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TOPIC: The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux

The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #121

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What about if we replaced power 7 with the ability "gain 7 hp in coaching, this does not consume a psychic power activation"

No one has had access to power 7 yet,

It is a touch repetitive to power 6,

Semi lich users likely wont have all 7 teeth so they would still benefit

People transmuting dont really loose much

It would unteather power 8 from from the semi lich discussion so Jeff could do whatever he wanted with it more easily

P.S I dont really think the skull needs an 8th power beyond being it's own psi enabler and granting access to the sub classes.

P.S.S one more plug for more fantasy style art. Cavadar is now totally the mad envoker in my head canon.
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

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The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #122

Fiddy wrote:

Mike Steele wrote:

Matthew Hayward wrote: Recipe comments:

One of the good things about Eldrtich tokens is they hoover a lot of trade goods out of the market.

This in turn makes new token purchases and treasure pulls more desirable.

Having an alt recipe that takes a PyP and the teeth segments does not achieve this effect.

I think the recipe should stay focused on trade goods for this reason.

I also think there should be demand in current year recipes to hoover up excess monster bits and fleece that were left on the sidelines as 2019 became the extreme constraining factor in making Bead of the Lucky Traveler. I suspect a good place to locate some of that demand is in a Golden Fleece in the Cavadar transmute, as there was in the Kilt transmute. Another good place might be the Elfstone Shard.

I don't agree that there are a lot of monster tokens left on the sidelines that need to be hoovered up, because I was actively looking to buy those excess monster tokens and nobody seemed to have any. I hope that this recipe is exactly like the Rod of Seven Parts recipe, without a Golden Fleece. If there is a concern that there will be too many 2020 monster tokens, I'd rather they just be reduced in the treasure boxes than compensated for by adding a bunch of extra Golden Fleece to recipes. I think going to 6 monster tokens vs. 4 per year will help with excess also.

I'm not sure the lack of response to your offer to buy excess monster bits is a strong indicator. It may be that people simply looked at what you were offering and saw what the stores were selling those same tokens for and decided to just hold onto them and wait for a better offer. Or maybe there are more people like me than there used to be, who've decided that if people are going to keep pushing to include more GF in recipes, maybe I need to protect myself on future transmutes by not selling off what I have, even if I have no immediate plans to use them.

As far as reducing the amount of monster bits in the treasure box: the group of players that would probably hurt most are the players that are just starting to get into transmuting.

I have an incredible shortage of bits, and while our group isn't all CoAs yet, our average pulls per person is around 15. I do not see any other avenue for us to get enough bits to do a few 4* transmutes, start the next bit transmute chain, and also build relics / additional CoAs, other than to buy fleece off the market, which is around $75 each. I really don't think it's a good idea to put even more pressure on bits.

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The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #123

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The discussion of the number of Monster Trophies should probably be its own topic. That said I am going to pile on with everyone else...lol. I HAD LOTS of Monster Trophies. Maybe minimum 30 of each 2016- 2018. Making 10 Lucky Beads cut into that. Then there was 10 Golden fleece for relics and Eldritch kilts. That still left with a high number. However I have been able to trade a fair number for UR's I needed/wanted. Then I was able to trade for some trade goods I needed. I completed no less than 5 trades that people wanted Monster Trophies some in large quantities. I am left with just 1 set of 2016-2018 only because the last trade wanted them but didn't have anything else I wanted. I have had at least 3 people contact me about that last set on discord before I left. There is demand for Monster Trophies out there currently. What you can get for them is debatable, sure. We will see if a glut grows again, but I don't know that there is a glut currently because there is demand. I wish I had more so I could continue trading them.
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The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #124

Semi-Lich Akull will still be an option for PYP in 2021, so every single player with all 7 teeth will be in the position of choosing 7 loose teeth + Semi-Lich vs transmuting. A lifelong +7 HP and access to 7 tiers of Psychic Powers vs access to 7 tiers of Psychic Powers + 1 time access to a special event (the only publicly known effect of Tier 8, so it really isn’t a tier) + Once a year subclass access isn’t a clear and obvious decision for every player to be choosing. All I’m asking is make it more desirable for people to transmute so we pull more loose teeth out of circulation.
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The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #125

Fiddy wrote:

Mike Steele wrote:

Matthew Hayward wrote: Recipe comments:

One of the good things about Eldrtich tokens is they hoover a lot of trade goods out of the market.

This in turn makes new token purchases and treasure pulls more desirable.

Having an alt recipe that takes a PyP and the teeth segments does not achieve this effect.

I think the recipe should stay focused on trade goods for this reason.

I also think there should be demand in current year recipes to hoover up excess monster bits and fleece that were left on the sidelines as 2019 became the extreme constraining factor in making Bead of the Lucky Traveler. I suspect a good place to locate some of that demand is in a Golden Fleece in the Cavadar transmute, as there was in the Kilt transmute. Another good place might be the Elfstone Shard.

I don't agree that there are a lot of monster tokens left on the sidelines that need to be hoovered up, because I was actively looking to buy those excess monster tokens and nobody seemed to have any. I hope that this recipe is exactly like the Rod of Seven Parts recipe, without a Golden Fleece. If there is a concern that there will be too many 2020 monster tokens, I'd rather they just be reduced in the treasure boxes than compensated for by adding a bunch of extra Golden Fleece to recipes. I think going to 6 monster tokens vs. 4 per year will help with excess also.

I'm not sure the lack of response to your offer to buy excess monster bits is a strong indicator. It may be that people simply looked at what you were offering and saw what the stores were selling those same tokens for and decided to just hold onto them and wait for a better offer. Or maybe there are more people like me than there used to be, who've decided that if people are going to keep pushing to include more GF in recipes, maybe I need to protect myself on future transmutes by not selling off what I have, even if I have no immediate plans to use them.

As far as reducing the amount of monster bits in the treasure box: the group of players that would probably hurt most are the players that are just starting to get into transmuting.

For reference, I made the exact same offer a year or two earlier and got several responses with stacks of extra monster tokens to sell. It was actually a lower offer, because I raised the price this time and still had no takers. So, if people were willing to sell stacks of them at that or lower price a year or two earlier, and no takers this year, that is an indicator to me that the supply/demand curve had shifted so that there wasn't as much excess supply.

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The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #126

Anthony Barnstable wrote: All I’m asking is make it more desirable for people to transmute so we pull more loose teeth out of circulation.

There are some pretty obvious ways I could respond to this that will not go well, so avoiding those I'll just note that I still own a Tavernbane, Fatherbane, and Barrelbane while also having multiple Dungeonbanes. If someone keeps all 7 Teeth for their own use, I'm not going to be offended any more than I'm sure people are not offended I didn't make one more Dungeonbane.

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The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #127

Mike Steele wrote:

Matthew Hayward wrote: Recipe comments:

One of the good things about Eldrtich tokens is they hoover a lot of trade goods out of the market.

This in turn makes new token purchases and treasure pulls more desirable.

Having an alt recipe that takes a PyP and the teeth segments does not achieve this effect.

I think the recipe should stay focused on trade goods for this reason.

I also think there should be demand in current year recipes to hoover up excess monster bits and fleece that were left on the sidelines as 2019 became the extreme constraining factor in making Bead of the Lucky Traveler. I suspect a good place to locate some of that demand is in a Golden Fleece in the Cavadar transmute, as there was in the Kilt transmute. Another good place might be the Elfstone Shard.

I don't agree that there are a lot of monster tokens left on the sidelines that need to be hoovered up, because I was actively looking to buy those excess monster tokens and nobody seemed to have any. I hope that this recipe is exactly like the Rod of Seven Parts recipe, without a Golden Fleece. If there is a concern that there will be too many 2020 monster tokens, I'd rather they just be reduced in the treasure boxes than compensated for by adding a bunch of extra Golden Fleece to recipes. I think going to 6 monster tokens vs. 4 per year will help with excess also.

A. What price were you offering?

B. In principle, belt of Orion and bead of the lucky traveler can still be transmuted. Once those fully exit any hoped for extra value out of the 2016-2018s will Disappear.

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The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #128

jedibcg wrote:

Matthew Hayward wrote: Recipe comments:

One of the good things about Eldrtich tokens is they hoover a lot of trade goods out of the market.

This in turn makes new token purchases and treasure pulls more desirable.

Having an alt recipe that takes a PyP and the teeth segments does not achieve this effect.

I think the recipe should stay focused on trade goods for this reason.

I also think there should be demand in current year recipes to hoover up excess monster bits and fleece that were left on the sidelines as 2019 became the extreme constraining factor in making Bead of the Lucky Traveler. I suspect a good place to locate some of that demand is in a Golden Fleece in the Cavadar transmute, as there was in the Kilt transmute. Another good place might be the Elfstone Shard.

Same argument could be made for ‘useless’ UR’s, they would be sucked out of the market same as 1 of each trade good.

I disagree, because “useless URs” floating around don’t make the majority of treasure pulls and token 10 pack contents less desirable.

Token 10 pack and treasure pull contents derive a lot of desirability because trade goods are desirable. If trade goods are plentiful (see: mystic silk, philosophers stone, dark wood plank) random pulls that transmute to those things are less desirable.

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Last edit: by Matthew Hayward.

The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #129

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Matthew Hayward wrote: I disagree, because “useless URs” floating around don’t make the majority of treasure pulls and token 10 pack contents less desirable.

Token 10 pack and treasure pull contents derive a lot of desirability because trade goods are desirable. If trade goods are plentiful (see: mystic silk, philosophers stone, dark wood plank) random pulls that transmute to those things are less desirable.

I don't think either of us can truthfully say that the desire of treasure or packs is for items that will be turned into Trade Goods or for chances at UR's. I am willing to bet though most want chances at UR's and better than more components for Trade Goods.
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The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #130

Love it. I am very excited to get access to the sub-classes. :)

If you are going to have both the rod and this I could see why it might not seem as awesome, but as someone that does not have the rod, this is exactly what I was looking for! Also the Eldritch bonus is on top of the item stats, and this increases that bonus with a slotless item, which is very good on its own.

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Last edit: by OrionW.

The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #131

Anthony Barnstable wrote: Semi-Lich Akull will still be an option for PYP in 2021, so every single player with all 7 teeth will be in the position of choosing 7 loose teeth + Semi-Lich vs transmuting. A lifelong +7 HP and access to 7 tiers of Psychic Powers vs access to 7 tiers of Psychic Powers + 1 time access to a special event (the only publicly known effect of Tier 8, so it really isn’t a tier) + Once a year subclass access isn’t a clear and obvious decision for every player to be choosing. All I’m asking is make it more desirable for people to transmute so we pull more loose teeth out of circulation.

You also get the added benefit of +1 damage and +2 healing as it increases the number of Eldritch items you have equipped. If it does give a second sub class that would also be a benefit, which if they are numbered like the RoSP I would assume they would give you a second use. Remember just because you use the RoSP or the SoC to get a sub class doesn't mean you have to use it. Another in a group can use it.
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Have you checked the Token DataBase ?

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The Skull of Cavadar: Part Deux 4 years 5 months ago #132

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FiannaTiger wrote: Remember just because you use the RoSP or the SoC to get a sub class doesn't mean you have to use it. Another in a group can use it.

Sorry I don't follow this last statement by another in the group can use it. To use the subclass you must equip the Ro7P.
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