greater Rage and Fury. probably lands 2 hits for 221 damage.
Room 3, hits on 10+. Greater Rage and Fury. May miss once. Damage range is large. 76-221
Total: 437-582
3) Ranger - +24 hit (+18 offhand) / +36 damage / 2x ashers 10.5 average damage each.
Room 1: hits on 2+ main hand, on 6+ offhand. Probably lands 4 hits for 188 damage
Room 2: hits on 2+ mainhand, 2+ offhand. Probably lands 4 hits for 188 damage
Room 3: hits on 5+ mainhand, 12+ offhand. Probably lands 3 hits for 179
total: 555-602
4a) --omitting rouge to not worry about crits at the moment--
4b) Poly Druid - +23 hit / +44 poly damage / +29 spell damage / Iktomi's 11 average damage, +3 freezing orbs (RoQB), +1 Spell Surge Call Lightning (RoSS)
Room 1, hits on 2+. Probably lands 2 hits for 110 damage, lands 1 freezing orb for 37 damage.
Room 2, hits on 2+. Probably lands 2 hits for 110 damage, lands 2 freezing orbs for 74 damage.
Room 3, hits on 7+. May miss once, but probably hits for 110. 1x spell surge call lightning for 69 damage.
Total: 455-510
5) Fighter - +30 hit / +44 damage / Welfor's 10.5 average damage
Room 1, hits on 2+. Probably lands 2 hits for 110 damage.
Room 2, hits on 2+. Probably lands 2 hits for 110 damage.
Room 3, hits on 2+. Probably lands 2 hits for 110 damage.
Could fairly safely use power attack for +5 damage on each attack.
Total: 330-360.
6) Dwarf Fighter - +24 hit / +34 damage / 51 AC / Welfor's 10.5 average damage
Room 1: hits on 2+. Probably lands 2 hits for 90 damage.
Room 2: hits on 2+. Probably lands 2 hits for 90 damage.
Room 3: hits on 5+. Probably lands 2 hits for 90 damage.
Could fairly safely use power attack for +2 damage on each attack.
Total: 270-282.
I forget who put it together but there is a thread already about max damage by class that allows for changing the ACs and incorporates crits. That might allow for a more accurate comparison. It also allows for a realistic comparison on Rogue - without crits, rogue is only above bard and cleric for damage.
I would also recommend looking at 2 rounds of combat per room - that seems more common than 3.
Barb damage seem very low. I've been doing runs on Epic with barbarians. Because of the availability of the panther figurine and rogue flank, I haven't seen a fury attack miss yet (due to re-roll and advantage+1 rolls.) Realistically, you are looking at Barbs doing 400+ just on the two fury attacks. Using V5b, typical epic Barb builds will hit on anything but a 1 for 2 of the 3 creatures. Assuming 3 rounds of combat each, that means 70+ dmg/round from barb in non-fury rounds 95% of the time. Assuming 12 rounds of combat per run, that works out to 630 dmg (700 *.95) plus 2 furies for 200 each = 830 damage.
If the comparisons are just base tokens without consumables - they shouldn't be included in these calculations (you argued against consumables being considered earlier in this thread.)
Anyone with better forum search-fu than myself able to find the max damage by class calculator link?
Fred All combats are 2 rounds - I just bolded that in my original post.
The only consumable I used is the bless scroll bard, because it's faster and more consistent than having a cleric sometimes add +1 or +3 in a combat, depending on Cleric gear.
I believe it is impossible for a Barbarian to deal 200 damage from a single fury attack. The highest damage barbarian build I'm aware of is +65 damage, and it would not meet the stated minimum requirements, as it has 59 hp and 17/8/16 saves. If this Barbarian uses Fury, Greater Rage (+6), and slides the highest possible number on Averon's (21), it would deal 184 damage. The full damage range is 158-184 damage.
Edit to note that a level 5 bard with +2 damage instrument would make the fury + greater rage damage range 166-190, assuming the target can be crit. If you need to wear bracers of guided strike to crit the monster, that will decrease the crit damage by 10 (loss of bracers of reckless fury).
It is becoming increasingly common for a wizard to boost barbarians for fury attacks. Base attack +63 (my current built with 70 hp and 20’s for saves), add +4 for bard song, use greater rage for +6, avg averon dmg of 12.8 gives you 75.8 before boost. Add an MEC boosted fireball for 40 more base and you have a reliable base of 115.8 (231 crit.) Even a non MEC boost of 20 puts you a hair under 200 crit dmg (191 crit.)
Matt has a spreadsheet that breaks all of this down already and demonstrated what classes are the top damage dealers.
Because of gloves of the flying fist, Monks are the #1 range damage dealers as well.
Sure, if you add a wizard’s action to the Barbarian, you can push it that high, but then it’s wizard + Barbarian for that particular combat and the individual performance is much less relevant. One would also need to discount the damage the wizard could have done on their own without boost from the total, and I’m less certain that calculation is valuable regarding overall melee rankings.