I recommend that the safeholds be something the entire community builds but there also be an opportunity for the big collectors to take lead. We could have them be thematic with Grunnel's Keep, etc, GibGub's Monastery, etc.. Players gain benefits as the residents of the land of their choice at any time. Initially, "residents" can get ribbons or pins representing the land they choose to reside. The benefits of the safeholds increase with participation by the community and investments by the nobles (players who donate much more.)
Tithes and donations listed represent completing adventures for their lord (completion tokens), taxes (trade goods), and bribes/donations for favor (gold and items)
For example:
Grunnel's Keep
Level 1 (starting level) - Can support up any number of barrons
Advancing to level 2 requires the sacrifice of 250 completion tokens, 250 units of trade goods, and filling at least 5 Barron roles
Earning Barron rank - requires a "tithe" to Grunnel of 5 completion tokens, 50 units of trade goods and 1K in gold
-General Benefit: Anyone who wants to be at Grunnel's Keep can get a Grunnel pin that might have minor in-game NPC interaction benefits.
-Barron benefit: Commemorative pin with minor in-game NPC interaction benefits of being recognized as a noble
Level 2: Can support up to 10 Viscounts
-General Benefit: +1 treasure draws (up to the current max of 25 - so no benefit for fully maxed out players)
-Viscount benefit: Viscount pin and token, +1 treasure draws (no max), minor in-game NPC interactions benefits of being recognized as a noble (maybe slightly better than Barron), may appoint 1 Barron who doesn't have to tithe to be a Barron
Earning Viscount Rank: Tithe of 10 completion tokens, 100 units of trade goods, and 5K in gold
Advancing to level 3 requires community donations of 500 completion tokens, 500 units of trade goods, and filling at least 3 Viscount roles
Level 3: Can Support up to 5 Earls (or "Counts")
-General Benefit: +2 treasure draws (up to the current max of 25 - so no benefit for fully maxed out players), 2x completion tokens
-Earl benefit: Earl pin and token, +2 treasure draws (no max), Common in-game NPC interactions benefits of being recognized as a noble (maybe slightly better than Viscount), may appoint 2 Barrons who don't have to tithe to be a Barron, with any Patron level order they place they also get a set of proof-type common tokens for that year
Earning Earl Rank: Tithe of 20 completion tokens, 250 units of trade goods, 10K in gold, and 3 Enhanced/Exhalted tokens, plus 1 UR donation
Advancing to level 4 requires community donations of 1,000 completion tokens, 1,000 units of trade goods, and filling at least 2 Earl roles
Level 4: Can Support up to 3 Marquess
-General Benefit: +3 treasure draws (up to the current max of 25 - so no benefit for fully maxed out players), 2x completion tokens, Special completion token unique for this safehold can be ordered at the end of the year (no cost but shipping is charged, just like with transmutes)
-Marquess benefit: Masquez pin and token, +3 treasure draws (no max), Common in-game NPC interactions benefits of being recognized as a noble (maybe slightly better than Earl), may appoint 3 Barrons who don't have to tithe to be a Barron, with any Patron level order they place they also get a set of proof-type uncommon and common tokens for that year. May participate in an annual 1 hour conference (Zoom meeting) with both Grunnel and the King (Jeff) to provide suggestions for new magic in the lands (token design) and quests (adventure suggestions.)
Earning Marquess Rank: Tithe of 50 completion tokens, 500 units of trade goods, and 25K in gold, 3 URs and a relic.
Advancing to level 5 requires community donations of 2,000 completion tokens, 2,000 units of trade goods, 10 URs, and filling at least 1 Marques roles
Level 5: Can support 1 Duke
-General Benefit: +3 treasure draws (up to the current max of 25 - so no benefit for fully maxed out players), 2x completion tokens, Special completion token unique for this safehold can be ordered at the end of the year (no cost but shipping is charged, just like with transmutes.) For 1 in-person convention per year, the Duke of this Safehold may decree all players following Grunnel may get an extra help from goblin spies. This manifests as a single extra hint in a puzzle room or insight into a combat (bardic knowledge.) The goblin spy feature may only be used once per adventuring group per run.
-Marquess benefit: Masquez pin and token, +3 treasure draws (no max), enhanced in-game NPC interactions benefits of being recognized as a noble (better than Marquess), may appoint 5 Barrons who don't have to tithe to be a Barron, with any Patron level order they place they also get a set of proof-type rare, uncommon, and common tokens for that year. Automatic entry to the GenCon Golden Ticket run. Lastly, the Duke may consult with the King annually to recommend changes to the resident benefit.
Earning Duke Rank: Tithe of 100 completion tokens, 1,000 units of trade goods, and 50K in gold, and a legendary token.
All levels above Barron require 10% of the initial tithe (rounded down) annually to maintain rank. If you fail to make the tithe, you are demoted by 1 rank if an opening is available. If not, you are demoted by 2 (or more ranks) until you reach a level where a Noble opening is available.