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TOPIC: Safehold Program Thoughts?

Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 1 week ago #109

Endgame wrote: OK, here is an entirely different suggestion.

Safehold 1: generates 1x treasure chip from the safehold treasure box per year. Costs 10 of each trade good, and 5000 GP.

Every level upgrade adds another treasure chip, but costs twice as much as the previous (no limit)

Safehold treasure is the same as the normal treasure mix, but includes 1 artifact recipe mixed in per year

There can be only 1: Limit One Artifact recipe drawn per person, lifetime. Existing Artifact holders included in the limit. This gives the have nots a path toward something.

Drawing are done at Cons at scheduled times so everyone can go nuts when the artifact recipe is drawn.

Recipes are non transferrable. When drawn, it is soul bound and registered to the person who drew it.

I'm 1000% against any more Artifacts being made. I hope we never revisit them.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 1 week ago #110

Endgame wrote: OK, here is an entirely different suggestion.

Safehold 1: generates 1x treasure chip from the safehold treasure box per year. Costs 10 of each trade good, and 5000 GP.

Every level upgrade adds another treasure chip, but costs twice as much as the previous (no limit)

Safehold treasure is the same as the normal treasure mix, but includes 1 artifact recipe mixed in per year

There can be only 1: Limit One Artifact recipe drawn per person, lifetime. Existing Artifact holders included in the limit. This gives the have nots a path toward something.

Drawing are done at Cons at scheduled times so everyone can go nuts when the artifact recipe is drawn.

Recipes are non transferrable. When drawn, it is soul bound and registered to the person who drew it.

I like this idea. I don’t think the potential of 1 recipe per year coming out is game breaking. Just because it’s in the mix of treasure does not mean it would be drawn for certain, and even after a recipe is drawn, it would still have to be crafted. I like the idea of a route for new-er-ish people to get something unique.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 1 week ago #111

Another thought - td.events credit.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 1 week ago #112

Just catching up. I've read some of the posts, but I'm not going to read them all so if anything I say below has already been covered +1.

Are these fortresses to be defended agasint monsters or other players? Are these personal "Bat Caves" for restocking / swapping gear? So many possibilities here...

I'm not sure what landholding benefits you had in mind but I imagine it's more of a fun "added bonus" type of thing than something powerful in game. For example;

Safehold I = +1 AC
Safehold V = +1 AC, +1 Saves, +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Treasure Chip

But beyond the in-game benefits, this sounds like the begingngs of a a fun cooperative meta-game to be played between events. There could even be a visual manifestation of "True Dungeon Land" ownership on the website.

"Collect/Craft enough "Safehold Points" and you can even name your land. Create your own kingdom or pool your Safehold tokens with other players to create a greater shared benefit."

Making this coorperative could be very fun as we've seen with the Tinker and Ravager bits, cooperation is a strong suit for most TD players. There would be only (14) spots per land/kingdom and the more Safehold Points contributed to each land, the greater in-game benefits are unlocked for all the players who contributed to them. For example, beyond the basic benefits above if you contribute your safehold tokens to a kingdom, you get added benefits;

Kingdom 1-10 Safehold Points = Basic benefits for all contributors and the first person to register gets to name the land

Kingdom 11-50 Safehold Points = +1 to each of the benefits for all contributors and the first person to register gets to name the land

Kingdom 51-70 Safehold Points = +1 to each of the benefits for all contributors, PLUS a unique benefit (Like the ring of Wonder) every year, and the first person to register gets to name the land

As each token would be unique, they could be stamped or RFID chipped and attached to a player's account.

On the webstie, it would be fun to see the little kingdoms that emerge, where they were located in relation to each other, which players have contributed to each, and what additinal benefits the contributors have unlocked because they are part of that kingdom. Players could remove their Safehold Tokens from one kingdom and join another. Kingdoms could work together or compete for the greater benefit. There are so many possibilities here. I'm excited to see where this goes.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 1 week ago #113

I really hope Safeholds don't generate anything, including Trade Item Tokens, GP, XP, Treasure Pulls, etc. That just feels very much like "the Rich get Richer" and widens the haves and have not's gap.

I am in favor of the Safeholds being able to virtually store things like Trade Item Tokens and Reserve Bars. People with Safeholds could transmute tokens and use the virtual tokens stored in the Safehold instead of shipping them in (or could combine shipping and virtual tokens for transmuting). That would save both players and True Dungeon a lot of shipping costs, and could cut down on the storage requirements for tokens at home, and save True Dungeon some costs of having tokens made.

Perhaps players with Safeholds could buy condensed $8K packages and have the Trade Item and Reserve tokens deposited directly into their safeholds instead of having them shipping to their house.

The different levels of safeholds could store different types and quantities of tokens. For instance, maybe a Safehold Level 1 could only store a limited quantity of the lowest tier of Trade Item Tokens and only 1K GP Reserve Bars. Maybe Safehold Level 5 could hold any quantities of any Trade item and Reserve Tokens. Safehold II-IV would be inbetween those.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 1 week ago #114

JMartin said he was going to introduce "landholding".

i'm not sure if there would/should be any in game effects... aside from, as others have said, storage. mail TD a bunch of tokens and they send you an RFID token that states what is in the safehold. i don''t believe TD wants to keep track of a bunch of RFID tokens, let alone the expense of however many get made. what happens when someone sells out... more headaches?

he stated that it would cost a bunch of trade items. *being selfish* :P jk why the hell would i give up a bunch of "stuff"? what's in it for me? that is the big question.

if he has a big hexagon map, each hex can take days to cross, under perfect conditions, how big would this map be to allow for new players to get introduced? how long before someone gets hemmed in and cannot grow anymore? do we go to war? do we throw a dart to determine where we start? TD is probably not thinking in that much detail. i kind of like the idea of pointing to a piece of map and saying, "that 's mine."

if it is to be treated like a bank, TD uses your tokens to satisfy other peoples' orders (saves them money), shouldn't you get something back?

i can't help but think this is an idea to eat up the glut of trade items. once again, i want something. it doesn't have to be huge.

as you upgrade your safehold, are you going to get a title next to your name? Squire Smakdown to Knight Smakdown?

surely we don't want artifacts recipes back. if everyone isn't eligible, it wouldn't be fair.

absolutely must be obtainable for everyone, even if it takes them a little time.

we got to keep in mind of all the chaos this could create for TD. i for one don't wish to complicate their jobs anymore than they are.

however it goes, as you upgrade the safehold, your benefit should increase.

*i just realized i don't even have "supporter" next to my name. :laugh:
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Last edit: by smakdown.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 1 week ago #115

Whatever the program entails, I think it needs to be fun and appealing to many. I think it should have several to many benefits both in and out of the dungeon. It should also not be a huge strain on TD -- no tracking of stores...

Here are some thoughts:

1. Allow the use of CURRENT year standard pack tokens without having to show them in coaching: commons at 1, uncommons at 2, rares at 4. This would allow any of us to go on an impromptu normal or hardcore run while only caring a handful of tokens (Safehold token, weapons,, consumables, TE's).

2. Allow the use of consumables without turning them in -- 1: common potions and ammo; 2: uncommon potions and ammo, common scrolls; 3: rare potions and ammo, uncommon scrolls, common runestones; 4: rare scrolls, uncommon runestones; 5: rare runestones. These would either be 1/game or 1/room. This would be in addition to Tome of Useful Scrolls.

3. Your first purchase from TD would include 1 random trade good per level of the Safehold. TD to decide the mix of the levels.

4. Your second purchase from TD each year would include a random amount of gold based on the level of the Safehold.

5. Special Safehold events! There can be jousting tournaments at in-person events. It would be 1 Vs 1 sliding against another Safehold by you or your champion. The level of your Safehold determines the strength of your weapon. There could also be virtual or in-person puzzle challenges.

Again, just some thoughts.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 1 week ago #116

Well, I'm totally onboard with virtual or in-person puzzle challenges, whether they have anything to do with Safeholds or not.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 1 week ago #117

Jason Brown wrote: Well, I'm totally onboard with virtual or in-person puzzle challenges, whether they have anything to do with Safeholds or not.

The thoughts on the last 3 are that you a land owner in a kingdom. You collect taxes (the gold). You harvest crops/resources and have artisans who turn that into usable items (trade goods). And the kingdom has tournaments and contests where the land owners are invited to participate. The puzzles would represent all of the non-combat contests.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 2 years 1 week ago #118

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Pie in the sky since these are supposed to be buildings I'd love to see a map on the TD site of the area around Shyport. Players could then place their safe hold somewhere in the region and see it on the map.

Whatever the benefits, bond them to the region so if we adventure on or across the sea we dont benefit from the safe hold we built in Shyport, we need to build a new one in the new place.

In terms of a power, to stay on theme what about hirelings that you can bring along to sub in for unused classes. Ie they let you slide an unused class puck (no damage bonus).

Perhaps at a higher level the hirelings could also be improved with skills. ie bring an improved hierling rogue to a group with no player rogue. It can open 1 clue box for you. Improve its level again it can open 2. Bring a hierling cleric, it can heal you once. Bring an improved Cleric it can heal the group once. Etc
Semper Gumby, Always flexible.

Sartre sits in in a coffee shop and asks for a coffee without cream. The barista apologizes “Sorry, we don't have any cream. Can I offer you a coffee without milk instead?”
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 1 year 11 months ago #119

Maybe safeholds could be directed out at engaging newer players.

Safeholds generate "quests"

"Quests" can be given to other players, who then gain rewards for fulfilling them.

Some "Quests" could be player level locked, to ensure they go to new players.

I have no idea what a "quest" would be, but hopefully something that:

Would be fun to give
Would be fun to get
Would not lend itself to being rented/sold/bought

Here are some examples:

Quest: Spear and Magic Helmet - Collect and turn in at the treasure desk a spear and a rare helm along with this quest.
Reward: +500 XP, 1 treasure pull, 100 GP
Limitation: Quest only redeemable by players up to level 3.
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Safehold Program Thoughts? 1 year 11 months ago #120

Mike Steele wrote:

Endgame wrote: OK, here is an entirely different suggestion.

Safehold 1: generates 1x treasure chip from the safehold treasure box per year. Costs 10 of each trade good, and 5000 GP.

Every level upgrade adds another treasure chip, but costs twice as much as the previous (no limit)

Safehold treasure is the same as the normal treasure mix, but includes 1 artifact recipe mixed in per year

There can be only 1: Limit One Artifact recipe drawn per person, lifetime. Existing Artifact holders included in the limit. This gives the have nots a path toward something.

Drawing are done at Cons at scheduled times so everyone can go nuts when the artifact recipe is drawn.

Recipes are non transferrable. When drawn, it is soul bound and registered to the person who drew it.

I'm 1000% against any more Artifacts being made. I hope we never revisit them.

+1 to this. No more Artifacts please. If you want a custom Token work towards the MoE (Mark of Enlightenment).
"Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our point of view" - Obi Wan Kenobi
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