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TOPIC: Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024

Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #37

Iross wrote:

Endgame wrote:

Jason Robb wrote:

Iross wrote:

Wayne Rhodes wrote: If you’re going to reprint +2 Assassin's Crossbow please don’t nerf it.

Agree, I can't see any reason for why the crossbow would need to be nerfed. In lower rarity builds it doesn't do much at all, and in higher rarity builds it deals a lot of damage on your first two attacks of a room if you slide a 17+. There are other classes which can deal a lot of damage more every turn without relying on two specific turns and sliding a 17+ (which on another note is a lot less likely in VTD than in person).

Well said, I couldn't agree more with this.

If combat only goes 2 rounds, then 100% of rogue attacks are sneak attacks. If it goes 3 rounds (likely the most common number), then with the legendary 66% of the attacks are sneak attacks. If crits are consistent, and combats go only 2 rounds, the crossbow puts the Rogue in the top 3 for damage. Should Rogue be a top 3 damage dealer, given it's identity isn't tied to combat as much as it is for many other classes?

If a group is consistently finding that combat only lasts 2 rounds, they are already dealing more than enough damage for the difficulty they are playing on so I wouldn't think Assassin's Crossbow is going to make much difference to the success of their run at that point. Regarding Rogue's identity, I'm already aware that we disagree on that so there's probably not much reason to retread old ground here - I view Rogue as very much a combat class since their class ability and almost every Rogue token ever printed are only usable while attacking in combat, and am aware that others on the forums have similar views.

3 rounds seems like a reasonable benchmark, but when you say Rogue are in the top 3, which classes are you placing below them out of Monk, Ranger and Barbarian? This also assumes that Rogues will always slide a crit, which is very much not the case in VTD and sometimes not the case in physical runs due to missing, being bumped off a number, etc - the other classes simply need to slide a hit, which is much more consistent.

There are a ton of Rogue tokens that don't involve combat - most/all of those involve the puzzle box they open, which to me is more of the Rogue identity than combat. Rogue, Bard and Cleric seem to me like the most non-combat classes since they have very significant roles that don't involve attacking via melee/ranged/spell.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #38

Mike Steele wrote: There are a ton of Rogue tokens that don't involve combat - most/all of those involve the puzzle box they open, which to me is more of the Rogue identity than combat. Rogue, Bard and Cleric seem to me like the most non-combat classes since they have very significant roles that don't involve attacking via melee/ranged/spell.

A ton? I can think of only five tokens in total which interact with the Rogue puzzle, and very many more Sneak Attack-boosting tokens. Let's revisit if and when Assassin's Crossbow does come up on the reprint list though, I'm aware I've already derailed this thread too much.
I play Rogue. Occasionally I even play Rogue well.

Current Rogue Build
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #39

Endgame wrote:

Jason Robb wrote:

Iross wrote:

Wayne Rhodes wrote: If you’re going to reprint +2 Assassin's Crossbow please don’t nerf it.

Agree, I can't see any reason for why the crossbow would need to be nerfed. In lower rarity builds it doesn't do much at all, and in higher rarity builds it deals a lot of damage on your first two attacks of a room if you slide a 17+. There are other classes which can deal a lot of damage more every turn without relying on two specific turns and sliding a 17+ (which on another note is a lot less likely in VTD than in person).

Well said, I couldn't agree more with this.

If combat only goes 2 rounds, then 100% of rogue attacks are sneak attacks. If it goes 3 rounds (likely the most common number), then with the legendary 66% of the attacks are sneak attacks. If crits are consistent, and combats go only 2 rounds, the crossbow puts the Rogue in the top 3 for damage. Should Rogue be a top 3 damage dealer, given it's identity isn't tied to combat as much as it is for many other classes?

You can combo the Boots of Drowkind/Hitchhiking Ghost: Flog and sneak attack 3 rounds if there is more than one combatant. So in BIS builds it is higher than 66%. I am in the camp that it should be nerfed. I think the top end damage of a rogue is ok, but it should require a legendary weapon and not be achievable with a UR weapon.
Last edit: by OrionW.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #40

I would personally love to see a reprint of the +2 Rod of Persuasion. That would be a "must buy" token for me that would ensure a large enough order to get it as one of my PYP.

I also support a reprint of +2 Assassin's Crossbow (even though I have one) If reprinted please do not nerf it.

I would recommend reprinting Libram over Ektdar's because a fast, skilled Rogue can "get around" not having Ektdar's but I own both so I have no dog in that fight.

I leave other reprint requests to people that main those classes.
Last edit: by Dergidan.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #41

I think if a rogue item is to be reprinted this year it should be Ektdar’s Tinkering Tool. Buy the time the 2024 set is out it will be a decade since the last printing.

Libram of Looting Was last released in 2017 and was a junk UR for a bit. I picked mine up for $60 if I remember correctly in that time. That said I think it will be a fine reprint, I’m just not sure how many people will take it as a PYP based on what we saw in the past.

+2 Rod of Persuasion was 2016 so 8 years, with the bead coming out last year is there a real need, I think we should wait until the bead goes out of print before reprinting this.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #42

Charm of Enlightenment.
Figurine of power CAT.
Gloves of deflection.
Gold, Silver, Platinum nuggets,,,, especially silver.

What would be even better for all players, especially the newer ones: reprint (ok, one a year maybe), all of the ROD of seven parts then reopen the transmute.
Same thought for the green Elemental command ring.
Last edit: by Mongo64.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #43

  • Reap
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Mongo wrote: +1 to bowl of spirit sight!!!

Pretty please! These have been nearly impossible to find for several years now.
Classes Played: Barbarian (65 times), Monk (56), Ranger (33), Rogue (25), Cleric (21), Fighter (13), Druid (12), Paladin (11), Dwarf Fighter (10), Bard (7), Elf Wizard (2), Wizard (2)
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #44

Mongo64 wrote: Charm of Enlightenment.
Figurine of power CAT.
Gloves of deflection.
Gold, Silver, Platinum nuggets,,,, especially silver.

What would be even better for all players, especially the newer ones: reprint (ok, one a year maybe), all of the ROD of seven parts then reopen the transmute.
Same thought for the green Elemental command ring.

Charm of Enlightenment Might need to be a UR if reprinted.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #45

  • Ramsildor
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I would love a revisit of the Mithril, Celestial and Might Sets to give them some new life by expanding them. I would like to see the +2 Rod of Persuasion back for those of us who were never good at Operation.
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Last edit: by Ramsildor.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #46

Endgame wrote:

Jason Robb wrote:

Iross wrote:

Wayne Rhodes wrote: If you’re going to reprint +2 Assassin's Crossbow please don’t nerf it.

Agree, I can't see any reason for why the crossbow would need to be nerfed. In lower rarity builds it doesn't do much at all, and in higher rarity builds it deals a lot of damage on your first two attacks of a room if you slide a 17+. There are other classes which can deal a lot of damage more every turn without relying on two specific turns and sliding a 17+ (which on another note is a lot less likely in VTD than in person).

Well said, I couldn't agree more with this.

If combat only goes 2 rounds, then 100% of rogue attacks are sneak attacks. If it goes 3 rounds (likely the most common number), then with the legendary 66% of the attacks are sneak attacks. If crits are consistent, and combats go only 2 rounds, the crossbow puts the Rogue in the top 3 for damage. Should Rogue be a top 3 damage dealer, given it's identity isn't tied to combat as much as it is for many other classes?

I wouldn't mind seeing +2 Assassin's Crossbow, but it needs to be nerfed. the x3 only on natural 20 is a good idea as someone else mentioned.

I find it ridiculous how UR's like +2 Assassin's Crossbow and +2 Nightshade weapons have better abilities than a legendary weapon (aka Asher's Viper Strike Fang). Granted the Asher has the same ability as Nightshade "IF" you are wearing specific gear, but the Nightshade...an UR...ignores those restrictions.

It's one of the reasons I never bothered to get the Asher's weapon. Even if I pulled it from a treasure box I would still rather use my Nightshade weapon.

I think there are a number of legendary weapons that could use a reprint with adjustments made to them. Or, short of a Legendary reprint a new version with the ability fixes that current owners can easily upgrade sort of like the said mentioned...UBER Charm of Avarice.
Last edit: by Krym.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #47

Iross wrote: 3 rounds seems like a reasonable benchmark, but when you say Rogue are in the top 3, which classes are you placing below them out of Monk, Ranger and Barbarian? This also assumes that Rogues will always slide a crit, which is very much not the case in VTD and sometimes not the case in physical runs due to missing, being bumped off a number, etc - the other classes simply need to slide a hit, which is much more consistent.

I'm also very curious what the damage output rankings are like. I play a Barbarian with a few legendaries, and the Monks I run with are usually doing more damage with each hand, with a higher chance of crit and a chance for stun. So, the Monk is doing more than DOUBLE the damage of the Barbarian on nearly every round of nearly every combat. I can't see how that's not broken.
Last edit: by Jason Brown.
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Reprint requests of any rarity for 2024 2 years 1 week ago #48

Krym wrote:

Endgame wrote:

Jason Robb wrote:

Iross wrote:

Wayne Rhodes wrote: If you’re going to reprint +2 Assassin's Crossbow please don’t nerf it.

Agree, I can't see any reason for why the crossbow would need to be nerfed. In lower rarity builds it doesn't do much at all, and in higher rarity builds it deals a lot of damage on your first two attacks of a room if you slide a 17+. There are other classes which can deal a lot of damage more every turn without relying on two specific turns and sliding a 17+ (which on another note is a lot less likely in VTD than in person).

Well said, I couldn't agree more with this.

If combat only goes 2 rounds, then 100% of rogue attacks are sneak attacks. If it goes 3 rounds (likely the most common number), then with the legendary 66% of the attacks are sneak attacks. If crits are consistent, and combats go only 2 rounds, the crossbow puts the Rogue in the top 3 for damage. Should Rogue be a top 3 damage dealer, given it's identity isn't tied to combat as much as it is for many other classes?

I wouldn't mind seeing +2 Assassin's Crossbow, but it needs to be nerfed. the x3 only on natural 20 is a good idea as someone else mentioned.

I find it ridiculous how UR's like +2 Assassin's Crossbow and +2 Nightshade weapons have better abilities than a legendary weapon (aka Asher's Viper Strike Fang). Granted the Asher has the same ability as Nightshade "IF" you are wearing specific gear, but the Nightshade...an UR...ignores those restrictions.

It's one of the reasons I never bothered to get the Asher's weapon. Even if I pulled it from a treasure box I would still rather use my Nightshade weapon.

I think there are a number of legendary weapons that could use a reprint with adjustments made to them. Or, short of a Legendary reprint a new version with the ability fixes that current owners can easily upgrade sort of like the said mentioned...UBER Charm of Avarice.

What makes the +2 Assassin's Crossbow good is Raphiel’s Sneaky Necklace. But make no mistake a rouge player is making a heavy investment in range to get this bonus and will have a much lower melee. I picked up Raphiel’s and the crossbow because of how good they are together, also if you nerf the crossbow then Nightshade’s will be next in the crosshairs. Nightshades throwing dagger is better until you commit to the crossbow on damage bonus.

Currently nightshades if your damage bonus is below 20 and your 5th level is the better weapon because nightshades doubles sneak attack damage on a crit and the crossbow only adds the sneak after the weapon and damage bonus are tripled.
If you get rid of the extended crit range on the crossbow then the dagger is just better because it will crit at a much higher rate.

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