Picc wrote: So if ignoring crit immunity for rogue sneak attacks is a good thing (which I might even agree it is). Then why are we making it an item and not a class feature, why force every red rogue from this point forward to lock down their neck slot in addition to their first round sneak enabler slot?
This was actually going to be a point I brought up whenever the eventual class card redesigns came around: Sneak Attack, as currently written, is one of the few (or only) class Special Powers that starts with a bunch of restrictions that tokens eventually remove. Other Special Powers tend to start unrestricted and get improved by tokens.
Also is, what rare level neck is even in contention with this for best at rarity rogue neck. If there is no answer this item might be represent to much power creep.
Realistically, how many "crit immune" monsters are in each dungeon? 1/3 in a 3 combat, or 2/4 in a 4 combat? For a rare-level rogue, that means means 15 or 30 damage over those 3-4 combats.
It seems +1 to hit = + 2 damage; see uncommon Lyre of Rage vs. Magnificent Bard's Instrument. Assume combats go 3 rounds each. Here's the comparison, if we assume 1 in 3 immune monsters in 3-combat runs or 2 in 4 in 4-combat runs:
Amulet of Vigor
+1 hit/damage; equivalent to +3 damage/round
3-combat dungeon: 9 combat rounds, 27 damage equivalent
4-combat dungeon: 12 combat rounds, 36 damage equivalent
Comes 12 points ahead in the 3-combat dungeon, 6 points ahead in a 4-combat dungeon
Amulet of Shock
+2 damage; works with Ranged
3-combat dungeon: 9 combat rounds, 18 damage
4-combat dungeon: 12 combat rounds, 24 damage
Comes out 3 points ahead in a 3-combat dungeon, 6 points behind in a 4-combat dungeon. But, mind you Amulet of Shock works with the Rouge's significantly better Ranged To Hit, so you're not dumping a bunch of tokens into closing that gap.