Leitz wrote:
Kitkumi wrote:
Arcanist Kolixela wrote:
Mike Steele wrote:
Arcanist Kolixela wrote:
Anthony Barnstable wrote:
Arcanist Kolixela wrote: It'd be great if we could get some clarification on things like this.
Then again it'd be great if we could get a form of the Mad Evoker's Charm that's usable instead of this version. The cost is simply too high on this version to use it every turn like the existing one tends to be used.
It’s almost like it would have been better to just retire MEC or give it a non-damaging action, huh?
Smarmy attitude over a token you personally dislike being so badly destroyed that multiple players are quitting the game isn't a good look. You might want to reconsider the level of smarmy attitude you are pulling right now. This is not the time.
Multiple players are quitting the game over this? I agree MEC ability is more expensive, but the Relic/Legendary abilities seem great and only 5 HP each instead of the 15 of the earlier version. In every room you can cast your best spell without marking it off, fork a spell, cast a spell as an Free Action, etc., And you can combine them. Plus Jeff said there would be additional Mage Powers added over time, so it will get better and more versatile.
At least one Wizard is currently selling his entire collection due to a negative feeling about the way the Wizard class has been treated.
At least two others have indicated strong feelings toward either abandoning the class or abandoning the game altogether, also citing the general negative attitude towards Wizards in token design and the extremely negative path the class Legendary Necklace took over this design cycle.
To chime in on this:
I've been playing the wizard class since my second game, so I think about seven years now. I've tried the other classes at least once over the years, just to see how they play, but wizard is pretty much where I started and wizard is where I stay.
That being said I've been taking a long hard look at my tokens to see if I could easily jump to another spell casting class.
The entire route that the wizard tokens have taken this year has just left a negative feeling. I look at the other class legendaries and feel like my class is nerfed not only in its use but also in the fact that it is tied to other classes (the healers) to be able to use effectively. Where other classes get to have and use their legendary tokens pretty freely, I feel like as the wizard I have to get permission from the party to use mine. I could take care of myself by using healing potions, but I would burn through the supply quickly, which wouldn't be fair to my husband as he also uses them from time to time. I could buy more, but that leaves a sour taste in my mouth because why should I have to buy more tokens in order to use this legendary item that already took so many transmute pieces to make?
I told myself I wouldn't comment in this thread anymore but this brought me back.
This game is very evolutionary. It makes corrections pretty regularly. If you don't want to play wizard anymore, that's your choice. But to make radical changes over this brief snapshot in time is something you might end up regretting.
Things will iron out over the coming years and it would be really, really shocking to me if wizard didn't have viable paths other than mec style in the next year or two.
All classes will eventually experience peaks and valleys. Wizard is now firmly in a valley but it won't stay there.
While I appreciate your optimism, I simply don’t think this is accurate.
Monks and Rangers have been the top damage dealers for at least 5 years and they keep pulling further a heads.
Rangers, Clercis, and especially Druids had a substantial setback when the Eldritch set was redesigned and LoDS function was changed - that was a nearly singular event in the history of TD (I guess there was also when wizards learned mec doesn’t double base spell damage but rather adds a pool of damage equal to the base spell damage...).
There was that one year where Wizards and Druids got a pretty big boost, and to a lesser extent Clerics and Bards when MMM was in print and wands were not expendable, but after one season that was undone.
In general power granting things in TD are not class specific, and in general the most token love in terms of stackable bonuses is given to melee, and then spell, and then physical ranged.
I just don’t see TD as a game where different classes take turns in poll position, or where class differences are ironed out over time.
If you don’t like where wizards are now, you could certainly take a wait and see approach.
I’ve been waiting for wizard to have in game benefits to compensate for their limited resources, lowest saves, lowest AC, worst equipment, and lowest HP for 13 years now - while playing them for flavor reasons in the meantime.
Some things have gotten better - I no longer hear people banging on about how +1 spell damage is an appropriate UR ring effect, or about how Earcuff Of Energy or other UR level “as a scroll” effects are amazingly great. There are numerous tokens at rare and even uncommon for spellcasters (look at how many years Belt/Gauntlet of ogre power existed before a rare +1 focus item to get a sense of how grim it used to be).