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TOPIC: Fantasy Football 2023

Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 3 months ago #73

Injuries and bad luck probably means I’m out of the running of any PYPs more than likely but I’d personally just do 3 Beads and 2 greaves. Not really anything else I’d want this year so I’d just get the popular ones to trade.

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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 3 months ago #74

My vote would be 2 beads, 2 older greaves. 1 newer.
The older ones are in a bit of demand, as people didn't preorder them last year.
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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 3 months ago #75

Wade Schwendemann (Dr. Uid) wrote: My vote would be 2 beads, 2 older greaves. 1 newer.
The older ones are in a bit of demand, as people didn't preorder them last year.

This sounds like a good mix. I'll second what Wade suggested.
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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 3 months ago #76

DrStupid (Greg) wrote:

Wade Schwendemann (Dr. Uid) wrote: My vote would be 2 beads, 2 older greaves. 1 newer.
The older ones are in a bit of demand, as people didn't preorder them last year.

This sounds like a good mix. I'll second what Wade suggested.

+1 to this

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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 2 months ago #77

I am fine with whatever, I am in last place and am unlikely to get out of the basement

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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 2 months ago #78

2/3 of the league has responded. I'm good with the majority as I am unlikely to be in the running for a purple this year as well. So far the double beads, double older greaves, and one new greaves is winning the race. We should be good for at least 2 more URs for some random options. I'll wait a few more days and plan to order after Thanksgiving to let anyone else chime in if they want.

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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 2 months ago #79

I'm ordering the tokens tomorrow. Last chance to vote for the PYPs.

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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 2 months ago #80

Coming into the final week of the regular season the Division winners are set. Purdy Looking Team has been standout all season and regardless of todays outcome sits as the #1 seed with a first round bye next week. Although the division winners are set in stone the 2nd and 3rd seed could flip and the other 3 playoff spots are still up for grabs by all but the bottom two teams. Dresden's Wizards and Speedster will need a lot of help with outcome and scoring, but aren't mathematically eliminated. 7-7 is looking like the record you need for a sure fire playoff spot.

The token pre-order arrived. No bonus luck for extra goodies beyond the expected 1 UR from the 1K bundle. We added a Kilt of Divine Healing to the prize pool. Makes the total goodies as follows:

(2) Beads of Bounty
(2) Greaves of Resorption
(1) Greaves of the Stalwart
(1) Kilt of Divine Healing
(1) Ring of the 3rd Circle

GL to everyone with a shot for the playoffs this week. I've got the weekly winners updated through week 13 on Yahoo in the commish notes. Purdy Looking Team crushing that too.

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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 2 months ago #81

Jeff wrote: Coming into the final week of the regular season the Division winners are set. Purdy Looking Team has been standout all season and regardless of todays outcome sits as the #1 seed with a first round bye next week. Although the division winners are set in stone the 2nd and 3rd seed could flip and the other 3 playoff spots are still up for grabs by all but the bottom two teams. Dresden's Wizards and Speedster will need a lot of help with outcome and scoring, but aren't mathematically eliminated. 7-7 is looking like the record you need for a sure fire playoff spot.

The token pre-order arrived. No bonus luck for extra goodies beyond the expected 1 UR from the 1K bundle. We added a Kilt of Divine Healing to the prize pool. Makes the total goodies as follows:

(2) Beads of Bounty
(2) Greaves of Resorption
(1) Greaves of the Stalwart
(1) Kilt of Divine Healing
(1) Ring of the 3rd Circle

GL to everyone with a shot for the playoffs this week. I've got the weekly winners updated through week 13 on Yahoo in the commish notes. Purdy Looking Team crushing that too.

Had good luck the 2nd half of the season (that and Bogwood not always staying 1 win and 20 pts ahead of me.) My playoff luck for fantasy closely resembles that of the Bills so its still anyone’s to win.
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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 1 month ago #82

I've updated the final weekly high score on Yahoo and Fred takes another one down to end the regular season. Great job to everyone who made the playoffs. Here are the known winnings thus far:

Weekly wins:
Purdy Lookin Team: 5
Tano's Tumblers: 2
Cleveland Browncoats: 2 (with a combined margin of victory of 0.46 pts)
Fantasy Fields: 1
Dark Forest Druids: 1
Bogwood Beats: 1
Scrael Bait: 1
Football Totems: 1

Total Points Champ: Purdy Looking Team by a healthy margin with 1780.04 pts. Second was Bogwood Beats with 1660.36 pts.
Division Winners: Purdy Lookin Team, Dark Forest Druids, Cleveland Browncoats

For those of us in the Toilet Bowl remember it's a point for total points leader at the end of the toilet bowl bracket, not the winner of the toilet bowl.

With all the remaining tokens I'll divide up the rares and uncommons evenly. I'll put the trade tokens, GP items, Averons Cherry Ale, and treasure draw tokens together and split those among the weekly winners. If I'm missing something let me know. Otherwise GL in your FF playoffs.

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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 1 month ago #83

Question - with only 6 UR's and the Ring - what is the Toilet Bowl playing for? Since we didn't get an 8th UR+ and they don't have the modules any longer?

Maybe the Adventurer's Guild badge and/or Treasure Draws?

Or am I off on my point count?
SB winner gets 2 pts, SB loser gets 1 pt, Most pts gets 1 pt, then the 3 Div Winners get 1 pt. That takes all 7 items.

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Fantasy Football 2023 1 year 1 month ago #84

Cary your math is correct. I hadn't thought about the loss of the modules. No AG badge as we didn't get a 2K grip of tokens. We have (2) 3x treasure draw, (1) 1x treasure draw tokens and (5) Averon's Cherry Wine. Does anyone have strong feelings about how this should go? I think setting aside the treasure draws for the toilet bowl winner seems like a reasonable option. I wouldn't be against the treasure draws and a cherry wine either.

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