JMartin said he was going to introduce "landholding".
i'm not sure if there would/should be any in game effects... aside from, as others have said, storage. mail TD a bunch of tokens and they send you an RFID token that states what is in the safehold. i don''t believe TD wants to keep track of a bunch of RFID tokens, let alone the expense of however many get made. what happens when someone sells out... more headaches?
he stated that it would cost a bunch of trade items. *being selfish*

jk why the hell would i give up a bunch of "stuff"? what's in it for me? that is the big question.
if he has a big hexagon map, each hex can take days to cross, under perfect conditions, how big would this map be to allow for new players to get introduced? how long before someone gets hemmed in and cannot grow anymore? do we go to war? do we throw a dart to determine where we start? TD is probably not thinking in that much detail. i kind of like the idea of pointing to a piece of map and saying, "that 's mine."
if it is to be treated like a bank, TD uses your tokens to satisfy other peoples' orders (saves them money), shouldn't you get something back?
i can't help but think this is an idea to eat up the glut of trade items. once again, i want something. it doesn't have to be huge.
as you upgrade your safehold, are you going to get a title next to your name? Squire Smakdown to Knight Smakdown?
surely we don't want artifacts recipes back. if everyone isn't eligible, it wouldn't be fair.
absolutely must be obtainable for everyone, even if it takes them a little time.
we got to keep in mind of all the chaos this could create for TD. i for one don't wish to complicate their jobs anymore than they are.
however it goes, as you upgrade the safehold, your benefit should increase.
*i just realized i don't even have "supporter" next to my name.