Mike's suggestion on limiting Monk and Ranger damage via off-hand is a good one. One option would be for the off-hand to just be weapon damage only.
Re: #1: This works in 5e D&D but only because there are fewer ways to increase range damage than melee damage. In TD, there are similar ways to increase both sets of damage. One possible fix is to make Dex damage 1/2 of the to-hit bonus and have ranged damage bonuses be less frequent (caster still getting focus bonuses.)
#2 and #3 Agree - this should work - especially with the limited number of tokens enhancing these stats currently available. It will create a desire for players to get additional tokens boosting these stats.
#4 - Several thoughts:
I am ok with this but recommend looking at Ashenne's interactions as part of the changes (ie avoiding conflicts between Mage amulet abilities and the new class cards.) For example, having elf wizards have similar damage as they do now but crit on 19-20 and 18-20 using Sharpen or the ring of wizardry would create interesting "spiky" damage opportunities.
Another consideration is multi-casting by elf wizards. It is pretty common at NM+ difficulty for both types of wizards to cast multiple spells the first couple rounds of combat. If the elf wizard is sliding, in-person would need a second (or third sometimes) puck for them and the apps would need similar updates for VTD. Although limiting, one possible solution would be to have 1 spell at each spell level that is a non-sliding spell then indicate any second spell casting by the elf wizard must be a non-sliding spell. That would make life a lot simpler in this scenario.
The wizard spells would need some love to keep elf wizard from being the only wizard people pick.
As an aside, I am ok with the alertness spell going away and NPC initiatives being adjusted. It's something of an automatic on NM+ difficulty.
#5 - I recommend giving Paladins the same CHR bonus but for to hit and damage on weapon attacks. This would be a sizable boost for them. I'm not sure bardsong needs bonuses beyond where it is now - the current ones are pretty huge.
#6 and 7 sound fine but chr makes more sense as a paladin's primary stat. Old school paladins needed a 17 chr to qualify and not a very high wisdom score. All versions since 2nd edition have keyed off chr for paladins - players may be more used to seeing that. Maybe instead of more healing via lay on hands, use a 5e mechanic of smiting. Let the paladin dump lay on hands points or trade out spells for more damage (ie I add 10 damage to this attack from my lay on hands (likely renamed - maybe "holy knight") pool.
#8 - Wherever you go with druid, please give those with Iktomi's the ability to fully utilize it - it was one of the class legendaries that didn't shine as much as wizard, monk, fighter, and cleric.
I assume changes in powers and spells will be in a different post. When you get there, please consider making level 4 vs level 5 substantially different. Level 4 is normal difficulty entry-level players (for the most part) - the spells, abilities, etc don't scale well into level 5 (spell saving throw levels, stat boosting spells, etc don't apply equally at level 5.)
Lastly, it makes sense to have a discussion thread on the prestige class cards to make sure they are updated in line with the primary class cards.
Thank you for getting player feedback - how engaged you are with the community means a lot to us.