Most multi-year tokens are a combination or middle ground of their constituent parts; for example, the Arcanum Shirt is +2 STR, DEX, CON, Focus while each individual items is +3 to one of those with some drawback. If the constituent parts of the Arcanum Greaves will be -2 elemental, -2 Melee, -2 Missile, -2 Spell, then just -2 to all damage types is reasonably strong; no need to bump it up to -3. For a recent example of how strong it can be, consider VTD 2022 Wonder effect: -4 from all non-Fire damage was insanely powerful, even for a ring/neck slot, and the proposed Arcanum Greaves would be almost the same power for a slot with much fewer competitive options.
That said, there's a critical flaw in the proposed path:
Stalker’s Greaves
, a Treasure Box rare, currently grants -2 Spell damage in the same slot. A UR that does the same thing will likely not be well received!
Maybe instead, we can have -2 elemental, -2 Melee, -2 Ranged, and +5 Retribution, which combine into a single token that grants -2 to all damage and +5 Retribution? Retribution is a defensive ability (kinda) so fits the theme of the slot. Kvothe's Bloodless is -4 Ranged as a slotless; and while we have a belt and cloak that grants +10 retribution, both those slots are more powerful than the greaves slot. Consider that the back slot has a
, so -2 Melee and Ranged (but not elemental) is worth 10 retribution!
Given that a 2023 token is retroactively being declared part of a multi-year transmute, is there concern budget spenders may need to spend more than anticipated to stay current with multi-year UR transmutes? Should the Greaves of Absorption be considered for reprint in 2027 (with both the 2023 and 2027 versions equally eligible for transmuting into Arcanum Greaves) with no new multi-year token printed that year?
Cleric main / Druid secondary