+2 rod of focus
Damage wheel seems 1 too high for a +2 weapon. Should probably be 3-4-5-6-7-8
Bead bracelets:
Should probably only be 1 bead, for the same reasons as discussed last round at neck. As far as attributes and abilities go, beads outpace charms (see +6 attribute beads, or Bead of Celecia in this set).
Charm of Pointed Taunts
Name is better, but maybe something like Charm of Mockery?
In any case, I'm not sure I'd equip a single round +3 over a +2 damage charm or a +2 strength charm.
Charm of the Hedgehog
10 ret at max is the same as a belt or cloak slot (even if it takes a full party). 4/6/8 might be a better layout and is closer to maintaining what retribution rare charms have.
Death Knight Helm
Lots said on this one so far. I like it as it is and love the art.
Earcuff of the Cabal
adding both scrolls and mystic staves on this is interesting. I'd probably leave off the healing bonus to keep everything centered on damage, though.
Holy Symbol of Selenwa
I still don't love this one for trying to do too much at once - I'd really vote for either just doubling turn undead, or triggering a full party heal X points 1/game (at whatever value seems appropriate - maybe 10 like divine intervention?).
Nightshades Grim Gloves
Needs clarity that 19-20 is a crit, as others have mentioned
Picc's Grindstone
Love it - though I'm not sure we should be allowed to equip 3 of them with runestone bases. Maybe runestone bases shouldn't allow duplicate UR runestones, or we should put that ability on a relic runestone base?
Also, the sections in parentheses might be better stated as:
(Reusable Runestone)
Shield of Guarding
Vastly prefer the prior version that allows guard to work on missile attacks. 1/game on the shield isn't enough that I'd consider using it over redoubt shield (ac, str, hp), lucky shield (saves, hp), dk shield (offense), thors mug (even more offense) etc.
In any case, should probably drop Bard and Druid
Thor's Mug of Melee
I still don't love drinkware being the #1 thing to equip in melee offhand, especially on the heels of the Death Knight Shield. How did drinking potions as an instant action work out for a wonder effect? Perhaps this could be +2 or +3 melee damage (rare brawler's mug) and 1/game drink a potion as an instant action?