Once per game book of slightly, oh, it doesn’t use a spell, and it is uncommon or lower, from a UR, and it is a free action not standard or instantaneous.
Thinking, could we get a boat on the cover, maybe a Gnomish boat?
So I think rare or lower at once per game would be reasonable, or once per room? Are there any “big” uncommon or common scrolls that would break if usable once per room? Seems okay, not good, better than before, will keep thinking.
Fob on the cutlass of the sun, I like it.
The gloves are probably more inline, doesn’t make everyone a dwarf, and doesn’t help a dwarf (4x dwarf on 20?). I’d have to maths say death knight vs these and reasonable crits on my builds, I think the death knight is better by gut feel.
I love the reprints!
I am content with the bead.